Weekly Charts

WKNC’s top 30 albums from the past week

This week’s top 30 Daytime albums, compiled by Daytime Music Director Jenna St. Pierre:

1.  Generationals – Con Law   
2. Light Pines – The Light Pines [EP]   
3 . Yacht – See Mystery Lights   
4. Fiery Furnaces – I’m Going Away   
5. Motel Motel – New Denver  
6. Antlers – Hospice   
7. Magnolia Electric Co. – Josephine   
8. Bibio – Ambivalance Avenue   
9. Cymbals Eat Guitars – Why There Are Mountains   
10. Holiday Shores – Columbus’d The Whim   
11. Bowerbirds – Upper Air   
12. Miike Snow – Miike Snow   
13. Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes – Up From Below   
14. Blitzen Trapper – Black River Killer [EP]   
15. Wilco – Wilco (the Album)   
16. Fruit Bats – The Ruminant Band  
17. Nomo – Invisible Cities   
18. Portugal. The Man – The Satanic Satanist   
19. Violet Vectors and the Lovely Lovelies – EP II [EP]   
20. You and Your Effects – Wire Sharks   
21 . Lightning Dust – Infinite Light   
22. Throw Me The Statue – Creaturesque   
23 . Megafaun – Gather, Form, And Fly   
24. Bronzed Chorus – I’m The Spring   
25. Sonic Youth – The Eternal   
26. Dead Weather – Horehound   
27. Health – Get Color   
28. Dinosaur Jr. – Farm   
29. Timber Timbre – Timber Timbre   
30. Vandaveer – Divide And Conquer   

Albums added to our library this week:
1. Hear Here: Local Music Compilation   
2. Darlings – Yeah, I Know   
3. Chores – The Subtle Politics Of The Public Hammock   
4. Liam Finn and Eliza Jane – Champagne In Seashells   
5. Still Life Still – Girls Come Too

DJ Highlights

Let’s get Brütal

In this world there are two things that I absolutely love. They are as follows: metal  music and video games. Tim Schafer has used his genius as a game designer to combine the two in a truly one-of-a-kind experience.

In the game, players acts as  Eddie Riggs, a roadie who is sucked into a world of metal. There are remnants of the old metal titans everywhere in the world. From hotrod exhausts sticking out of the ground, engine blocks making trees, to giant mountains of skulls. Essentially, if it was on a heavy metal cover you will find it in the game. Not only, will we have a metal environment and character, there is a great amount of cameos including the likes of Lita Ford, Lemmy Kilmeister, Rob Halford, and Ozzy Osbourne. Your character is voiced by the comedian Jack Black.  But those are all icing on the cake of metal. The true star of this game is the soundtrack that is in the game.

Featuring bands such as Rotting Christ, 3 Inches of Blood, Accept, Carcass, Dark Tranquillity, Iced Earth, Manowar, and King Diamond, as well as many others, it truly is a metal-head’s dream game. Comedy and metal make this a game that only comes around once in a while. It makes me proud to see metal getting rightful treatment and seeing true underground metal bands that not everyone has heard of, but will show more people a different kind of metal other than Metallica or Dragonforce. I can’t wait for this game to come out, and will be the first in line for the release date on Rocktober 13th.

Music News and Interviews

Squirrel Nut Zippers set to release new album

Finally, a date has been set! Local favorite Squirrel Nut Zippers has announced its release date for its latest album, Lost At Sea, a livecollection of material and its first ever live album.  The album was rumored to come out in late 2008, but was postponed until now, with a release date set for October 27.  From 1994 to 2002 the band released eight albums but have been on in-and-out hiatus since 2002.  In 2007 they performed 50 live shows, but most of the band members are currently working in other bands or performing as solo acts.  The studio album that was supposed to have been released in 2oo9 is back on the drawing boards as band member Chris Phillips says,

“Honestly, the band is getting along better than we ever did in the past and I believe the desire is there to try recording a new album for release in 2010.”

But the best details yet come from where supposedly the entire album will be put up for purchase on the band’s website before it hits the stores anywhere else.  More details to come on that later.


Track Listing For Lost At Sea
1. Memphis Exorcism
2. Good Enough For Grandad
3. It Ain’t You
4. Prince Nez
5. Put A Lid On It
6. Fat Cat Keeps Getting Fatter
7. Danny Diamond
8. Suits Are picking Up The Bill
9. My Drag
10. Happens All The Time
11. Bad Businessman
12. Hell
13. Ghost Of Stephen Foster
14. You Are My Radio
15. Blue Angel
16. Do What

Music News and Interviews

No Strings Attached becomes The Hotwires

Local bluegrass outfit, No Strings Attached, now has a new name The Hotwires.  The name change comes in the form of notification of several other bands with the same name, specifically one close by in Virginia.  In an open letter to their fans, the Hotwires write:

No Strings Attached, the bluegrass band based in Raleigh, NC has decided to change it’s name to The Hotwires. We were informed that there was a pre-existing group also called No Strings Attached based in Roanoke, VA (and incidentally, many very different bands worldwide bearing that name) . Their attorneys politely informed us that another band bearing the same name in close proximity to their own area was not something they could accept and rather than become involved in a protracted legal dispute over trademark, we quite simply changed our name to The Hotwires.

We feel The Hotwires is more descriptive of who we are, what we sound like and the type of bluegrass music we choose to play. We also hope that you all will continue to support us, and bluegrass music in general. This name change comes at a time in our professional development where we are playing more and becoming more and more visible, and playing more and more shows nationwide. We are nearly through recording a debut album of original material that is set for release this fall. Fall and Spring tours are being planned and we expect to see alot more of you in the near future, as you will see a lot more of us.

Thank you for your continued support, and keep bluegrass music vibrant!

DJ Highlights Local Music

Expanding my local music horizons

This is what I love about WKNC: I stop by to give some love to one of my favorite people, when the Local Lunch airplay makes me stop, mid-sentence, and demand, “who is this?”  Today it was Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros. A very 1969 sound, but clearly more than just a hippie groove, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros have officially made my “need to know list.”  From its Web site, it’s clear the band’s favorite touring destinations are along the West Coast, but it may be a while before I try to catch a concert. I am, however, stalking them on Myspace, and may even splurge for the iTunes album, “Up From Below.”  I’m diggin’ the song “Janglin,” particularly on this rainy weekend.

In other local music happenings, if you missed the first Local Beer Local Band of the school year, you missed out. I went mainly to see this band my friend has been gushing about: A Rooster for the Masses.  I’ll admit, my friend was right on the mark.  But, while Rooster was awesome, I was more taken with the grungy-goodness of that night’s other act, Free Electric State.  The lead singer’s deep voice meshes beautifully with the truly “electric” sound of rock, but not so much that you can’t sing/dance/jam/shake you booty/headbang along with a catchy set of lyrics.

Be sure to be at Tir Na Nog next Thursday for Local Beer Local Band, and see what the hype is all about.  The Huguenots are playing alongside The Stars Explode for what will be sure to be another fantastic FREE show in the Triangle.

Local Music

Good Bye Radio Land

Unfortunately it is time for me to leave the air waves, and make way for a new generation of local music gurus.

In order to celebrate my time at WKNC, I will be doing a special 2 hour session of Local Lunch on Thursday, August 27th starting at 11am. I will be joined in studio by DJs Liztopia and Cantona to debut some new music, hype up the Hear Here! CD Release Concert (this Saturday at Cat’s Cradle), give away some tickets and keep you on top the weekend’s concert listings.

So tune in at WKNC 88.1 FM or skip your browser over here starting at 11am for a dinner portion of Local Lunch.

Music News and Interviews

WKNC’s 5 Bands Ear Farm Missed

Ear Farm recently created a list of the top 10 North Carolina Bands you should hear. Amazing choices that I’m sure most will agree upon, they include: The Proclivites, Bellafea, Lost in the Trees, Black Ses, Schooner, Hammer No More the Fingers, The Bronzed Chorus, Birds of Avalon, Megafaun and Lonnie Walker as their number one choice. Undoubtedly terrific choices, but we here at WKNC are lucky to get the up in coming, the raw recordings, the unheard vocals of brand new local bands. So here is my short list of 5 avid local listeners might not have heard of….yet.

5. Free Electric State: Described as “Crushing distorted guitar…and vocals stylishly almost like background sound..” by our very own DJ Caid it’s hard to not be impressed by this group. Formed in Durham, NC Free Electric State is very new with only a two song CD in the station. This band should take off quickly with its ability to grab  attention with the 80st inspired vibe and catchy lo-fi sound.

4. M1 Platoon: Local Durham Hip-Hop crew M1 Platoon caught my eye during the joint album release show with Kooley High. The group joined together in the D.C. area and now can be found in Durham, NC. The lyrics consistently hype up their hometown as well as their new homes in Durham. The lyrics are great but it is the stage presence that immediately attracted me to M1 Platoon. With 7 group members plus a live DJ the stage itself is packed. It is incredible to watch each individual put their heart and souls out onto the stage. From jumping onto the amps, masking wearing interpretive dancing, to cheeky dance moves the group never stops moving. You see that the lyrics come from the heart and that what they are doing in the moment is what they are ment to do. If you only see one show this year I recommend checking out M1 Platoon doing what they do best.

3.Veelee: This band is one that I heard while driving to work. It was one of those music moments where your heart kind of fills up because you finally heard that sound you have been craving, something that shifts your insides around.  Maybe that’s just me but to put it briefly, this stuff is good, really good.  The Chapel Hill duo creates pop music with a strange dark side. With easy to follow singalong lyrics to unique keyboard sounds Veelee embraces the idea of minimalistic pop music that makes the listener want to put it on repeat.

2. Old Bricks: Raw, sad, make you curl up the fetal position and cry type songs.  Greymatter says “ the vocal style is best described as desperate and pathetic, but it works.” He is right, it totally works. The songs run from about six to eight minutes apiece but each one just grows upon itself. With a Daniel Johnson vibe the listener feels connected and appreciative that someone else is saying it for them, that we all hurt. Old Bricks shares with us the beauty and raw power of putting real human emotions into music. Check them out August 31 at Slims Downtown.

1. You and Your Effects:  Astounding folk rock built upon banjos, violins, flutes, accordions and incredible lyrics.  DJ Chuck compares them to Bowerbirds, DeVotcka and Sufjan Stevens.  The band is made up of five kids all under the drinking age which says a lot when listening to the lyrics these guys write. Dealing with adult issues and putting a intense,almost orchertratal(?) sounds as the background makes You and Your Effects an instant favorite to new listeners. Don’t be fooled though, they also hop to upbeat, jamish twangy rock and roll turning that frown right upside down. Unfortunately the college students are out and about doing what college kids should do…traveling the world, so don’t expect to see them live anytime soon.

Keep your eyes peeled and your ears tuned in to WKNC. For now I highly suggest checking out the links to hear for yourself just how incredible the scene around us is becoming.

Concert Preview Local Music

Two FREE Local Shows Tonight


Today is Thursday and if you live in the Triangle you should know by now about Local Beer Local Band night every Thursday at Tir Na Nog Irish Pub in downtown Raleigh.  WKNC & Tir Na Nog put the show on every Thursday,  free of charge, with local brewery specials on tap.  Tonights show includes Free Electric State and A Rooster For The Masses.  It is starting at 9pm.

However, going on in Chapel Hill is the Locally Grown Festival which features two local favorites The Love Languge and Lost in the Trees.  The show is going to take place at 150 E. Rosemary Street at Wallace Plaza.  This show is also free and kicks off at 7pm.

If you are a brave soul I suggest carpooling with some friends and hitting up both of these FREE shows back-to-back.  It could possibly be the cheapest and best music night of the summer!

Weekly Charts

WKNC’s top 30 albums from the past week

This week’s top 30 Daytime albums, compiled by Daytime Music Director Jenna St. Pierre:

1. Generationals – Con Law
2. Bowerbirds – Upper Air
3. Light Pines – The Light Pines [EP]
4. Fiery Furnaces – I’m Going Away
5. Magnolia Electric Co. – Josephine
6. Cymbals Eat Guitars – Why There Are Mountains
7. Deradoorian – Mind Raft
8. Double Dagger – More
9. Yacht – See Mystery Lights
10. Stardeath and White Dwarfs – The Birth
11. Miike Snow – Miike Snow
12. Wilco – Wilco (the Album)
13. Dinosaur Jr. – Farm
14. Dirty Projectors – Bitte Orca
15. Nomo – Invisible Cities
16. Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros – Up From Below
17. Megafaun – Gather, Form, And Fly
18. Antlers – Hospice
19. Bibio – Ambivalance Avenue
20. Portugal. The Man – The Satanic Satanists
21. Violet Vector and the Lovely Lovelies – EP II [EP]
22. Tomahawks – Like A Horse On A Beach
23. Motel Motel – New Denver
24. Sonic Youth – The Eternal
25. Throw Me the Statue – Creaturesque
26. Bronzed Chorus – I’m The Spring
27. Holiday Shores – Columbus’d The Whim
28. You And Your Effects – You And Your Effects
29. Boogie Boarder – Pizza Hero
30. St. Vincent – Actor

Music News and Interviews

Back To School With Schoolkids Records

As NC State gears up for the fall ‘09 semester Schoolkids Records in Raleigh is offering a $2 off back-to-school coupon for any purchase over $7.99.   The offer is only valid through September 1st and the store recommends printing out “as many as you’d like!”

Schoolkids is located at 2114 Hillsborough St., Raleigh, NC.

Remember, supporting local music isn’t just about the bands, its the entire community!