Weekly Charts

Underground Charts 11/28/23

Underground Charts

1SEAFOOD SAMAfros In The Wind [EP]drink sum wtr
2AESOP ROCKIntegrated Tech SolutionsRhymesayers
3MICKEY O’BRIENOrebodyHand’Solo
4BUTCHER BROWNSolar MusicConcord Jazz/Concord
5MIKEBurning DesireLex
6EDO. GWe Do GoodRed Line
7LTTHEMONKUptown Intern #333Sonic Unyon
8H31RHeadSpaceBig Dada
9ARMANI WHITERoad To CasablancoDef Jam
10GABRIEL TEODROSFrom The Ashes Of Our HomesSelf-Released

Underground Adds

1AESOP ROCKIntegrated Tech SolutionsRhymesayers
2KILLER MIKEMichael (Deluxe)Loma Vista/Concord
3GABRIEL TEODROSFrom The Ashes Of Our HomesSelf-Released
4$PIFFÉ“ROUNDS” [Single]Self-Released
5MAUIMØON“Groove With Me” [Single]Self-Released
6LIONS“Cool Out Sun” [Single]House Of Beige
Weekly Charts

Chainsaw Charts 11/28/23

Chainsaw Charts

1FREYAFight As OneUpstate
2FUTURE STATICLiminalityWild Thing
3DYING FETUSMake Them Beg For DeathRelapse
4RECEIVERWhispers of LoreGates of Hell
5BARONESSStoneAbraxan Hymns
6VITRIOLIC RESPONSEThe Dissidents/Vitriolic Response [EP]Self-Released
7CRYPTOPSYAs Gomorrah BurnsNuclear Blast
8XORCIST“Coterie Of The Depraved” [Single]Prosthetic
9CREAKDepth PerceptionProsthetic
10TILL THE DIRTOutside The SprialNuclear Blast
Weekly Charts

Afterhours Charts 11/28/23

Afterhours Charts

2DEATH’S DYNAMIC SHROUDTranscendence Bot100% Electronica
5CARLOS POMPEUO fantasma que come mofo e vomita o sangue dos outrosLogoLogo
6RIPHYAKUrated N for nobodyLost Frog
9SPECIAL INTERESTEndure (Remixed)Rough Trade/Beggars
10MURRUMERPrelude to PatchworkSelf-Released
Weekly Charts

Top Charts 11/21/23

Top Charts

1CHERRY GLAZERRI Don’t Want You AnymoreSecretly Canadian/Secretly Group
2FLY ANAKINSkinemaxxx (Side A)Lex
3FLY ANAKINSkinemaxxx (Side B)Lex
4YVES TUMORPraise A Lord Who Chews But Which Does Not Consume; (Or Simply, Hot Between Worlds)Warp
6BEN FOLDSWhat Matters MostNew West
7K-RIZOne Way TicketBirthday Cake
8KIPP STONE66689 BLVDClosed Sessions
9MANNEQUIN PUSSY“Sometimes” [Single]Epitaph
10PARIS TEXASMid AirParis Texas/The Orchard
12SLEEPING BAGPets 4: Obedience School DropoutEarth Libraries
13WAVEFORM*AntarticaRun For Cover
14BILLY WOODS AND KENNY SEGALMapsBackwoodz Studioz/Fat Possum
16CHAMPSRide The Morning GlassBMG
17HAVIAH MIGHTYCrying CrystalsMighty Gang
18MAN ON MANProvincetownPolyvinyl
19MCKINLEY DIXONBeloved! Paradise! Jazz!?City Slang
21MOKA ONLYIn And Of ItselfUrbnet
23PALEHOUNDEye On The BatPolyvinyl
24TRUTH CLUBRunning From The ChaseDouble Double Whammy
25JOEY JOESPHTriple Fantasy…Taking It EasyEyebrow Palace
26HOTLINE TNTCartwheelThird Man
29FEEBLE LITTLE HORSEGirl With FishSaddle Creek
30MOON BLAZERSspring [EP]Self-Released

Top Adds

1MHAOLAttachment StylesMerge
2AL WESTThe StoreSelf-Released
3FROST CHILDRENHearth RoomTrue Panther
4GLASS BEACH“rare animal” [Single]Run For Cover
5MJ LENDERMANAnd The Wind (Live And Loose!)Anti-
6WISHY“Too True” [Single]Winspear
7MEI SEMONES“Wakare No Kotoba” [Single]Bayonet
8DANESHEVSKAYALong Is The TunnelWinspear
Weekly Charts

Underground Charts 11/21/23

Underground Charts

1SEAFOOD SAMAfros In The Wind [EP]drink sum wtr
2BUTCHER BROWNSolar MusicConcord Jazz/Concord
3MICKEY O’BRIENOrebodyHand’Solo
4LTTHEMONKUptown Intern #333Sonic Unyon
5JESHIThe Great Stink [EP]Because
6K-RIZOne Way TicketBirthday Cake
7KYLE MCEVOYLone OakSonder House
8EDO. GWe Do GoodRed Line
9KIPP STONE66689 BLVDClosed Sessions
10MIKEBurning DesireLex

Underground Adds

1EDO. GWe Do GoodRed Line
2MIKEBurning DesireLex
4K-REC“Good Humour” [Single]Casual Dad
5TY SLATTER“Can’t Sleep” [Single]Self-Released
6JAVIER GOODENYoung Kings Wear CrownsFUNKnation Recordings
7JAY CINEMA“what a day” [Single]Self-Released
Weekly Charts

Chainsaw Charts 11/21/23

Chainsaw Charts

1ROCKY’S PRIDE AND JOYAll The Colours Of DarknessP.A.K.
2FREYAFight As OneUpstate
3FUTURE STATIC“Roach Queen” [Single]Wild Thing
4XORCIST“Coterie Of The Depraved” [Single]Prosthetic
5CRYPTOPSYAs Gomorrah BurnsNuclear Blast
6BARONESSStoneAbraxan Hymns
7OUTERGODSThe Kingdom Built Upon The Wreckage Of HeavenProsthetic
8RINGWORMSeeing Through FireNuclear Blast
9VITRIOLIC RESPONSEThe Dissidents/Vitriolic Response [EP]Self-Released
10INHUMEDFeasted Upon Like CarrionSelf-Released

Chainsaw Adds

1NERVERBrothers in Christ [EP]Reptilian
2CHAT PILEBrothers in Christ [EP]Reptilian
3DOMINATION CAMPAIGNA Storm of SteelProsthetic
4SODOM1982 [EP]SPV/Steamhammer
5PLAGUEMACEReptilian WarlordsNapalm
Weekly Charts

Afterhours Charts 11/21/23

Afterhours Charts

2DEATH’S DYNAMIC SHROUDTranscendence Bot100% Electronica
5CARLOS POMPEUO fantasma que come mofo e vomita o sangue dos outrosLogoLogo
6RIPHYAKUrated N for nobodyLost Frog
9SPECIAL INTERESTEndure (Remixed)Rough Trade/Beggars
10MURRUMERPrelude to PatchworkSelf-Released

Afterhours Adds

3SPECIAL INTERESTEndure (Remixed)Rough Trade/Beggars
4MURRUMERPrelude to PatchworkSelf-Released
5SHYGIRL“thicc” [Single]Because
6YAEJI“easy breezy” [Single]XL
7ELKKADJ Friendly [EP]Ninja Tune
Miscellaneous Music Education

“We Are the Best!” – Swedish Punk Film

“We Are the Best!” is a movie set in the early 1980’s when traditional Swedish punk like KSMB started to decline in popularity. It centers around a trio of young girls making themselves seen through block-headed determination to have their uniqueness shine into the world around them.

Swedish punk music truly came alive in the 1970’s with bands like KSMB and Ebba Grön, and in the 1980’s hardcore punk became more mainstream in bands like Mob 47 and Anti Cimex (info from Discogs).

When I watched this movie, I had little knowledge of Swedish punk history. I hadn’t really listened to many old school punk bands not from the US or UK. While the movie doesn’t dive too much into niche punk bands and sounds, it supplies viewers with delightful, raw punk spirit through the three main characters, Bobo, Klara and Hedvig. 

The film is based on the director’s wife’s (Coco Moodysson) graphic novel, “Never Goodnight”. I haven’t read it myself but the art style encapsulates the DIY nature of punk energy and the movie’s story does so too (this article has a few snippets from the book). 

“We Are the Best!” was released in 2013. Director Lukas Moodysson, with the guidance of his partner Coco Moodysson, also created the screenplay for this film. If you want to watch this film, you can find it for free on YouTube with ads. 

The Plot:

I am going to get into some spoilers for this film, so if you don’t want to read them, stop reading here. 

Two besties, Klara and Bobo, are thirteen years old and tired of taking s**t for being young, girls, punk and different from everyone else. We see them compared to their stereotyped blond teen classmates and older boys and adults who constantly patronize them. 

On an absolute whim stemming from justified anger, Klara and Bobo start making music and writing songs. The two do everything together. They’re completely reliant on each other, but still have their tensions sparking fights throughout the film. Eventually, at a school talent show, they meet Hedvig, an outwardly appearing Christian conservative with real talent for music. 

Bobo and Klara recruit Hedvig to join their band and the three of them continuously get into trouble while opening Hedvig’s eyes to the world beyond Christianity.

After meeting up with other local punks and a few internal dramatic moments, Bobo, Klara and Hedvig have their first gig by the end of the film. They get raucous boo’s for being girls, but absolutely eat up the negative energy as fuel for their righteous performance on stage. The movie ends with the three of them being the best of friends and living up to their fullest punk potentials.

Why’s It So Good?

“We Are the Best!” does a phenomenal job at capturing and harnessing true punk spirit, realistic characters, history and tension. I love all the interactions between every side character, little gimmicks of getting free food, begging for money, just everything Bobo, Hedvig and Klara did together seemed whimsical and true to the nature of young teens trying to be themselves in a structured conforming society. 

The music was also amazing. The characters had great dialogue about the music of the times (which I think is accurate, not really sure because my music history knowledge is poor). Scenes with classic Swedish-punk tunes like “Schweden Schweden” by Ebba Grön and “Sex Noll Två” tied the dialogue and history together with the raw emotion you get from punk tracks. You can check out the whole soundtrack list on IMDb

The pacing of the film was also well done. Characters and events flowed smoothly from one triumph or failure to the next without losing my interest. Also, there were tons of hilarious and awkward interactions between children and adults that still occur today. I love it when a movie transcends time periods to show how actions between each other are still the same. 


I loved “We Are the Best!”. Lukas and Coco Moodysson created a wonderful homage to that awkward punk spirit I wish I had when I was younger, and they’ve made a piece of art that shows us why rebellious kids and adults will never die out as a fad ever again. People will continue to be marginalized for something they can’t control, so the only option to counter that is to be loud, stand tall, and join with your friends to fight for individuality. 

I definitely recommend taking some time to watch this film with homies, besties, buds, friends, companions, really anyone that you’re close to because it will make you all smile without fail.

Music Education

Egg Punk – A Genre Field Guide

Sometimes when I talk about genres, I’m accused of making them up. I think this is fair, especially when it comes to egg punk.

I’ve been listening to egg punk since 2019, though I never knew that there was a name for the “weird punk stuff” I’d play while filing through backstock at my old retail job.


Egg punk is, for all intents and purposes, a satirical genre born from internet chatrooms.

Apparently inspired by the works and aesthetic of DEVO, egg punk is mild, colorful and imbued with a new wave influence that sets it apart from other punk genres.

Cover for “DOG” by Snooper

While some sources claim the genre got its start in 2013 as a response to the abject overseriousness of “chain punks,” there isn’t anything scholarly (that I could find, at least) to support this.

This distinction isn’t to be taken too seriously, either. The egg-chain dichotomy is, at its core, mere meme fuel.

The Sound and Style

All the same, it’s pretty easy to identify.

Egg punk music is inherently unserious, energetic and ironic. With firm roots in punk’s DIY style, egg punk bands use minimal recording and mixing and cheap synths.

Cover for “Grass” by Powerplant

The result is music that sounds transfused by static, but in a strangely good way.

The genre can also be distinguished by its art style, which draws from both DIY and experimentalism. Egg punk band album covers often appear hand-drawn or collaged.

Egg Punk Artists

Notable egg punk groups that served to bolster the genre’s hold include Uranium Club, Lumpy and The Dumpers, The Coneheads and many others.

Other egg punk bands include:

Classic Album Review

Amaara’s “Child of Venus”

Surprise! I’m not writing about local or hardcore music. Instead I’m doing a small break from loud noise and focusing on Amaara.

Amaara is a moniker for “multimedia” artist, Kaelen Ohm, and “Child of Venus” is the first full length album released by Ohm. The album is a blend of pop, ethereal sounds and smooth, syrupy vocals. 

“Child of Venus” was released earlier this year on July 7. I have been listening to it as soon as it popped up on my Bandcamp page because the album art looked intriguing, and I’ve been hooked ever since. 

Ohm wrote, composed and produced every song on the album. She also performs vocals, synths, guitar, piano, bass and backing vocals. Ohm got some help in the percussion, and wasn’t able to do that herself. It’s extremely impressive to me to see artists able to conquer all these instruments and have tons of talent to create a whole album like this. 

“Child of Venus”

Track 2: “The Discover of Innocence Is Its Loss (Wide Open)

The album opens with “Child of Venus”, the title track, but I found this song to be way stronger and impressive. It literally opens with “a shot to the heart” and the album continues to escalate from this point (Ohm’s Lyrics on Bandcamp). 

Track 4: “New Love’s Mortal Coil

Easily a new love, akin to Lana Del Ray in vocals and vibe, but still Amaara is her own unique recipe of gooey, ghostly and good songs. The music video is a lil’ silly, but the song remains one of my favorites on this album.

Track 6: “Shimmering Light / Visions

Absolutely my favorite track of this whole release. The slow build up into the “Visions” half of this song really keeps me 100% involved every second of it. I love the windy road and adventure we go on by listening to this track. 


This album’s got a few slow moments, maybe even a couple of dull ones (*cough* “Still” *cough*) – either way, I think Amaara’s got a lot of great energy going into her style and sound. I’ll absolutely keep listening to my favorite tracks and be on the constant lookout for new projects by both Amaara and Ohm herself.