Frank Ocean’s newest track “In My Room” dropped on November 2nd. It features a lot of Ocean’s smooth, flowful rapping. He compares the music industry to sex: “Horny for the game / first they kiss then they bite soft” and talks about his time in the spotlight despite his reclusivity: “I need a new face, I’m tired of these weirdos.” He also talks about expensive items that only fame could’ve allowed him to have: “forty nine diamonds stuffed in my bracelet.” Lastly, in the chorus, he speaks on newly acquired love: “Every night you were in my room / My room, my room with me / I guess I can’t state my feelings too soon / I don’t know you / And I can’t put no threats in the air.” Obviously, Frank has a lot going on, but the track is a beautifully produced banger.
-cellar door xxx