New Album Review

Jazmine Sullivan is “Fearless”


Released 9/23/08 on J Records

Many have said that “Hip-Hop is dead” and that R&B is on life support, waiting for the plug to be pulled. Turning on the radio, you are likely to hear a singer with elementary lyrics and minimal vocal talent, using auto-tune. Enter Jazmine Sullivan, a complete departure to the aforementioned, hoping to take R&B back to its roots of powerful vocals,meaningful lyrics and stand-out production with her debut album Fearless. Sullivan, at the relatively young age of 21, is proving that she can help R&B to breathe on its own.

Like many legendary R&B/soul artists before her, including Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston and Marvin Gaye, Jazmine first began singing in the church choir at the tender age of 5. She later made her first television appearance on “Showtime at the Apollo” and at age 15 was signed to Jive Records. The stint at Jive didn’t last, but she did meet her mentor there. Missy Elliot, who executively produced Fearless, helped to create Sullivan’s style which encompasses elements of hip-hop, reggae, gospel and vintage soul.

Fearlessopens with the angry and embittered “Bust Your Windows”, a song that could have been written by Angela Bassett’s character, Bernadine from the movie “Waiting to Exhale”. It is the tale of the coming together of a broken heart, a crowbar and a nice car, which is never a good combination. Lyrically, it is what you would expect, but vocally Jazmine sings with such pain and conviction that you’ll want to pick up a crowbar and break someone’s windows.

Next up is the inspirational electro-pop synth-driven “Dream Big”, encouraging everyone to follow and take a chance on their dreams.  Following "Dream Big"  is Jazmine’s number one debut single “Need U Bad” produced by Missy Elliot. The Caribbean/reggae-themed song and vocal arrangement brought many comparison to Lauryn Hill and could have easily been a bonus track from The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill. Though she writes and produces much of her music like Lauryn, this song is where the comparisons end.

“My Foolish Heart”, sampled from GZA of Wu-Tang Clan’s classic “Liquid Swords”, tells of the things one will do for love and brings a hip-hop element to the album. Next is the beautifully string-arranged “Lions, Tigers and Bears,“ where Jazmine bears her soul and shows that that love is the one and only thing she fears.

This album wouldn’t be an R&B album without a song by production duo Stargate (“With You,” “Irreplaceable”) and Jazmine takes her turn with “Hurricane,“ a song about the devastating effects love can have and the damage it often leaves behind.

The album does begin to wane a bit with “One Night Stand,” “Dream Big” and “Live a Lie.“ Never fear, though, as morale begins to pick up as the album comes to a close with stand-outs including the piano driven “In Love with Another Man,” the truthful and honest “Fear” and whimsical “Switch.“

Ultimately, Fearlessis a solid start for a promising and gifted vocalist with a bright future ahead. Jazmine is a much needed departure from what has been polluting the airwaves. The 5 time Grammy nominee may be one of the few artists who can achieve longevity in the fickle music industry, but only if she continues to remain "Fearless.”


Find out more about Jazmine at

Jazmine Sullivan was featured as the 88.1 WKNC Pick of the Week on 10/7/08.

88.1 WKNC DJ Pick of the Week is published in every Tuesday print edition of the Technician, as well as online at and


Music News and Interviews

Nominate Your Favorite Local Artist Now!

The Carolinas are finally getting their time to shine with the Second Annual Carolina Music Awards.  This award show allows you, the fans to choose North and South Carolina based nominees and winners. The show will take place on August 8th at the Progress Energy Center in downtown Raleigh. There will be weekly updates on Saturday Night Soul and R&B where I’ll let you guys know the latest news and nominees and we’ll also have late breaking updates from the Director of the Carolina Music Awards, Omar. Nominations end May 29th, so don’t delay! Nominate your favorite local Rock, Hip-Hop, Country, R&B artist or DJ now!  Head on over to:

Music News and Interviews

Saturday Night Soul and R&B presents Che Blaq, now May 16

The “New Artist Spotlight” of the week is Seattle’s own Che Blaq. The singer/writer/producer has brought a new innovative sound to the genre of R&B by combining the sounds of Electro-pop, Hip-Hop, and Vintage Soul to the world of music. Check out an interview and new music from Che Saturday, May 16 from 8 to 11 p.m. on Saturday Night Soul and R&B.

Hear Che Blaq’s music on his Myspace


In need of an (almost) infinite playlist

In less than a week, I will be going on a long trip. When I say long, I mean that I will be flying from Raleigh to Chicago, from there to Frankfurt, Germany and finally to Prague, Czech Republic. Needless to say, I’ll be riding in planes for multiple hours. Although I’ll be staying in Prague for about six weeks, I’m more concerned at the moment with making a monster playlist to sustain me during these ridiculously long flights than with packing clothes for the trip.

I know I’ll have the chance to finally listen to the The Decemberists’ April release, “Hazards of Love,” all the way through, which I have heard good things about. Also, I just got “Telekinesis!” by, of course, Telekinesis, which was released in April as well and seems highly upbeat at first listen.

As for the rest of my million-hour playlist, I’m not sure. If you know of any good traveling music, post it, or shoot me an email at Suggestions would be much appreciated!

DJ Highlights

Local Beat preview 5/8/09

On this wonderful afternoon, a few short hours after Love Language does their thing with Mz Kelly, The Local Beat (as usual, the abbreviated summer version ) will commence.

This week, right at 5:00, we’re having the Battle Rockets come in to talk about their show tonight at Slim’s Downtown.  Shortly thereafter (~5:30), our good friends Gray Young will come hang out, because they’re playing Slim’s tonight too (along with the Proclivities).

As you may recall, Gray Young graced us with their presence back on March 20th.  It was then that they proliferated the rumour that they’ll be opening for U2 this fall, so we’ll be giving them the polygraph test this evening.

And we may just have a pair of tickets to give away for that show tonight…

The Wolfpack will then be taking on Carolina in baseball at 6:30, which means we’ll be getting the boot.




Festival Coverage Local Music

The Love Language TODAY at 2!

The Love Language will be in the studio today at 2pm to do an interview and a few live songs.  They are playing in Raleigh tomorrow, Saturday May 9, at The Pour House along with other Raleigh bands  Whatever Brains and Gross Ghost.   The line-up features a lo-fi cloud of Raleigh, audible debauchery.  

Quick facts about each act:

Gross Ghost- This is Mike Dillon’s new project.  If you live in Raleigh or Chapel Hill you likely know who he is.

Whatever Brains- These guys recently played WKNC’s Local Beer Local Band in March and were recently, as I like to say, “shopped,” or as others, including The Indy,  say kind of “picked up” by Matador Records.  

The Love Languge- Remember the band The Capulets who graced Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill with their infectious pop lyrics and handsome faces about four summers ago?  I do (eek, for being older than most other DJs).  Stu McLamb, a Capulet, went on to form The Love Language with two other Capulets and now, well now The Love Language is infecting the music scene on a national level, including a bit in Spin magazine.


The Love Language performing at SXSW09, product of Kelly Reid

Whatever Brains at WKNCs Local Beer Local Band, 3/26/09, product of Mike Gray

-hearts and guitars-

DJ Highlights Local Music

No Summer Time Blues Here

Summer is upon the students of NC State, which means some of us are graduating or going away ‘til the fall.

But don’t worry, Local Lunch will still be going strong all summer. We’ve gotten our hands on some awesome new releases from local favorites, and I personally look forward to exploring local hip hop and hard rock/metal acts.

So to all of us that call the Triangle home 365 days a year: Life doesn’t end in May and start up again in August, so why should our music?

Local Music Music News and Interviews

Local Beer Local Band On-Air Interviews Today!

As a precursor to what will be an awesome version of Local Beer Local Band tonight (Thursday, 5/7), we will be interviewing both Embarrassing Fruits and Prabir and the Substitutes today!

Embarrassing Fruits will be on air around 1:00 for a phone interview with the infamous Mikey P (our Local Beer, Local Band Coordinator) .


Then, during the 5 o’clock Shadow (not coincidentally, at 5:00 PM), DJs Spaceman Spiff and May Day will be interivewing Prabir and the Substitutes in studio.  As per usual, the FREE show will get started at Tir Na Nog around 10:00 tonight!  These you don’t wanna miss.

Prabir and the Substitutes, c/o the band’s Flickr page (

Non-Music News

State of State #9: Brentwood Boys and Girls Club

It was a full studio for this edition of State of State on WKNC. M.C.’s first guest was N.C. State junior Christy Booth and kids from the Brentwood Boys and Girls Club. Christy is an art program coordinator for the club. M.C. also chatted with representatives from the Carolina RailHawks, a Cary-based professional soccer organization that works with the Brentwood Boys and Girls Club.

State of State #9: Brentwood Boys and Girls Club

Music News and Interviews

It’s not too late to catch the “Be That Band” competition tonight!

Bands Mel Melton and the Wicked Mojos, The Swingin’ Johnsons, The Soulless Dogs, Will McBride Group, and The Scarlet Divide will battle tonight at Tir Na Nog starting at 7 p.m. for the chance to open for Buckwheat Zydeco at the Artsplosure spring arts festival on May 16. Admission is free.