New Album Review

Album Review: Hearth Room by Frost Children

The sibling duo(Angel and Lulu Prost) have been painted as redundant and tired by outlets such as Pitchfork. However, their new album is anything but. It is a creative departure from their hyper-pop centric discography. They instead made a singer-songwriter, indie-rock and pop fusion that’s less in your face when compared to their previous “Speed Run”. It also takes writing inspiration from 90s rock hits like “Teenage Dirtbag” by Wheatus and “Kiss Me” by Sixpence None The Richer. These combinations of influences create something that is nostalgic, but forward thinking.

“Hearth Room” starts off with the love sick anthem, “Lethal”. It has a chorus that is insanely catchy like any great pop song would, along with cute synths and a guitar backbone. After the first chorus it transitions to an instrumental section that puts the electric guitar front and center. This is easily one their best tracks as it is so simple on the surface, but the attention to detail in the production makes it a joy to listen to.

This album is full of love songs with a handful of thought-provoking detours. One of my favorites is “Frost Park”. It focuses on an unassuming park and the variety of creatures that reside there. It is a electronic and folk track that is more laid back and reflective. This track anthropomorphizes these animals, here are some of lyrics from this track.

“Frost Park is free to roam”

Said the dove to robin

“Oh, how my heart truly ache for the rabbit down below”

Robin said, “Don’t you worry about him

He’s so in love with the ground around him, oh” 

“Frost Park” – Frost Children

I think this song is a modern day version of  “A Day In The Park” by Micheal Urbaniak with a quirky and thematically relevant twist.

“A Day In The Park” by Micheal Urbaniak from YouTube

This album shows how versatile this group is and I’m ecstatic for whatever they release in the future.

Songs to start with: “Lethal”, ”Marigold”, ”Frost Park”, and ”Stare At The Sun”

-DJ Veil

By DJ Veil

I occasionally write blogs about whatever interest me at the momement