Ahh, today is the day that we must say goodbye. Our long, long thread of blogs on Tumblr are no more! We are now on the lovely WordPress! We have updated WKNC’s website and, y’all, it is so cool. WKNC said: “Glow up!!!!”
We transitioned to our new website, which is still wknc.org, on October 1st and we love our new little baby!! The blogs can now be viewed on the website, and the home screen gives you some sneak peaks of our most recent blogs and content! Our podcasts can also be found here, too! How convenient!
Now, let’s take a walk down memory lane, WKNC first started on Tumblr in January 2014.We have been on Tumblr for a little over 6 years! We have so much content on different bands/artists, albums (new and old), concert and festival reviews, interviews, and short stories on Tumblr that have made our days when we needed them most. All of those blogs will be on WKNC’s new website! YAY!! You can spend hours upon hours just reading the amazing content that. Our DJ’s and staff have created!
The Saw (and her Butcher Shop) has destroyed us in her Meat Grinder and hung us up in the Meat Locker so we had no choice!! We had to switch over, the pain was tremendous in the Butcher Shop!! But we have plenty of room over here at WordPress so we are safe… for now. She might find us, oh no!!
But until then, Tumblr, we love you and WKNC just wants you to know: it’s not you, it’s us. We had to flex on ‘em real quick. Ya feel? So, go on over to our new website and check out all that we have to offer! We got WKNC’s history, HD-1/HD-2 schedule, our playlist so you never miss the name of your favorite songs, our podcasts, our blogs, and many many more!!
Happy scrolling 🙂
-On behalf of WKNC