Miscellaneous Music Education Non-Music News

Shaken Nerves and Rattled Brains – “Jerry Lee Lewis: Trouble in Mind”

Every rockstar has their peccadillos and predilections, but very few have eclipsed the trouble conjured by Jerry Lee Lewis.

From drunken rages, pill-induced furies, mysterious deaths and all around rambunctious activity — Jerry Lee Lewis was a man possessed — in every sense of the word.

Released in 2022, “Jerry Lee Lewis: Trouble in Mind” presents Ethan Coen’s attempt at reconciling the man’s frankly tricky legacy with his indelible, foundational rock and roll.

A scant 73-minutes long, the documentary is entirely comprised of archival material: television footage, photographs and recordings all championing the wild man of rock. In other words, it’s one hell of a highlight reel.

Beyond the obligatory 70s Johnny Carson appearances, Coen keeps the private and intimate life of the Lewis house just that — private.

There’s no mass-reckoning with the man behind the piano and there’s no unmasking of “Killer” — it’s a portrait of Jerry Lee Lewis as the piano shaking, party making pioneer — no more and no less.

Honestly, I expected more from Coen on his solo debut, a tricky story told by a filmmaker who seems to revel in the trick.

The juxtaposition between the sane and insane — or rather, the insane and mundane — that makes the Coen Brothers’ films so enticing is noticeably absent in this first-person portrayal of Lewis’ meteoric rise, fall and unlikely return from the ashes time and time again.

If anything, Coen seems to pull his punches towards Lewis, falling back on the routine excuse: “It was a different time.”

In conversation surrounding the scandalous marriage to 13-year-old cousin Myra Brown, Coen and his team seemingly absolve Lewis of fault.

By the age of 22, Lewis had already been married twice, the first of which happening just after his sixteenth birthday.

While there’s no blanket statement absolving Lewis of his sins, the inclusion of the factoid is eyebrow-raising in comparison to his child bride.

Similarly, his notorious temper is treated with similar grace; a violent feud with Elvis boils down to nothing more than career misgivings and undo praise no different than Little Richard and James Brown with no mention of Lewis’ drunken threat to shoot Presley while on a visit to Graceland.

Similarly, one of the many incidents of gun violence against his band members is only mentioned in a brief talk show appearance and largely written off as just another legendary quirk.

For a man of such scandalous, tabloid-type character, Coen seems to skirt much of it for reason’s I’m not quite sure of.

It’s a good film and a highly entertaining watch, but that’s where the buck stops with “Jerry Lee Lewis: Trouble in Mind.”

Coen isn’t trying to reinvent the wheel or run a mass expose on Lewis; he’s simply spotlighting the tour-de-force of the pioneering rocker.

For fans willing to brush aside their personal quibbles and those who are new to the spectacle of Jerry Lee Lewis, Coen’s documentary is a wonderful, cursory glance at the life of a legend.

– Bodhi

Non-Music News

A March for Gaza in the Heart of D.C.

On Jan. 13, 2023, crowds from different parts of the world gathered in the heart of Washington D.C. to showcase solidarity with Gaza. The Oct. 7 attacks on Israel by Hamas triggered a war that has spanned for over 100 days, where more than 20,000 Palestinians are estimated to have perished. The crowds in
Washington D.C. demanded an immediate ceasefire and for the Biden administration to take robust action in pressuring the Israeli government to stop its military operations.

Photo by Abdalla Najjar

The march was attended by several influential figures who have delivered a few key remarks. Cornell West, an independent presidential candidate, called for the necessity of Palestinian freedom. “You won’t have Jewish safety or Jewish security if you didn’t have Palestinian Safety and Palestinian security”, West said. He also emphasized that “Nobody is calling for the annihilation of Jewish brothers and sisters”.

Photo by Abdalla Najjar

In addition to West, Josh Paul, a former director at the U.S. Department of State, delivered an address. Paul recently resigned from his position, citing the American support for the Israeli response to the Oct. 7 attacks as one of the reasons. During his speech, Paul highlighted that the participants of the march and himself “will not stay silent about the atrocities that are continuing in Gaza”.

The participants of the march felt the necessity to voice their concern for the Gazans who have to endure the current war. Some of the participants were from North Carolina and shared their thoughts on why they attended this march. Ben Bienvenu, a Raleigh resident who recently moved from New York City, attended the March with his wife Shanie. Ben mentioned that he “attended the march at the invitation of some colleagues at NY who serve as campus ministers across the USA”. Ben reported that he wanted to “live out faith actively and march to pray and redress [the US government] to account for financing [the Israeli] campaign”.

Photo by Abdalla Najjar

This march comes at a critical time when the ongoing Russia Ukraine war, combined with the Israeli-Palestinian situation, is presenting many challenges for the current US administration. With the elections coming up, one could only wonder how the Administration’s responses could affect the voting turnout for the next cycle. It has been speculated that the Biden administration’s response to the Palestinian situation will alienate a large demographic that has voted for him in the last elections. It is difficult to tell if these marches will pressure the US government to take action in calling for a ceasefire, but it would only be a matter of time before it becomes clearer.

-Abdalla Najjar

Non-Music News

WKNC off the air this weekend

As part of NC State’s Power Forward initiative to upgrade the campus electrical grid, Witherspoon Student Center will be without power the weekend of June 17-18.

As the radio station is housed in Witherspoon, WKNC HD-1, HD-2 and HD-3 Wolfytes Radio will go off the air and off webstream starting at 8 p.m. on Friday, June 16. Power will begin being restored at 8 a.m. on Monday, June 19.

Without WKNC music to keep you company, we strongly recommend checking out our podcasts and YouTube channel.

In the event of rain, the outage will be rescheduled for June 23-24.

Non-Music News

New Podcast Highlight: “WKNC’s Brain Trust”

Each new year at WKNC invites a new arrival of content.

This year, student and content creator, Lucas Marsh, joined the team and has created a new podcast– “WKNC’s Brain Trust”– a podcast that focuses on having introspective and thought provoking discussions with guests from across NC state.

To welcome his new project, I set up an interview with Lucas. Together we explored some of his motivations for creating the podcast and the knowledge he has gained along the way.

Below are some of the highlights from our discussion.

To start off, what is your name, year,  major and where are you from? 

My name is Lucas Marsh. I’m a freshman of class 2026, and I’m majoring in aerospace engineering and I’m from Long Island, New York.

What roles do you fulfill at WKNC? How long have you been involved with WKNC?

I’m a content creator at WKNC. I started not exactly at the beginning of the semester, but the first few weeks. I technically started as a content creator October 10th. 

What motivated you to join WKNC? What inspired you to be a content creator?

I have some broadcasting experience because I did a broadcasting class my senior year in high school. I really enjoyed it. I would do the morning announcements and do other projects in the class like that.

Originally I was like, “Oh, I’ll try to be a DJ”, but to put it simply, I don’t have the music taste that they’re looking for, but I wanted to be involved in WKNC even though I couldn’t be a DJ. So I asked them, “What else can I do?”

I was looking at all the other options I don’t know, like Blogs, interviews and videos; that doesn’t really seem too exciting to me, but the podcasts… that sounds like a lot of fun. So I applied and they hired me.

What inspired you to create “WKNC’s Brain Trust”? 

My inspiration for this podcast came from a conversation I had with my roommate about nostalgia. It was like eleven thirty at night, and  we sat and had a long conversation, and at the end of it I was like, “Wow, we’re capable of intellectual discussion”. And since I had the opportunity to be a content creator I thought that is exactly how it’s done, but recorded. 

I’m not the most serious person, which is why at first I was kind of shocked that we had such a solid conversation on something that deep. I wanted to do it again, but record it this time.

So for the first episode I had that same discussion with my roommate since it went so smoothly before. We talked about nostalgia, what it is, how it makes you feel, how it affects us, how we feel it differently and where it comes from.

How would you describe the energy of your podcast?

The tone is light hearted, but introspective. It isn’t super serious. I’ll put it like this, it’s not as serious as a documentary, but it’s not as joking as a cartoon.

What are you most excited about for your podcast?

I’m excited about all of it. In general I’m a very positive person, so I’m looking forward to getting more episodes up, and really just seeing my logo and my podcast on a website. I’m looking forward to seeing the products of my own work.

As someone who created, developed and is producing podcasts, what advice would you give to other students or individuals interested in podcast creation?

I’m still relatively new at it, but I would say, if your heart’s not in it, your head’s not in it. Fancy way to word that, but if you don’t really enjoy it it’s not going to work. 

It’s a lot of fun. So if you enjoy it, go ahead and try it… if you enjoy what you are making it is okay if others don’t like it.

What advice would you give NC State Students interested in joining WKNC?

Go to the interest meeting. I didn’t know I could do podcasts, interviews,  videos or blogs. I didn’t know I could do any of that, I thought it was just a radio station. 

It also helps experience in recording software, specifically adobe addition. If you can find access to that– give yourself a little crash course on it.

To round out our discussion, how has WKNC benefited your college experience?

It’s definitely made it more enjoyable. This is something else for me to do on campus. It’s a new group of people to meet and a new group of people to work with. It allows me to connect with my peers and have a fun time doing it– all while producing an episode and making content. 

Concluding Thoughts

There is something so magical and energizing about starting a new project. Lucas’s enthusiastic and confident demeanor fit this energy perfectly, there is no doubt he will be a fantastic podcast host. 

To give “WKNC’s Brain Trust”, you can find it on Transistor (or any platform you listen to Podcasts).

It was great to interview Lucas, I am looking forward to all he will create in the near future.

Blog Miscellaneous Non-Music News

North Carolina Renaissance Festival

The North Carolina Renaissance Festival is an annual event located near Charlotte that is open every weekend through October and November.

The festival features elaborate costumes, acrobatic performances, jousting, immersive scenery, fortune telling, fall foods and treats, along with handcrafted art and goods. The event provides a great fall atmosphere and lovely little escape from daily life.

In my experience, Renaissance Festival has something for everyone. It is extremely family friendly while appealing to more mature audiences with a large variety of shows and activities.

For the past few years, Renaissance Festival has been such a staple fall activity. I have been attending Ren Fest since 2016 and I was happy to be in attendance again this past weekend.

To summarize my experience and highlight my favorite events, I have outlined my three favorite things about Renaissance Festival. If you want to find more that the festival has to offer or want to purchase tickets you can do so at the Carolina Renaissance Festival website.

Renaissance Garb

If you enjoy or have an interest in costuming, this is the event for you. It is amazing to see the large variety of costumes and outfits at the Faire. I have seen pirates, knights, fairies, steampunk outfits, dungeon and dragon characters, jesters, vikings, beautiful dresses and the list can go on.

Every year I look forward to making a new outfit, and each year I try to do something drastically different from the year before.

Costumes are a great way to both express yourself and step out of your normal persona. I find a lot of joy in wearing clothes that are typically out of the norm– but at Ren Fest the abnormality is encouraged. The sense of community surrounding costuming at the festival is contagious.

As an example, one of my friends decided to dress up as a jester this year. He had a vibrant, jingling jester hat and neon green garb. His costume instantly brought him into the environment. Shopkeepers and complete strangers at the festival would put on a character and ask him to tell a joke — he would do so.

The power connectivity of costumes at this event is magical. Although, there are plenty of people who choose not to dress up too. Admiring the neat costumes around the festival is magical within itself.

Barely Balanced

A large attraction to Ren Fest is the sheer amount of shows they have each and every weekend. By shows I mean various performances from acting, to comedy, to dangerous stunts, to soothing music and daring acrobatics.

One of my favorite performances from all the years I have been is a trio of acrobats by the name of Barely Balanced.

This performance has equal parts silliness and skill. I was absolutely amazed by their tricks when I first saw them. Their name speaks truth.

I also want to note how great of a stage presence they have. This trio is extremely charismatic. After and before performances they walk around on stilts and chat to families and individuals enjoying the festival. They radiate a lot of positivity and love for what they do.

They will be performing every weekend at Carolina Renaissance Festival.


There are so many vendors and artisans at Renaissance Festival. The goods at the event range so much; from delicate glass blowing to stunning jewelry to handcrafted swords.

In big events or conventions like this sometimes all the goods can blend together– this is not the case at Ren Fest.

Each shop has such character and charm. There is truly something for everyone here. It is also a great place to buy unique gifts for family and friends before the holiday season arrives.

I have bought some of my favorite pieces of jewelry here and always look forward to what new things they will have.

Tips and Tricks

Renaissance Festival is a great place to escape reality for a little quiet. If you are planning on attending this year or next, here are a few tips and tricks to improve your time there:

The hours of the festival are 9:30am to 5:30pm. Be sure to leave before or around 5:00pm to beat the traffic out of the festival. There can also be a long line to get into the festival in the morning, I found arriving around 11am typically avoids the traffic.

Time goes by very quickly, be sure you plan the shows you want to see as soon as you get there. I found that I can fit two to three shows maximum in a day. I recommend minimizing the shows you see the first time you go to Renaissance Festival so you have a chance to see all the shops and sights throughout the entire festival.

Due to the time of year, it can often be quite chilly. When planning a costume or picking out your outfit be sure to check the weather beforehand. North Carolina weather can be dramatic, so have some flexible layers to your outfit.

Lastly, bring cash. Many food vendors do not accept card and the lines to the atm can get long. I recommend bringing some cash with you if you plan on partaking in the food or drinks at the festival. Also, the caramel apples are very good.

Closing Thoughts

The Carolina Renissance Festival has a lot to offer. I was really amazed by the wide variety of people and personalities at the event. There is a charm to the event that is difficult to find elsewhere.

This event brings me a lot of happiness, and I hope it has the same effect on you.

The festival will be open every weekend until Nov. 20.

I hope you all have a wonderful time if you attend. Have a excellent fall and renaissance season.

Non-Music News

Peaceful, Playful and Pitiful Parks of Raleigh

This is about to be the start of my fourth school year in Raleigh, NC and it has been a hectic adventure with the pandemic and all the unsightly and sometimes frightening chaos that feels normal at this point. I often need time to clear my head from the dark looming clouds on the horizon, but music isn’t always enough to make the sun shine. 

While I find Raleigh’s “skyline” ugly and sparse, the city offers some great local parks to sit and enjoy local, urban “nature”. The animals, birds and plants are nowhere as good as a real forest or the wilderness, but they still bring some peace and quiet to the city. 

A lot of these parks are a short walk from NC State’s central campus. They are great places to study with friends or even stress free date spots. 

Peaceful Parks

I often venture forth on a quick 5 minute walk to the Raleigh Rose Garden to enjoy the well kept rose bushes of varying flavor and color. The small park has many great benches and tables to enjoy a picnic, snack or even a nice book in the shade. This miniscule attraction is like a pocket dimension where nothing matters as long as you don’t mind mosquitoes munching at your ankles. 

Another great place for shade and relaxation is Nash Square in downtown Raleigh. Another small park, but it is covered in trees and shade, which is a requirement in our syrupy, southern heat waves. The center monument of this wonderful box park, celebrates the firefighters who have lost their lives protecting the citizens of North Carolina. 

Nash Square does have many squirrely inhabitants. The squirrels in this park are an issue. I stopped for a break to drink water and snack for about 5 minutes and too many of the furry tree-rats stared me down with their soulless, beady, black eyes. 

Playful Parks

In Pullen Park, there are many child oriented options to imbibe in. A slow train ride that skirts the premises, an indoor carousel and paddle boats to explore the murky algae infested waters are all exciting options to choose from here. This park is right next to NC State’s campus, which offers a really easy option for first-year students to enjoy the parks and recreation of Raleigh.

I spent many hours in Pullen Park my first year at NC State because it was a calming walk on the greenway from Sullivan Hall to the park. I could easily pick a nice spot by the water and enjoy the weather, sounds and people watching all without the need of a car.

Dorthea Dix Park is a bit too long of a walk, but a nice short drive away from NC State. The wide open fields and more dynamic view of the Raleigh skyline offer good spots for photos or frisbee. Dix Park is also very close to the state farmers market, so grab a picnic blanket, basket and fresh fruits to enjoy on the rolling hills. 

Pitiful Park

While exploring Raleigh, I have found one park I never want to return to. The North Carolina State Capitol building is unsightly. The grotesque and worn down columns that support an eyesore of a building don’t work well together. 

The space outside the building is even worse. There are relics like cannons from wars that celebrate death and destruction, while a monument lamenting the horrors from the deaths of millions sit right next to it.There are a smattering of other monuments in the spaces outside the capitol building that serve as an insight into the history of Raleigh and North Carolina. 

Also, this space has limited shade and unique attractive qualities that brings me back to previously mentioned parks like the Rose Garden. 

Finding time to be alone and outside helps me think and keep myself moving forward. I can focus on my mental well-being while taking in the sights and sounds of the surrounding cityscape. Raleigh’s parks help me, and I hope that anyone unaware of their existence can now enjoy the beauty of them.

Miscellaneous Non-Music News

Movies, Music and the Deaf Community

In the past few years, the deaf community has been given more representation on the big screen in American cinema.

Whether it was with the sci-fi movie “A Quiet Place”, 2021’s Best Picture winner “CODA,” or 2020’s nominee “Sound of Metal”: deaf stories are being highlighted on the silver screen.

The latter two films, “CODA” and “Sound of Metal” gave the audience two unique perspectives about the deaf community and how music can play a significant role.

Ever since I watched the two movies, I knew I wanted to write about them. Not only were they a huge step forward in representation in the movie industry, but the movies themselves were phenomenal. 

I didn’t necessarily want to do a movie review, but instead, just start a conversation about these films, specifically regarding how they impacted me and what I learned from them.


The title of the movie itself can be taken two different ways. CODA stands for Child of Deaf Adults as well as a music theory term that refers to the end piece of music.

This movie was interesting to me because it focused on a hearing girl, Ruby, whose mom, dad and brother are deaf. It showed aspects of her life that made her family reliant on her: such as acting as a translator for the family, helping keep their family fishing business running, and daily tasks like conveying their personal medical concerns to doctors. On the other hand, she wanted to pursue her interest in music and be involved in her school choir, and eventually go to Berklee Music school. 

It’s a simple coming-of-age story at heart.

A movie about Ruby trying to find her identity and essentially finding out what she wants to do with her life outside of her family. As she begins focusing on her passions and getting more involved with singing, she realizes that her choir rehearsals start coinciding with the duties she has for her family. It’s to the point where she really has to choose which path to prioritizing – her passion for singing or her love for her family.

What I loved about this more specifically is the charisma of all the characters. Her parents and brother were all amazing and were played by deaf actors. When “CODA” won Best Picture at the 2021 Academy Awards, it was a huge win for deaf representation. 

“CODA” is an adaptation of the French film titled “La Famille Bélier.”

It made me emotional watching it, and I recommend giving both movies a watch.  There are so many aspects of being deaf or hard of hearing that I was opened up to.

 “Sound of Metal” –

“Sound of Metal” is the story about a drummer for a heavy metal band, Ruben, who starts losing his hearing on tour and how he decides to deal with it.

The film does an amazing job of putting the audience in Ruben’s shoes by at times modifying the audio of the movie to make it sound like Ruben’s hearing ability. This stylistic choice allows us to really experience the progression of his hearing loss up close, first gradually and then all at once. 

Conversations are heard as muffled or muted as Ruben hears them, however the silences in the movie never feel empty and add to the piece as a whole.

Throughout the movie, we were able to experience Ruben’s character development firsthand. Initially, he doesn’t want to accept that he is losing his hearing at all. He plays show after show, not being able to follow along with the music of the band, till one show he can’t hear a thing. After a meeting with a doctor, he finds out he has already lost a majority of his hearing and that the only solution in his eyes is a cochlear implant. 

His journey of finding money to afford the cochlear implant is a majority of this film.

His girlfriend introduces him to a community for addicts that teaches them how to live with their deafness. It’s during this time that we really understand the importance of music no matter if you are a hearing person or hard of hearing. He eventually begins teaching the kids in this community to drum and use percussion instruments. 

What’s beautiful about this specifically is that the vibrations in the drumming and in music are how people in the deaf community can interact with music. It’s how Ruben learns to interact with music given his new condition.

The last scene of the movie is the most impactful to me.

After Ruben gets his cochlear implant, he realizes that it’s not at all what he expected. Instead of getting his hearing back, everything he hears is distorted and staticky. His girlfriend thinks he is healed now and their band can start touring again, but Ruben realizes his music career is over.

“Sound of Metal” comes to a close as we see Ruben aimlessly walking down the streets of Paris trying to adjust his implant.

Then he removes the device and we are left in silence. We experience Ruben accepting his deafness.

Although these are wins for the deaf community, in terms of representation there is always room for improvement. I really think these two films are worth a watch for their entirety. 

They are both big teaching moments as well. Moments that force people to understand that deafness is not something that needs a quick fix but it’s something to accept and take time to grasp and accommodate to.

The charisma of the casts, the acting talent, the writing, and the musical performances – it’s all impactful.

If you haven’t already be sure to check out “Sound of Metal” and “CODA.”

Non-Music News

“Verity” by Colleen Hoover Book Review


What do you get when you cross a somewhat-newly-single struggling writer with the husband of a famous thriller novelist? Colleen Hoover’s Verity. I struggled for a while with finding a book that captured my attention, dealing with the relatable struggle of being in an I-want-to-read-but-just-can’t-sit-down-and-do-it sort of rut. Verity book reviews had appeared on my TikTok, so I decided to get it on a whim because I had heard good things about the book and Colleen Hoover. I read it in a day, neglecting all other obligations because I could not manage to put it down. 

Main character Lowen Ashleigh is in her early thirties and is living in New York City. After witnessing a man getting hit by a car in close proximity, she happens to run into Jeremy Crawford. Unbeknownst to her, Jeremy is the husband of Verity Crawford, a renowned novelist. Lowen and Jeremy share a moment in which he takes care of her in a nearby coffee shop, tending to her after such a shocking experience. The two connect emotionally, but then go their separate ways. After her encounter with Jeremy, Lowen has to catch a meeting with her agent (and ex-boyfriend) Corey. Lowen was toeing the line of financial ruin due to caring for her sick mother when she was offered the deal of a lifetime. Who walks in to offer her this deal? Jeremy Crawford. 

Mysteriously injured, Verity Crawford’s status of health is unknown to the public. She needs someone to finish her book series as per her contract. Verity’s publishers ask Lowen to take on this task, which involves her going to the Crawford’s house in Vermont to look through Verity’s files. Lowen, initially resistant, has a moment alone with Jeremy, who convinces her to take this deal. What Lowen finds at the house would change the course of the lives of everyone involved forever.  If you are into quite steamy romantic thrillers, Verity is definitely for you. 

About the Author

Colleen Hoover is a #1 New York Times bestselling author of twenty two novels. She mainly writes New Adult and Young Adult contemporary romance, along with psychological thrillers. Colleen’s foundation, The Bookworm Box, has donated over $1,000,000 to help those in need. This program provides readers with signed novels each month and profits are then donated to various charities. 

Rumors say that a movie adaptation of Verity is in the works, and I am excited to see this story come to life. Colleen Hoover’s other books have definitely made it on my to-read list, including It Ends With Us and Ugly Love. I hope you give this book a try if you’re finding yourself unmotivated to read.

Till next time, 

dj mozzie

Blog Miscellaneous Non-Music News Playlists

It Feels New To Me: A Playlist

Something feels new. Yes – fall just started, my roommate got a new laptop, and I dyed my hair bluish. I still think it’s something else. There’s something going on that has me thinking things could simply start anew. A new attitude, new approach, new anything. To reflect all this newness, I made a playlist of songs I like that are new to me:

  • “Watch” by Arca, Shygirl
  • “You Go to My Head – Take 1” by Billie Holiday
  • “Asmr” by Only Fire
  • “Bring” by Randomer
  • “No More Shubz” by Klein
  • “HAD TO DID IT ON EM” by Human Part
  • “The Man” by N.E.R.D
  • “Call For Help” by Pearly Drops
  • “Frenchcore Loca – Original Mix” by Randy, Radium
  • “It’s Possible” by Piero Piccioni, Catherine Howe
  • “Kamala” by D.R. Hooker

There’s no true rhyme or reason to this playlist other than that it suits this newness that I know exists but that I cannot explain. I hope this makes sense to someone.

Here’s to feeling new and acting accordingly,

Silya Bennai

Miscellaneous Non-Music News

WKNC to Host Book Drive in March to Support Prison Books Collective

In continuing their efforts to support the Triangle community and at-risk individuals at-large, WKNC is partnering with Prison Books Collective to host a book drive. 

Prison Books Collective is a Carrboro-based nonprofit that distributes paperback books and zines to incarcerated people across North Carolina and Alabama. Prison Books Collective believes that “the prison system in the United States is fundamentally unjust and perpetuates systems of economic, racial, gender, psychological, and social oppression.” The work done by Prison Books Collective upholds the fact that “incarcerated people deserve support and resources and that the many injustices of prison must be resisted.” WKNC supports this mission and looks to contribute to their work with the following donation drive. 

Donations will be collected outside WKNC from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. during the weeks of March 15-19 and March 22-26. The station is located within the Witherspoon Student Center on NC State’s main campus, in suite 343. Please be aware that the building is closed to the public on weekends and outside normal business hours. If you are unable to donate in-person, Prison Books Collective also has a Flyleaf wish list of titles that have been specifically requested by inmates.

“The past year has been extremely difficult for incarcerated people, with increased restrictions and no access to the small amount of literature available in libraries only a few prisons might have,” says Prison Books Collective’s Outreach Coordinator Ivy Shelton. “COVID-19 has limited the operations but, Prison Books Collective (PBC) has been working hard the past year to fulfill book requests. PBC has continued to send 35-45 packages of books on average a week to individuals based on letters of request. The book drive WKNC 88.1 is hosting makes PBC’s continued work possible. Paperback donations from the WKNC 88.1 book drive will make a difference in someone’s life.”

More information on Prison Books Collective can be found on their website, while graphics and event specific information can be found on WKNC’s social media. On-air promos are in rotation to outline requests and necessary resources for this donation drive. WKNC and Prison Books Collective would like to thank the audience for their support.

WKNC 88.1 FM is 25,000-watt student-run non-commercial radio from North Carolina State University featuring indie rock, electronic, metal and underground hip-hop. WKNC is on social media @WKNC881.