Band/Artist Profile

The Izza Kizza

“I’m the Izza Kizza” by the Izza Kizza is an intoxicating blend of electronic and hip hop perfect for a basement dance party filled with foam and smoke, flashing strobe lights,  and full of sweaty kids dressed up in some weird theme, like that “redneck track and field” design school party i went to.

Check out the music video for “I’m the Izza Kizza”.

Hailing from Valdosta Geogria, The Izza Kizza is very much still on the underground, but has received attention from some big timers, like Timbaland, Lil Wayne, and David Banner.  Look out for an Izza Kizza world wide take over coming soon!

Music News and Interviews

Ticket Giveaways at WKNC For The Rest Of May!!

Check it out! WKNC is always giving away tickets to great shows around the Triangle area and this summer is no exception! Here are the shows that WKNC is giving away tickets for during the rest of May:

The Old Ceremony @ Cat’s Cradle – Saturday, May 23rd

Isis with Pelican and Tombs @ Cat’s Cradle – Friday, May 29th

Josh Ritter with The Proclivities and David Shultz & The Skyline @ Cat’s Cradle – Saturday, May 30th

Kennebec with Love Colt @ The Pour House – Saturday, May 30th

Be sure to listen in for your chance to win tickets!! And don’t forget to check out WKNC’s Rock Report for a complete list of local shows around the Triangle!

DJ Highlights

Local Beat preview 5/22/09

Jay Cartwright of Lemming Malloy and his marvelon, courtesy of the band’s Myspace


My my my, the hits just keep coming on the Local Beat.  If you thought DJ Stevo was gone for good, then you thought wrong.  He’s only expressing his love for the North Carolina music scene in a different way now, through his brand new label, Neckbeard Records.  And as part of the Neckbeard Records launch, they’re throwing a free show at the Local 506 on Friday night.  The lineup is Gray Young, I Was Totally Destroying It, and Lemming Malloy–who will be releasing their album on Neckbeard that night.  So some combination of Stevo, Lemming Malloy, and others will be stopping by right at 5:00 to talk about what the band and the label has been up to – and what they have in store.

Colossus rocking Local Beer Local Band, photo by TJ Appling

Then at 6:00, we’re going to switch directions completely–Colossus will be stopping in to talk about their show next Wednesday (5/27) at the Pour House.  They’ll be playing alongside Black Skies and Caltrop in what promises to be a pretty epic local metal show.  It’s not confirmed yet, but Caltrop may be joining them.  It remains to be seen.  What is certain, though, is that we’ll be having a good time and getting to know our favorite bands a little better.  And baseball is over, so we get the full 3 hours again!  Be sure to tune in at 5:00 at 88.1 FM or

Concert Review

HFQ Block Party

The past weekend at the Nighlight in Chapel Hill were owned by Holidays For Quince, a local community record label that boasts some of the best bands in the triangle.  This was the first ever Block Party for HFQ and eleven different bands played the three nights. (just a quick note, all pictures below were taken by Mike Gray)

Night 1
Friday night was a first for many.  Not only was it the first night of the Holidays For Quince first ever block party, but it was also a debut CD release show for HFQ’s newest artist, Liza Kate, in addition, it was the Nighlight’s first evening with a liquor license.  Needless to say it was one hell of a show.

Embarrassing Fruits was first on the bill and kicked through most of their songs from their First Time EP.  The crowd was small at the start but by the end of their set the place had filled up.  Embarrassing Fruits is actually off of Trekky Records and not HFQ, which made it all the more apparent that this was as much of a community event as anything, and not just to highlight HFQ’s amazing group of bands (a couple of bands from HFQ are playing at TRKFest in June as well).  Plus, you have got to love EF for their “non-ironic mustaches and vintages T-shirts.”

It was only Mount Moriah’s second show ever, but this mixmash of some of the Triangle’s best local bands stole the night with some beautiful tunes and fantastic musicianship.  I think I found my new favorite band in the area and look forward to the next time they play.

Liza Kate went on next with a spectacular intimate set.  It being her CD release party I had only heard her earlier that night on the Local Beat and had never seen her before, but was pleasantly surprised with her beautiful whispery vocals over top reticent acoustic guitar.  Jenks Miller sat in for a few songs on electric and Heather McEntire sang on one song as well.  Overall, the intimate setting the Nighlight provides allowed for Liza to really connect with the crowd, and her witty entertaining comments during the breaks kept the crowd in.  Her new album off of HFQ, Don’t Let The Dogs, is one of my favorites so far this year after only one listen through.

Max Indian went on last.  Being off of Trekky Records, like the Embarrassing Fruits, they too were welcome friends.  Having seen them only about 6 or 7 times before (and never not enjoying seeing them) I decided to skip out for the night and get some rest for the radio early the next morning.  (Sorry fellas).

Night 2
Night 2 was another fantastic night for local music.  In The Year Of The Pig went on first.  People, until you see them live, then the phrase 
“melt your face off” holds no meaning.  ITYOTP really can rock your mind (and ears) into oblivion.  Their smashing duo drums overtop distorted guitar and bass took this ITYOTP n00b to a whole new level.  After 30 minutes of mind bending music, I began to feel sorry for Dave Cantwell’s drumset, but I suppose it was for a good cause.  Man, what a way to start the night.

Oh, and after their set they filled everyones bellies with some delicious homemade tacos.  

 (no pictures from ITYOTP as they played in complete darkness, very cool though)

Not be be outdone, the Curtains of Night went up next and kept the show heavy with their unique brand of female duo death metal.

The Moaners held the third slot of Night 2 and delivered on their usual bluesy americana vibe.  Their last song of the night, one which I did not recgonize, with Melissa on saw and Lauren on acoustic guitar was truly captivating.  Most of their setlist sounded like new material to me, so I either need to remind myself of their discography or even better, look forward to a new album sometime in the future.


Night 3
Night 3 was one for the ages.  Screaming Females to center stage to start the show.  Ive never seen a performance quite like this band from New Jersey put on.   Shredding guitar, pumping bass, head banging drums.  What a set.  If you havn’t seen this band, they are a MUST.  After they were done some of the people I came with and myself sat in silence for a moment to take it all in.  Speechless.

Caltrop tore it up second with their overamplified driven sound and hard progressive rock.  Heavy metal heaven.  (Word is that they may begin recording an album soon, after writing songs all winter, and plan on touring in Europe- kickass!)

Last, but obviously the headliner for the whole 3 nights, was Bellafea who launched into their set with enthusiasm only they could muster for such an already overhyped crowd.  I had not seen them in ages but was pleasantly surprised to see them just as amazing as ever before.  Their punk rock attitude never ceases to entertain.  All hail Bellafea!

Concert Preview Local Music

5/21 Local Beer Local Band Night – The Never and Lost in the Trees

I’m super excited about this week’s Trekky edition of  Local Beer Local Band Night (5/21), as we have the Double Barrel Benefit alumnus The Never and Lost in the Trees!  Local Beer Local Band Night is held every Thursday night (9:30) at Tir Na Nog in downtown Raleigh.  It’s FREEEEEE to get in and Tir Na Nog has some great local brews.  So come out and support your comunity!!!!

Here’s a video of Lost in the Trees performing live at the Showroom in SC.

And here’s a video of the Never live at the Cradle!


Music News and Interviews

Ticket Giveaways This Week (May 18-22)

The Decemberists are coming to Raleigh’s Memorial Auditorium June 4th and 88.1 has your chance to win tickets. Cat’s Cradle is presenting the show so you know it’s going to rock. Also on the giveaway menu:

  • Clutch w/ Wino’s Band and Maylene and the Disasters TONIGHT at Cat’s Cradle
  • Goodnight’s Comedy Club and UAB present comedian John Oliver from The Daily Show this Saturday at Stewart Theatre in Tally Student Center, NCSU campus.
  • Sneak preview passes for Drag Me To Hell on Tue., May 26th at Crossroads 20 in Cary
  • Kennebec w/ Love Colt on Sat., May 30th at The Pour House
  • Carolina Rollergirls double header on Sat., June 6th at Dorton Arena
DJ Highlights

Switch’s Skate Mix Volume #1

I’ll admit I don’t really know much about the Internet, other than it’s a great place to find videos of walruses playing saxophone. So, I really didn’t really know too much about WKNC blog until very recently. I guess I was just so enthralled watching those walruses. But, when a series of skateboarding injuries plagued me over the past few weeks, I decided that now would be the time to start contributing to this thing.

As I just alluded, I skateboard. I skate just about every day and it is truly my first love in life, as sappy as that sounds. I even got my DJ name because my girlfriend suggested using some trick terminology for my on air moniker – “DJ Inward Heelflip” never quite caught on. But, getting back to skating, I figured my first post could be a playlist to skate to. You see, I usually listen to music while I skate, and in the eight or so years I’ve been riding, I’ve amassed quite a collection of tunes that complement some shred sledding.

You’re going to see a lot of different types of music in these mixes. When people think skateboarding, they generally think punk rock, and that’s true to a certain extent. Punk rock has definitely played a role in skateboarding’s history and it will continue to do so in the years to come. But other forms of music, such as heavy metal, hip-hop, and alternative rock, are just as much a part of skateboarding culture. Who could think of anything better to blast than gangsta rap while sliding some ledges? What complements hitting huge handrails quite like Slayer? Variety is the spice of skate life, and so are these mixes.

So without further ado, here’s Switch’s first skate mix. I’ll try to put one of these up every few months or so (along with a photo of yours truly), in addition to blogs about grunge, punk, and whatever else. I know it’s not walruses playing saxophone, but hopefully this mix will put some gnar back in your bloodstream.

1.) Valient Thorr- “I Hope the Ghosts of the Dead Haunt Your Soul Forever”- What a way to kick off a playlist! These guys are Triangle locals, even though they claim to hail from the planet Venus. With how hard they play, I believe they really do come another planet, because few Earthlings can step to Thorr’s brand of full speed ahead rock n’ roll. They got their start playing skateparks in rural North Carolina and one of their songs made it into the soundtrack of the world famous Skate videogame. You can’t get much more cred than that.

2.) Zebrahead- “Check”- This one I remember hearing on a Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater video game when I was younger. Ever since then, I’ve associated it with getting gnar- either in the real world or the pretend one. “Check” also shows how that 90’s rock/rap thing could have worked out pretty well, given the right circumstances.

3.) GOB- “Can I Resist”- I first heard GOB when I was watching this skateboarding show on T.V. when I was like twelve. Ever since then, I’ve been stoked on these Canadians. Yes, I like pop punk. I don’t care what you think about it.

4.) Pearl Jam- “God’s Dice”- Vedder and company hit the jackpot with this post-90’s return to hard rocking. Hey, I couldn’t help but throw in some grunge love in here.

5.) Beastie Boys- “Triple Trouble”- Quick straight rhymes and some British accents over a beat sampled from the Sugarhill Gang’s legendary “Rapper’s Delight”? Only New York’s favorite sons could pull that off. Perfect for some skateboard break-dancing, B-boy.

6.) Aerosmith- “Back in the Saddle”- This was probably the first band I ever listened to while skating. Back in those days, I would strap a CD player around my hand when I went out in the streets. Needless to say I broke about five of those things. Thankfully we have iPods now, so I can get my classic rock outlaw vibe from Aerosmith worry free.

7.) Flogging Molly- “The Kilburn High Road”- I don’t condone skating while under the influence, but if you’re going to do it, this is you song, laddie.

8.) The Pixies- “Alec Eiffel”- Trippy, but with all the melodic power that made this group the godfathers of modern rock music.

9.) Queens of the Stone Age- “Go With the Flow”- Alternative rock, whatever that means anymore, with lots of muscle behind it. I recommend you take the title literally.

10.) Bad Brains- “Don’t Bother Me”- A classic hardcore punk anthem. Seriously raw skating needs seriously raw music, and Bad Brains never fails to deliver the latter.

11.) Children of Bodom- “Triple Corpse Hammerblow”- I’m not a huge metal head, but when I heard one of my favorite skaters, Chris Cole, going on and on about this band in interviews I had to check them out. I have to say, I’m pretty impressed. Put this song on before laying waste to some big stair sets and handrails, Viking style.

12.) Bad Religion- “Requiem for Dissent”- This track from the Los Angeles old guard is another solid tune meant for fast skating. Activism never sounded better.

13.) The Ramones- “I Wanted Everything”- A skateboarder’s staple band since the 70’s. Somewhat heavier than the typical hits you hear by the Ramones, but this one’s still just as catchy.

14.) Anti Flag- “Got the Numbers”- Probably one of the most positive players in punk rock music today. Great music loaded with the proactive messages we seem to be lacking these days. And with skateboarders well outnumbering all the branches of the United States military combined, we’ve got the numbers as well.

15.) The Heartaches- “Rock n Roll UFO”- There’s just no better song with which to end this list. Clocking in at only two minutes, this is complete skate-inspired rock n’ roll chaos. If dropping in to the deep end of a backyard pool has a sound, it’s “Rock n’ Roll UFO.”

Hope you enjoyed the first of Switch’s skate mix. Now stop blogging and start shredding!


Top10: Birds of Avalon

Ever wonder what your favorite local artists are listening to?  What inspires them to make the music we enjoy?

Let us introduce you to a new feature here at WKNC that introduces you the music that our artists listen to!  From here on out we will be regularly be bringing you into the headphones of local bands and friends of local music!

This week the members of Birds of Avalon have graciously sent us lists of what they have been currently rocking out to!


Craig Tilley- Vocals

  • Led Zeppelin- Down by the Seaside.
  • Chicago- 25 or 6 to 4
  • Joe Jackson- Steppin Out
  • Sparks- Nothing to Do
  • Van Halen- Little Guitars
  • Steely Dan- My Old School
  • Clipse- Ride Around Shinnin
  • Benji Huges- The Mummy
  • The Cherubs- Stag Party
  • And now and for the rest of my life: Brenton Wood- The Oogim Boogum Song

David MuellerBass

  • Cut Copy- Unforgettable Season
  • Lyres- How Do You Know?
  • Bob Dylan- The Gates of Eden
  • A Tribe Called Quest- Award Tour
  • The Horrors- I Only Think of You
  • DOOM feat Empress Starhh- Still Dope
  • Fever Ray- Dry & Dusty
  • Franco- Mambu ma Miondo
  • Kurt Vile- Freeway
  • Crystal Stilts- Departure

Scott Nurkin- Drums

  • Sarolta Zalatnay – Hadd Mondjam El
  • Bonniwell Music Machine – Astrologically Incompatible
  • Carlton and the Shoes – Never Give Your Heart Away
  • Alphonse Mouzon – Mind Transplant
  • The Millineum – The Know-It-All
  • Buffalo Springfield – It’s so Hard to Wait
  • Joe Jackson – Friday
  • Love – You Set the Scene
  • Masters Apprentices  – War or Hands of Time
  • The Paragons – Left with a Broken Heart

Cheetie Kumar- Guitar

  • Harmonia-Monza-Rauf Und Runter
  • Neu-Hallogallo
  • Deerhoof-Tears and Music of Love
  • Brian Eno-Sky Saw
  • Wizzard-French Perfume
  • Wire-French Film Blurred
  • Pretty Things-She’s A Lover
  • George Harrison-I Dig Love
  • The Germs-Lexicon Devil
  • Gong-You Can Kill Me
  • King Crimson- Great Deceiver

Paul Siler-Guitar

  • The Band-King Harvest (has surely come)
  • The Bee Gees-I Close My Eyes
  • Dungen-Gor Det Nu
  • The Beatles-Blue Jay Way
  • Polvo-In This Life
  • Bob Dylan and the Band-Katie’s Been Gone 
  • Charlie Parker-Bluebird
  • Lets Active-Talking to Myself 
  • Joni Mitchell-Free Man in Paris 
  •  Free-Oh I Wept
  • Flaming Lips-In the Morning of the Magicians 

Birds of Avalon fans should be excited to know that their new album, Uncanny Valley, is coming out June 23 with a tour kicking off at the Local 506 on June 13th.

DJ Highlights

Local Beat preview 5/15/09

We have a wonderful show in store for you today (5/15) on the Local Beat.


At 5:00 Kim Gray and company will be coming in to talk about the Pick ‘n Bitch festival this Saturday at the Pinhook.



At the top of the 6:00 hour, Liza Kate of Holidays for Quince Records will be stopping by to talk about her upcoming album, Don’t Let the Dogs.  The album release show is tonight at the Nightlight in Chapel Hill alongside Max Indian and Embarrassing Fruits.  Then at 6:30, it will be the last time in 2009 that we will be preempted by NC State baseball.Be sure to tune in at 5:00 sharp on 88.1 fm or





Music News and Interviews

Kingsbury Manx’s New Music Video

The Kingsbury Manx has a brand new music video for their song “Well, Whatever” off of their latest release “Ascenseur Ouvert!"   I can’t embed it for some reason so check it out on Odessa Records website here.

I’m definitely digging this.