
Most Anticipated Acts of Hopscotch (Underrepresented Genders Edition)

AAs one-half of the NO DUDES PWR HR, I just couldn’t not tell y’all about the acts led by people of underrepresented genders that I’m most excited for at this year’s Hopscotch Music Festival. Here they are in alphabetical order:

Cayetana: Slim’s, Thursday at midnight (technically it’s Friday)

Is it just me, or are all musicians from Philly these days? Jk. But, as my friend once told me, there’s truth behind every “jk,” and clearly the scene there is producing some great artists. One of these is Cayetana, who you should listen to if you just can’t get enough straight up indie rock. Pay special attention to their lyrics and the bass line in Grumpy’s, and be sure to catch them at Slim’s. Cayetana press photo from Bandcamp.

Madame Gandhi: Nash Hall, Friday at 11:30 p.m.

If you’re going to Hopscotch to be inspired, definitely check out Madame Gandhi’s set. She’s a percussionist, electronic musician, vocalist and activist who seriously cares about people. If you see her set, she’s sure to create some great beats and leave you thinking afterwards. To give you an idea, check out the song The Future is Female.  Madame Gandhi “Voices” album cover

Mary Timony Plays Helium: Red Hat Amphitheatre, Sunday at 4:15 p.m.

If you’re like me, you know Mary Timony mostly from the bands Ex Hex and Wild Flag, but her set at Hopscotch will be special. Timony went on tour this summer, recreating the songs of Helium, the band that she fronted in the 1990s. She’s bringing these songs to Hopscotch, and who knows when else you’ll be able to hear them live? My personal faves are Hole in the Ground and Superball. Ex Hex at South By Southwest 2014 photo by Bri Aab, WKNC.

MOURN: CAM, Friday at 11 a.m.

I thought I’d never get to see this band in my life. The self-proclaimed “very young quartet” is from Spain, and they make awesome post-punk music that I can’t wait to hear live. They’re also releasing a new EP, Over the Wall, on the same day that they play. Check out their new single here, though I’m partial to Misery Factory and Gertrudis, Get Through This! MOURN press photo from Bandcamp.

Solange: Red Hat Amphitheater, Saturday at 9 p.m.

Of course. Of course. Just be there! Until then, I highly recommend taking a peek at Solange’s music videos because they’re really visually engaging. Try Don’t Touch My Hair or Losing YouSolange Knowles’  “A Seat at the Table’ album cover

ZenSoFly: Red Hat Amphitheater, Saturday at 2:15

If you saw her at this year’s Double Barrel Benefit, you know she’s the best. If you didn’t, now you can find out. It’s great to see so much great hip-hop at Hopscotch, including local artist ZenSoFly. I personally will never get over CookOut, and her EP Little Miss Perfect is great. ZenSoFly at Double Barrel Benefit 14 photo by Katelyn Auger, WKNC.

Want to hear these artists and more on WKNC? Listen at 4 p.m. on Friday, September 8 for a special NO DUDES PWR HR show broadcast from Wristband City!

For the full Hopscotch schedule, click here. Catch you out there!

<3, The Fuzz


How to Tell your Friends about Hopscotch

             The countdown to Hopscotch is winding down. Concerts are always better with friends, so you’d want your friends to keep you company during this annual event, right? But perhaps you find that you’re the only one in your friend group that is associated to WKNC (even if by just listening to the station or you just really dig our website) and therefore realize that your interest in/obsession with Hopscotch interest isn’t shared. That’s okay, having friends with different interests is what life is all about. However, we still should care about are friends and empower them do what’s in their best interest. So, if you realize that you are the only member of you, apartment, rec league team, cubicle section, study group, posse, crew, mob, etc. that is a) is going to b) wants to go to, or c) has at least heard of Hopscotch, you need to show your group that you care about them and introduce them to the experience that is Hopscotch. 

Step 1: Casually Introduce the subject 

            It’s the week immediately following Labor Day and everyone has returned from what is most likely their last summer adventure. Whether it’s the realization that the first round of tests is in sight or that you have to clock back in tomorrow morning, your friends aren’t ready to let go of summer. Gently bring up the idea that they can still have one last big bang the weekend of memories at Raleigh’s biggest music festival of the year. Yes, you just said weekend, music, festival, and Raleigh in the same sentence. No, you did not mean Bonaroo or Lolla. You’re talking about the one and only, the North Carolinian music fanatic’s dream, the cake that they can have and eat too – HOPSCOTCH. 

Step 2: Hit them with the Ol’ Razzle Dazzle 

            Now that they’re aware of the occasion, give them a reason to go. You want to be careful here. Right now you have them hooked, so you need to keep up the momentum as you reel them in. The best way to go about this is disorientation: Throw out the big-name artists you know they love, as well as the fact that there’ll be local (yes; local as in Cheerwine-drinking, Cookout-Tray ordering, lowkey-still-knows-all-the-words-to-either Sweet Caroline and/or Raise Up) acts to discover as well. Make them feel like a music scout by describing the different venues in which they can be in the presence of seasoned and up-and-coming stars: Kings, The Pour House, CAM Raleigh (yes, the museum!), The Basement, and more! And of course, don’t neglect to mention that you (insert your name) will be there to not only guide them through this experience as someone in touch with WKNC but to experience it alongside them as well – YOU are also a selling point.

Step 3: Provide the 411

            At this point your friends are in all probability on their phones buying tickets so they don’t miss out on this opportunity and have to wait until next year. They bombard you with questions about the details: when, where, parking, food, times, etc. Releasing them from their fervor, provide the following responses:

When: September 7th-10th

Where: Downtown Raleigh


  • Free on NC State’s campus after 5 pm
  • Use WKNC’s Lyft code WKNC50 to get credits toward your first Lyft rides.
  • Skip it by taking the Wolfprowl into downtown between 10 pm and 3 am onFriday and Saturday nights
  • Walk or bike if you’re super local – save the Earth!

Food: Almost every block downtown has some food vendor on it, or bring your own!

Times: Check out and print the full Hopscotch Schedule @

            If some or all of this information escapes you in the moment, you can always direct your friends to WKNC’s blog and they can peruse at their own convenience. Remember – take care of your friends by introducing them to Hopscotch in a reasonable, non-assaulting or judgmental manner. They’ll thank you for it and be glad they knew about this epic final summer hurrah.


Hopscotch: How to Prepare

Ah, the sun’s blaring heat has begun to retreat indicating the decline of the Summer season. More importantly is that August is closing up to give way for September: the month of Hopscotch. 

Yes reader, you do have reason to feel a sense of urgency as this year’s Hopscotch is but two weekends away! That means you only have this coming weekend to prepare yourself. Allow me to bestow my knowledge from past Hopscotch experience on how to get the most out of your experience. I will break down these sacred preparations into a list of steps that go in chronological order.

  1. Ensure a wristband for yourself by either purchasing a ticket at OR volunteering for a ticket through
  2. Print out the schedule located at
  3. Highlight all of the acts you are interested in (accept that you probably will not be able to see every show you highlight)
  4. Print out the Hopscotch map ( and determine the most efficient way to get to all of the shows you highlighted
  5. Wear comfortable shoes and clothes (you will be walking/running from venue to venue)
  6. Pack a water bottle  
  7. Sleep as much as you can

Following these steps are crucial to ensure that you make it to Hopscotch and can confidently go between venues without having to waste precious time trying to google directions or pass out from dehydration/sleep deprivation/bad footwear choice. These tickets ain’t cheap and these bands are following a strict schedule. You have a lot to lose from being under-prepared and your Hopscotch experience is entirely in your hands. Prepare diligently and have an awesome time at Hopscotch this year!

-Farah Hamouda


Hopscotch: A Retrospective

The Hopscotch music festival first began taking over downtown Raleigh for a weekend in September 2010. Despite living in Raleigh at the time, I was not in attendance, nor did I know about the festival. This can easily be chalked up to the very severe divide between North Raleigh and the area encapsulating Downtown Raleigh and the NC State campus. As someone who grew up in North Raleigh, these really are two truly different worlds. However, I was also 14 at the time of the inaugural festival and I really probably didn’t know who Panda Bear or Megafaun were. I was much more inclined to the bands that played Warped Tour.  

Looking back over the lineups in my very early 20s is quite the weird treat as one can see just how ahead of the curve Hopscotch was in many instances and also just how much the festival and Downtown Raleigh have changed. From the inaugural year, we see Future Islands headlining the Berkeley Cafe, which is weird to think about in general. First, the Berkeley Cafe is place that still operates as a dining establishment, but not a live music venue. Secondly, this band headlined one of the smaller places in all of the venues in 2010 and in seven years time are now headlining City Plaza as the triumphant local heroes. This will be a theme throughout the festival’s history. Next on the docket are some of the venues used for performances such as the Busy Bee, Tir Na Nog, and Five Star, which WKNC had an event at the latter to my surprise. Now the festival has greatly expanded, featuring some very unique and large venues such as CAM and the basement of the Raleigh Convention Center.

2011 came and was still another year I didn’t know about, but the festival seems to be getting a bit bigger year by year with The Flaming Lips headlining and a great undercard of some now huge names like Oneohtrix Point Never and Toro y Moi residing fairly low in the lineup to where now they’d be near the top of most lineups.

2012 is an absolutely insane lineup and arguably one of the best well rounded lineups in the festival’s history. The top of the lineup sees a 90’s music fan’s dream with the Jesus and Mary Chain, Yo La Tengo, and Built to Spill, but it also has wide appeal for everyone else. The metal selection for 2012 is top notch featuring Sunn 0))), and from what I have heard, they played Raleigh Memorial Auditorium, which I just can’t even imagine. From there they invited local stalwarts Corrosion of Conformity and Valient Thorr to rock Raleigh’s face off. Let’s not forget Nails near the middle of the lineup, who would easily be near the top half of the lineup in 2017. This lineup even had some of the best hip-hop of the moment with Danny Brown and Death Grips.

2013 was the first year Hopscotch came into my world. I wouldn’t necessarily say the festival as a whole, but mainly I just remember seeing Earl Sweatshirt on Lincoln Theatre’s website and really wanting to go, but not knowing what Hopscotch was. Towards the bottom of this line-up, one might see a once-small band called Sylvan Esso, funny in retrospect considering they played the Hopscotch main stage

to a huge audience this past year. This festival is a breaking ground for so many artists in the North Carolina region and for bands at large. Just look at 2010 with Best Coast, Washed Out and the War on Drugs all just playing Tir na Nog. A great little spot back in the day, but super small. The good people behind Hopscotch really do know how to book bands on the rise better than most festivals out there.

2014 may be the most infamous year of Hopscotch, mainly because of a certain artist named Sun Kil Moon calling the audience at Lincoln Theatre a bunch of hillbillies, or something along those lines. Aside from this rather obnoxious incident, featured another well rounded year for the festival with the likes of mega indie star St. Vincent taking on City Plaza, legendary punk band Death playing a very rare show, and De La Soul bringing their fresh, upbeat blend of 90s hip-hop nostalgia to the City Plaza on a Thursday night for the first time. This year can also lay claim to being one of the danciest line-ups in the festival’s history with the likes of Jamie XX, Lunice and the Range.  

2015 was a pivotal year for me as it was the first year I really knew about the festival in its fullest and thus my first year in attendance and it was a great time. There really is nothing like running from one venue to another to catch a set in the middle of September. This festival really does a great job of curating artists that very few other festivals would even touch. Raleigh saw the likes of Dwight Yoakam and X in one night along with industrial metal pioneers Godflesh. Then there are the artists on the brink of success such as Goldlink who you can’t escape right now.

2015 was my first year, but definitely not my last. I knew I had to return in 2016, especially with the festival’s best lineup in its entire history. Well that is at least in my opinion. How could this not be the best year with the likes of Vince Staples, Anderson .Paak, and Young Thug in one night! Let’s not forget Converge, rising indie/funk act Sneaks, and apparently a wall of death at Twin Peaks (at least that’s what I have heard). This was a year to not forget and 2017 is shaping up to be quite the grand year. I can’t wait to reflect on this years iteration in seven years and see what local is headlining or indie act is at the top of the world. If I was a betting man, I would definitely throw out some predictions, but I’m not that smart!

Stay tuned for more coverage from WKNC and we will see y’all at Wristband City this year!

-Jamie Halla, General Manager


Best Venues To Camp Out for Hip-Hop During Hopscotch

Many seasoned Hopscotch-goers, festival attendees and planning-freaks in general may anticipate seeing all of their favorite acts in this year’s Hopscotch line-up. Luckily, all this takes is hours of research, plenty of running around in the hot sun, and if you’re blessed enough to be unfamiliar with downtown Raleigh, you can burn through tons of GPS data usage trying to find your next spot.

What’s the point of all this sarcasm?

Some people just wanna camp out at a venue and chill there for the whole damn day.

Perhaps even specifically those who LOVE Hip-Hop.

If you’re one of these people, here’s the best venue each day of Hopscotch for your lethargic, Hip-Hop needs:

Thursday, September 7th: Lincoln Theatre

Hip-Hop fans rejoice, for the first day of Hopscotch has an amazing line-up to kick things off, found at none other than Lincoln Theatre. Local emcee/producer/figurehead in NC Hip-Hop P.A.T. Junior will be getting the party started at 9:30pm. He’s known for both amazing production and lyricism, and is sure to kick off a vibe you won’t want to miss. Following P.A.T. is an artist who’s always done it dope, but even more so recently due to “North Cack”-fame, Durham’s own G Yamazawa. Take this from the Underground Director of WKNC: this guy puts on a show. Come witness the flow. BARS.

Then, Oddisee and Good Compny hits the stage. This is a great example of Hip-Hop meets live-band (think The Roots). It’ll touch your soul, man. Finally, riding the wave of success from her July 2016 tape Telefone, Chicago’s own Noname will be closing the night out, which is icing on the cake to a great first night of Hip-Hop at Hopscotch.

For those who haven’t been before, Lincoln Theatre will be a cool spot. It’s certainly one of the larger venues in Raleigh and has a wide variety of seating to view the act, both standing and seating. It’s got a hipster-type ambience, and plenty of good beer specials. Additionally, there are quite a few restaurants within walking distance of the venue, for those who will be have dinner before they pick their venue for the night.

This is the spot for Hip-hop on Thursday!!

Friday, September 8th: Red Hat Amphitheater

It’s no secret who is hosting the biggest names this year. Red Hat Amphitheater is the venue that will give you the most Hip-Hop on Friday. When I say the most, I mean the most. The night opens with Busdriver, an underground-rap hero hailing from Los Angeles, at 5:20. He’s a seasoned artist, so he’s gonna bring the juice. Keeping the night going is NC’s own Rapsody, who’s accolades include a huge amount of work with NC-producer 9th Wonder, landing the only feature on Kendrick Lamar’s Grammy-winning To Pimp a Butterfly, and recently being signed to Jay-Z’s Roc Nation. Yeah, you probably wouldn’t wanna miss that. And of course, the grande finale of the night: Run the Jewels. It has been said that they put on some of the best live performances ever. Like, ever.

Red Hat Amphitheater is a staple in Raleigh live music, known for housing some of the biggest acts that come to the 919. Their parking is ultra-convenient, so for those who may stress about that like me, this is your relief. AND for local beer lover, they feature brews from Lone Rider, Carolina Brewery and many others. With all types of seating that has great views of the stage, this is your best bet on Friday to catch all kinds of Hip-Hop vibes.

Saturday, September 9th: City Plaza

City Plaza’s got the good stuff on Saturday. Kicking off the night is Electronic-Rock/Indie Rock band Body Games, who’ve got many LP’s to pull from and an amazing live set. They’ve also got ties to Hip-Hop through their dope collaboration with WELL$ (perhaps we’ll get a surprise performance of their track “WMN”?). This will be a great transition into ILOVEMAKONNEN, who’s infectious super-hit “Tuesday” track from 2014 is a staple in any college-party playlist. Keeping the Atlanta-vibes going, the biggest act of the night is legendary emcee Big Boi. With a handful of hits from his Outkast days and a handful of hits from his solo records, Big Boi never disappoints live. Don’t miss!

Raleigh’s City Plaza is right in the heart of the city, which will be a unique outdoor spot for the performances on Saturday. This will be a great way to experience music in Hopscotch differently than other, indoor venues downtown. So let the outdoor city life spice up your Hopscotch weekend experience! 

Side note: Not to disregard everything I’ve said above, but it is important to note that Solange is performing at Red Hat Amphitheater on Saturday at 9 o’clock, just in case Solange is must-see for you as it is many others. Good luck choosing between the 2 amazing line-ups at each venue…. ah the struggles of festival planning! 

Sunday, September 10th: Red Hat Amphitheater

After 3 days of heavy festivities all through downtown Raleigh, Red Hat Amphitheater is the only venue hosting any sort of major music activities for Hopscotch. Come on out to the venue to see a line-up of amazing Indie music, including Cloud Nothings, Mount Moriah and Angel Olsen. Close out the festival with an awesome Sunday of music!

Thank you to all Hopscotch-goers and enjoy Hopscotch 2017!


Six Shakori Survival Secrets

Shakori Hills is a music festival in Chatham County, NC that runs every spring and all. They have over 50 bands playing from May 4-7 as well as onsite camping, morning yoga sessions, and a variety of activity booths. Here are some tips to get you off on the right foot at Shakori!

1. Prepare for rain and mud! Plenty of mud…

As though by some beautiful curse, Shakori consistently receives enough rain each festival to churn up plenty of mud for everyone’s shoes, the rain is embedded into the Shakori experience at an almost molecular level. Last years fall Shakori coincided with Hurricane Matthew’s tour, while they did play some bright thunderous tracks off their old album they also brought a whole lotta rain. This year’s forecast is looking like another rainy encore. Bring some heavy boots if you really wanna get down, and a pair of fresh socks to change into at the end of the day!

2. Save on parking by carpooling with your friends!

Cars with four or more people get free parking, this saves you from the $5 per vehicle per day price for on-site parking. There generally is plenty of parking by the Henderson Tanyard road entrance but be wary any heavy rains can produce some mud sliding action, if you’re lucky.

3. Camping Locations!

There are five main camping sites at Shakori: Woodstock, Middle Earth, Old Homestead, Meadow Side, and Green Acres. Both Woodstock and Green Acres are considered family camping areas. If you’re looking for the ideal location Middle Earth is a great spot that is essentially surrounded by stages and activity tents. However study up a good path to and from your camping site because at night it can be a struggle to find. Also the early bird gets the worm on picking on a good camp site so get a friend to stake out a good spot near a footpath early on if possible.

4. Camping Gear Necessities!

Half of the Shakori experience is camping out and being one with ~nature~. Be prepared with a couple tools and you’ll never miss a beat. A headlamp works wonders late at night, especially for spotting that obscure footpath you need to take to make it back to camp after the shows finish for the night. Tarps are ideal for protecting large tents from rain. Coolers and ice for any beverages you wish to keep cool, or drink your sodas Shakori style: lukewarm. And obviously a shelter of some form, however my preferred setup is a hammock+tarp cover with a fairly warm sleeping bag, super lightweight and mobile.

5. Volunteering Options!

If you’re a bit low on cash but still wanna Shakori, then check out the volunteering options. One 3-hour work period will get you a pass for that day. My suggestion: work early and do trash/recycling. While there are other jobs like Gate Crew, Food Prep, and Hospitality I think Trash/Recycling is the easiest and has the added benefit of sometimes ending early. Working early generally means the work is lighter and gets you out in time to see all the great night shows.

6.  Have Fun! Make Friends!

While the music and mud are great all on their own half of the fun of Shakori is the people. Go roaming around Middle Earth, or go hula hooping with some randos by the music stages, or say hi to your camping neighbors! Shakori always has a good crowd of good people so go out and meet em’!


Guests In, Dinner Done?Here Are Some Fun Things To Do the Rest of the Holiday

RALEIGH, N.C. – There’s more to the Thanksgiving holiday than food and football, and many activities are available at destinations within the N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources –  often for little or no cost. Take time to give thanks for the natural beauty and cultural richness of North Carolina this weekend.


State Historic Sites. Most historic sites will be closed Thanksgiving Day and Friday, but resume regular operations on Saturday. Most are free.

State Parks. Open Thanksgiving Day and through the weekend, except those impacted by forest fires in western North Carolina, including South Mountains, New River, Elk Knob, Mt. Jefferson, Mt. Mitchell, Lake James and Chimney Rock State Parks. Free.


N.C. Aquariums-Roanoke Island, Pine Knoll Shores, Fort Fisher. The three aquariums are closed Thanksgiving Day, but open through the weekend. Fee.

Roanoke Island Festival Park, Manteo. Closed Thanksgiving Day only but open through the weekend with holiday programming. Fee.

N.C. Maritime Museums-Beaufort. The Beaufort museum will be closed Thanksgiving Day, but open through the weekend. Free.

N.C. Maritime Museum-Southport/Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum, Hatteras. These maritime museums will be closed Thursday and Friday, then resume regular operations. Free.

Battleship North Carolina, Wilmington. Open Thanksgiving Day and through the weekend.  Fee.

Museum of the Albemarle, Elizabeth City.  Closed Thanksgiving Day and Friday. Free.

Tryon Palace, New Bern. Closed Thanksgiving Day, but open over the weekend with holiday programming. Fee.

Museum of the Cape Fear, Fayetteville. Closed Thanksgiving Day only. Free.


N.C. Symphony, Raleigh. Holiday Pops performances Nov. 25 and 26, Meymandi Concert Hall. Fee.

N.C. Museum of History, Raleigh. Closed Thanksgiving Day only. Free.

N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh. Closed Thanksgiving Day only. Free.

N.C. Zoo, Asheboro.  Open Thanksgiving Day. Fee.

N.C. Museum of Art, Raleigh. Closed Thanksgiving Day only. Museum Park open. Free.

Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art, Winston-Salem. Closed Thanksgiving Day and Friday. Free.

N.C. Transportation Museum, Spencer. Closed Thanksgiving Day only. Polar Express Nov. 25-27. Fee.


Mountain Gateway Museum, Old Fort.  Closed Thanksgiving Day and Friday. Free.

(Information Source:


Don’t say ‘girl band’: How to effectively write about music


Believe it or not, there *is* a more correct way to write about music. Recently, the world of music journalism has experienced a push in the right direct to write about music more inclusively. Here is a quick, non-exhaustive list of a few do’s and don’ts on how to cover festivals, concerts, and artist profiles without alienating your audience or smearing the artist:

  1. DON’T say “girl band”
    This should be an easy one. Just because a band is comprised of all women, one woman, two women, three women, or however many women, they are not a “girl band.” They are a band. If you feel the compulsion to use the term “girl band,” ask yourself, “Would I call a band of all men a Man Band?” No, you wouldn’t. Because that sounds dumb. Some people believe it to be progressive to highlight that a band is made up of all women or even has one single woman in it. Just simply writing about them (in a non-tokenizing way) gives them the exposure they otherwise wouldn’t have in a heavily patriarchal industry. Basically, don’t tokenize the identities of artists, whether they be women, non-binary individuals, or any form of gender non-conformity.
  2. DON’T use the word “queer” unless it is an explicit self-identifier
    Not all people who aren’t heterosexual identify as queer. “Queer” is a term that has a long, notorious history of being a pejorative phrase, especially towards trans-feminine individuals. However, some people have taken upon reclaiming the phrase to describe their sexuality and gender identity. And that’s fine! That’s awesome! But, if you’re writing about an artist that has made their sexual or gender identity known to the public, do NOT immediately use the word “queer.” If at all possible, reach out to the artist to learn what terms they are comfortable being identified as. If the artist is apart of the LGBTQ+ community, they are not immediately queer. Only use the terms you know they are comfortable with.
  3. DO write about non-male artists and artists of color
    As mentioned before, highlighting artists who are often alienated from specific music scenes can do a lot to overturn racist, transphobic, and sexist ideologies that permeate in the industry. Make it a priority to write about non-white, non-male artists. This is not to say to tokenize these individuals, or make only a surface-level, symbolic effort to include these individuals. DON’T develop a savior complex through your writing. This is not “the least you can do” to combat discrimination, and I wouldn’t even call this activism. It’s just important to give people of color and non-men in music their recognition in an industry that has turned against them. Art, in all its forms, is used and experienced by all types of people, and coverage of these artists who wouldn’t normally have this recognition is necessary. A person’s race, ethnicity, or gender does not speak for them entirely, though it is a large part of their self-expression and identity. Step outside of your “comfort zone” and give 4 piece bands made of white dudes a break for awhile. There’s so much more out there.
  4. DO use your words
    I don’t know how many times I’ve seen electronic artists described as “synthy” or non-commercial (indie) rock bands described as “dreamy.” It can get pretty monotonous, not to mention annoying, pretty fast. This is absolutely just me being nit-picky, but there are many more adjectives out there to describe a band’s sound than the above.
    Other no no’s (because I am an asshole):
    lo-fi: The fact that an artist does not have high quality recordings does not indicate in any way what they would sound like. This does not help me at all. Wavves’ King of the Beach and Neutral Milk Hotel’s In The Aeroplane Over The Sea don’t sound anything alike, but both albums have a lower quality of recording. Calling an act “lo-fi” is fine, but please add a few more genre-indicative phrases along with it.
    bedroom pop: A lot of people make music in their bedrooms!!! Maybe I just hate this description because it’s been mercilessly thrown at every indie artist with a Bandcamp without regard to their sound. Please only use this term if the music is actually poppy and lo-fi. Otherwise there is literally no reason to use either “bedroom” or “pop” in your description.
    beep-boops: This definitely comes with less serious music journalism. Like, I definitely wouldn’t see this word in a Pitchfork write up (I pray I wouldn’t, at least). But if you’re doing a pretty informal write-up about an electronic artist and feel the need to describe a sound they make as “beeps” and “boops,” I implore you not to. I always found this phrasing pretty reductionist (and annoying, but that’s not the reason I don’t think you should use it. I’m annoying too).

angel by shaggy


Body Positive Festival Fashion


Festival season promises a slew of ill-informed and potentially body-shaming, culturally appropriative overviews of acceptable festival fashions. For Hopscotch, or any festival for that matter, attendees and performers should dress comfortably and fashionably (if they want!). Here are a few tips on how to stay cool for Hopscotch weekend!

Wear comfortable shoes! I cannot stress this enough! Venues around downtown Raleigh are pretty close, but after awhile, you’ll find that hustling back and forth between sets will take a toll on your tootsies. Closed-toe sneakers or other athletic shoes are my number one recommendation. Strappy sandals, like Tevas, are another good option, but you might go home with dirty feet. You know your feet and what you can handle, though, so this is totally up to you.

T-shirts and tank tops are usually the best bet here to stay cool. If, for religious or other cultural practices, tank tops are not an option, any light or loose top will do as well. This also goes for people who may feel uncomfortable showing their arms or skin in general. The heat must be beat, but as long as you’re hydrating and ducking into air conditioning every now and then, you will survive.

To stay cool, skirts or shorts are the best option. As stated before, if skirts or shorts are not an option for you for any reason, light athletic pants or a polyester, stretchy denim is another great option for staying as cool as possible! 

Sunglasses. Sunglasses. SUNGLASSES. Wear sunglasses! Perhaps some device to attach the glasses around your neck! You are going to thank me later for this. Also, sunscreen. Sunscreen is an accessory and a powerful one. You don’t want to go home Sunday night and realize you turned into a peeling, amorphous, dead-skin person.

I recommend bringing a backpack or cross-body purse to the festival. Pack light, and only the essentials. If you’re planning on attending any day parties, DEFINITELY bring water. Bulkier bags and wristlets can become a hassle in big crowds.

Suggestions here are simply that: suggestions. By all means, if you’re going to Hopscotch, I encourage you to wear whatever you want and however you want. Just don’t hurt anybody in the process.

-angel by shaggy


Post-Bonnaroo, what could we have done better?

Planning and executing your plan to Bonnaroo is always a work in progress. Each year has become progressively easier for me personally, after not having a pop-up canopy first year, and after correcting our food situation from my second year, let’s take a look at what my group could have done better this year, and what we will surely capitalize on in the coming years.

First of all, shoes. My vans are great for everyday stuff, but let’s be honest, those kicks, while perfect for 80% of situations in my opinion, don’t offer enough support to be walking or standing for 95% of your waking hours for four days straight. Wear some Chacos, or at least something meant for a lot of walking, your feet and legs will thank you at the end of the day. It isn’t really something you think about otherwise, but after your days my legs just felt like jelly, very very sore and kinda painful jelly.

The second order of business is sleep. Now this one is a double edged sword, but I experienced both ends of it this year. If you get too much sleep (like I did on Friday night and Saturday morning), you’re gonna miss out on some awesome stuff going on around the festival. I missed The Chainsmokers, as well as the Keys N Krates Kalliope set, just because I thought that I “should really get some sleep for the big day/night tomorrow”, which I now really regret, because I heard those shows were both fantastic. On the other hand, Saturday night we were up until 5 AM after RL Grime, as well as Adventure club and a Kalliope set. You WILL wake up before 8:30 every day due to the heat in the tents, so make sure you account for that. If your body and mind won’t hate you too much the next day, go ahead and stay up super late, it will be worth it, otherwise though sleep is pertinent.

Lastly, stay hydrated, but make sure you are always replenishing electrolytes. By this, i mean even though you are hydrated, make sure you are eating foods to carry you through the day and night, because of how taxing all the activities at Bonnaroo are. Just drinking water will actually cause you to lose more electrolytes as they wash out of your system, and you need those to keep on keepin’ on at all these concerts. In extreme cases like water poisoning, a bag of chips could save a life. Be smart, stay safe, and have the time of your life out there.