DJ Highlights

Local Beat Preview: 1/22/10

Due to N.C. State women’s basketball we have another abbreviated Local Beat tonight starting at 5 p.m. and ending at 6 p.m.  Local favorites The Old Ceremony will be coming on for the first hour of the show to chat about their concert tonight at the Pour House as they are playing alongside Floating Action.  Tickets are $8 and the doors open at 8 p.m., music starts around 9:30 or 10 p.m.  It has been a while since TOC has been on the Local Beat, and I am expecting tonight’s interview to be a lot of fun.

Also, don’t forget to keep listening to WKNC for Wolfpack women’s basketball tonight directly after the Local Beat at 6:00 p.m.  The team is 11-7 overall and 1-2 in conference play and are playing Wake Forest at Reynolds Coliseum.   Click here for the game preview.

Floating Action
Band/Artist Profile

Double Barrel Benefit 7 presents: Bellafea

One of the first local bands I was ever introduced to and also one of the most influential in our area, Bellafea has been gradually building quite a following since their first split 7" with Des Ark back in 2005.

Though often overlooked by local indie pop groups with a more comfortable sound, once you see this threesome live you will forever be forced to compare every live show to the raw energy, hardcore attitude, and head-bobbing punch you in the mouth feel that they electrify your ears with.  No North Carolina band rocks harder, plays louder, and gets in your face as Bellafea does.

It is strange that such force comes from such a petite lady.  You might have seen Heather McEntire playing solo from time to time sitting in a chair strumming her acoustic without a microphone or amplifier, her voice barely breaking a whisper as she is surrounded by an attentive audience, entranced by her angelic voice.  Perhaps you have heard her from her side projects Un Deux Trois or Mount Moriah as the sweet sounding front lady of the two soft folky pop groups that has everyone’s ears buzzing.

Band website builder

But with Bellafea the shy placid persona falls off her and is replaced by an alter-ego of sorts, a powerful and inflamed diva whose personal demons come out in the form of a woman possessed, obliterating her guitar while bursting into her lyrics with a post hardcore attitude.  Along side Heather is Eddie Sanchez (also in Fin Fang Foom and Death Came Down the Mountain) whose blistering and electrifying bass playing ignites the crowd.   Always jumping, banging, and seemingly tearing his bass apart, he is the fire that ignites the group and transcends them into the local punk gods that they are.  Add on to that Nathan Buchanan’s crushing drums and pounding beats and you have a remarkable live act that sends your mind into a whirlwind of loud music madness that is sure to get your head rocking and your feet moving.  They are not a band you want to miss live.

Bellafea will take the stage for night one of Double Barrel Benefit 7 on Friday, February 5 at The Pour House along with The Light Pines, Veelee,, and Max Indian.

For the complete Double Barrel schedule and ticket information, click here.

Band/Artist Profile

Double Barrel Benefit 7 presents: The Light Pines

Go ahead and set every clock in arm’s reach thirteen minutes fast.  This is the necessary preparation for the first night of Double Barrel Benefit 7.  Thirteen minutes will allot for an extra two minutes to get out the door, seven minutes to figure out that the best parking place is in the City of Raleigh parking deck on Wilmington Street, and four minutes to grab a sweet spot for the first band –Chapel Hill’s The Light Pines.  The six-piece will kick off Friday night at The Pour House and will serve both as  the opening band of the night and the first performance of the two day mini-mecca of local music.  It could, perhaps, be thought of as intimidating, being first in two senses, rather though, it should be deemed cherished.  Especially after last year’s opening act, Lonnie Walker, took the opportunity to ramp their buzz in the following year and create quite a stir in the local music scene.

The Light Pines is a band of familiar faces.  It is the project of the bassist for The Love Language, Josh Pope.  The members have shifted since its incarnation over two years ago, but the current line-up is an assembly of long time locals, including Love Language members Kate Thompson on keyboard and vocals and Tom Simpson on drums, as well as three members from Max Indian: Carter Gaj on guitar and vocals, James Wallace on keyboard and vocals, and Ryan Gustafson on guitar and vocals.

The 24-track EP that was recorded in rehearsal spaces, bedrooms and living rooms across Raleigh was made available eight months ago (no official release yet).  It has started to circulate and create quite a stir, including earning them a spot at MusicFest NW in Portland, Oregon in which the band received an instant label offer post-performance. However, DBB wil be the band’s first Raleigh performance, and one of the very limited Triangle performances to date so far.  This is a video from a December performance at Chapel Hill’s Local 506.

The sound that The Light Pines creates is built on a foundation of lo-fi pop but it flares into realms of mysticism and fantasy that at times can feel eerie.  The collection of songs is like a maze of mirrors that serves as the entrance to a grand party hosted by Jay Gatsby.  In order to attend the party the guest must wind their way through the complex pathways of of twisted, tilted, and manipulated mirrors all while listening to infectious, slightly fuzzy, and undeniably catchy music.  Pope explained that the inspiration for the sound of The Light Pines came from the adolescent excitement of perhaps the best holiday of the year, Halloween,

“Do you remember what it was like being 8-years-old on Halloween?  Before you came to appreciate it is as an adult?  On that day, as a kid, there is so much excitement and mystery and this overall darkness to everything.  That’s what I want it to feel like when listening to the Light Pines,” Pope said.

Keep an ear to The Light Pines.  With The Love Language wrapping up recording at Flying Tiger Sound in the next month and half, The Light Pines are planning on recording for an official release and ramping up their show dates in the months to come in 2010.  Who knows, maybe the Triangle will see the best Halloween party to date, hosted by The Light Pines.

The Light Pines will take the stage for night one of Double Barrel Benefit 7 on Friday, February 5 at The Pour House followed by Veelee, Bellafea, and Max Indian.

For the complete Double Barrel schedule and ticket information, click here.

Music News and Interviews

Local concerts for Haiti

It seems people in all walks of life are doing what they can to help the devastated nation of Haiti.  This includes some local bands and venues that are putting on some benefit concerts.

At the Cats Cradle on January 23 will be an interesting show with two new bands Kick the Future (Debra DeMilo, Terry Anderson, Jack Cornell and Terry McInturff) & The Bipolar Bears (Robert Kirkland, Scott Davison, Terry McInturff and Ron Bartholomew) as well as HWYL, Kitty Box and the Johnnys, Charles Pettee, Puritan Rodeo, The New Town Drunks, and The Moaners.  The show starts at 6 p.m. and costs $10.

At the Pour House on February 4, there will be an additional benefit show, this one starting at 6:40 p.m.  A Rooster For the Masses will headline alongside Chatham County Line, Filthybird, The Hotwires, Roger Gupton, Debonzo Brothers, and Andy Bilinski.  This show is $12.

Band/Artist Profile

Double Barrel Benefit 7 presents: Max Indian

If you were to categorize bands based on how long they’ve been around, Max Indian would be a toddler, I guess.  To continue the metaphor, they would be a toddler who paints excellent watercolors, reads Machiavelli, and tutors eighth graders on the weekends.

The band’s sole release, “You Can Go Anywhere You Can Do Anything,” dropped in December of 2008 , and everyone who has had the good fortune of hearing it has been pining for more ever since.

After releasing the record – themselves,  mind you – the band beat a path around the triangle that included a live performance on The State of Things, a headlining night  during the Troika Music Festival , a headlining night at N.C .State’s Fridays on the Lawn Concert Series, and a number of  live shows that left a trail of satisfied and eager fans in its wake.

Solicit the opinion of anyone who has seen Max Indian, heard one of their songs, or even heard someone else talk about them, and the response is always the same. These exceedingly catchy, down to earth, warm, and rusty compositions will work their way into your inner ear, buy a nice piece of land,  and set up shop.  Don’t worry, though. The freshness doesn’t wear off, the melodies are top notch, and the lyrics will stick.

Max Indian will take the stage for night one of Double Barrel Benefit 7 on Friday, February 5 at The Pour House following The Light Pines,Veelee, and Bellafea. Say WHAT? If you miss this, well, I guess you think you have a good reason, but I would seriously question your priorities my friends.

For the complete Double Barrel schedule and ticket information, click here.

Band/Artist Profile

Double Barrel Benefit 7 presents: Roman Candle

Back in 2006, Roman Candle’s release of The Wee Hours Revue impressed listeners everywhere with the excellent songwriting and catchy pop-rock present in the album. It was a personal favorite in high school and everyone who received the album from me became an immediate fan. Pitchfork gave it a 7.6 out of 10 and Paste Magazine a 4.5 out of 5. Since then, Roman Candle fans everywhere have anticipated the release of a new album to love. Enter Oh Tall Tree In The Ear, the long awaited 2009 LP.

This most recent album is everything that listeners have been craving, a “modern rock masterpiece” as told by Paste Magazine. “Oh Tall Tree In The Ear” is a breath of fresh air; it’s catchy, foot tappin’ music that’s good to its core. Don’t believe me? Just take a look at the reviews the album has gotten. Pop Matters has given Roman Candle’s newest effort a 9 out of 10 and Daytrotter describes the music as “tearing us out of the present, despite such modern feels and scents,” and I tend to agree. Listening to “Oh Tall Tree In The Ear” is an experience, a period of time where the listener can get away from their hectic life and escape, escape to the world of Skip Matheny’s vocals and Roman Candle’s melodies.

We at WKNC are very excited about having Roman Candle back in the Triangle to play in the Double Barrel Benefit 7. You may recognize Roman Candle if you went to the N.C. State Pack Howl homecoming concert in September 2009.  The band will take the stage at The Pour House on Saturday, February 6 as the headliner of night two of the benefit. Bands The Tender Fruit, Midtown Dickens and Spider Bags will kick off the night.

For the complete Double Barrel schedule and ticket information, click here.

Local Music

WKNC debuts exclusive singles from Annuals, Gray Young

Tune in Thursday, January 28, to  WKNC 88.1 FM for the debut of a brand new Annuals’ single, “Loxtep.” The track comes from their up-coming EP, “Sweet Sister,” due for release March 30 on Banter Records. Also, WKNC will be debuting Gray Young’s up-coming single, “Meridian.”

Tune in for the Local Lunch at noon with Tommyboy on WKNC 88.1 or stream online at next Thursday to hear these exclusive tracks. Annuals and Gray Young are releasing these songs to promote their concert on February 19 at The Pour House Music Hall featuring both bands, along with Bright Young Things. Additionally, WKNC will be giving away two pairs of tickets to the show during the broadcast.  We are excited to have the opportunity to debut these tracks only to WKNC’s listeners during next Thursday’s Local Lunch.

Non-Music News

EOT16 New Year, New Chancellor 1/11/10

This week’s show was our first show back of the semester! We talked about everything, from what happened during break like the election of a new chancellor and the new smoking ban, to what lies ahead like a new football lineup and upcoming arts exhibitions.

News anchor Evan Garris are back in action, with the latest headline news. He gave listeners a run-down of news on the newly-elected chancellor of N.C. State, as well as stories listeners may have missed over break such as the Senate version of the Health Care bill, the attempted bombing of a flight on Christmas Day to Detroit, rise in unemployment in the month of December, and former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin joining the Fox News team, among others.

Correspondent Tyler Everett gave listeners a review and analysis of how the basketball team performed during winter break, the changes the football team will inevitably see next season, such as dealing with the loss of Toney Baker who made a decision to try out for NFL draft and not use his sixth year of eligibility, and more. Make sure to check it out if you missed it.

Purdue University’s Randy Woodson will take over the role of NCSU chancellor from James Woodward by May 1, 2010. Photo Courtesy The Exponent.

A couple of days after the Board of Governors announced Randy Woodson, former provost at Purdue University, as the 14th chancellor of N.C State, Correspondent Caitlin Cauley (who graciously took over the interview for me when I got sick…sorry you had to bear with my cold-ridden voice throughout the rest of the show), interviewed James Woodward, N.C. State chancellor on an interim basis, who served after the resignation of former chancellor James Oblinger. Woodward discussed what it was like taking over in the midst of the scandal surrounding the University, the work he has done while chancellor and the work that lays ahead for the new chancellor, who is scheduled to begin his new post no later than May 1.

I talked to DJ Emcee Luck about the Jan. 8 concert at the Pour House, featuring Megafaun, Lonnie Walker and The Rosebuds. She gave us a review of the band’s performances and collaboration at the event. If you missed the sold out show or just want to hear clips from these bands, check out the podcast.

Correspondent Jacob Downey (who also saved me this week!) talked to Zoe Starling, curator of education for the Gregg Museum, about the museum’s upcoming spring exhibitions with wood artist Dale Nish and weaver Lia Cook , student involvement in the museum and more. The museum will have an opening reception for both its shows Feb. 4 at 6 p.m. To hear more about the museum, check out this week’s Community Canvas.


Jacob also sat down with Jack Zapple and Addison Hardy, two students who along with another two students, form Harmonist, Inc., a company that “incorporates technology into every day life.” Zapple and Hardy talked to EOT about their apps and what they hope to develop.


To wrap up the episode, Correspondent Matt Moore spoke to customers and owners/managers at Cup A Joe on Hillsborough Street and Sammy’s Tap and Grill on Avent Ferry Road about the new smoking ban that took affect this week and how it has impacted business.

We have a lot of great things coming up for the second half of the year, so make sure to check back to the blog often, as well as of course, which will be receiving a pretty massive overhaul in the next couple of weeks. Make sure to keep nominating for Wolfpacker of the Week, and send us your thoughts and suggestions for the show to

Listen to episode 16.

Music News and Interviews

Jay Reatard R.I.P.

Memphis garage rocker Jay Reatard passed away in his sleep early Wednesday morning. Reatard, known to friends and family as Jimmy Lee Lindsey Jr., was the man behind such garage-pop classics as Blood Visions and this past year’s Watch Me Fall. Currently, there is no report on the cause of death. He was 29 years old.

Music News and Interviews

Music blog posts My Morning Jacket covers archive

Music blog You Ain’t No Picasso recently posted an archive of more than 50 covers the band My Morning Jacket has performed live. They run the gamut from people you’d think My Morning Jacket would cover (The Band, The Rolling Stones) to hair metal (Motley Crue, Poison) to funk (Parliament, James Brown) and beyond.