Festival Coverage

WKNC Hopscotch Day Party Artist Feature: Emily Musolino

With Hopscotch right around the corner, and WKNC’s Day Party at Legends following closely in its wake– how better to promote both events than by give y’all a lil’ insight into our Day Party Line-up!

WKNC’s Day Party description is as follows.

This year has been full of milestones, and WKNC aims to celebrate them all. 2019 held Raleigh’s first ever Pride Festival, was the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, and marks ten years of Hopscotch. With this in mind, WKNC’s Hopscotch Day Party aims to promote and celebrate LGBTQ+ affiliated artists from across the state to keep the Pride Party going all year long! Featuring Petrov, Emily Musolino, Juxton Roy, Through the Tallwoods, Black Bouquet, and To Julian, the party will be hosted on Saturday, September 7th at Legends Club. This event is all-ages and supported by the NC State GLBT Center.

This will be a series up until the Day Party, so the questions will be the same, but we can guarantee that every artist will add their own personal flare to each answer.

Emily Musolino has kindly agreed to do a stripped down set on the acoustic stage of Legends. Though typically done with a full band, the raw emotion and lyrical complexity makes this act my personally most anticipated set of the day.

  1. Give us a lil rundown of how your band got formed! When/where/how/why!  I’ve been writing songs for 20 years. it started out as a personal outlet for me when I picked up the guitar at age 10. When college came up, I chose Berklee College of Music because it had the reputation of being one of the top contemporary music academies in the world. After graduating with a degree in music production I decided it was much too cold to live in Boston so I moved back home and have been traveling around the southeast ever since playing music! 
  2. What can an audience member expect from one of your shows? It depends on what show. I provide myself on being very diverse – Sometimes the audience wants to party and have loud rock and roll, and sometimes it’s a quiet listening room where they want to be softly serenaded. I can do both. 
  3. Do you see performance as a task or an endeavor? In that vein, what part about performing is most challenging or liberating? I love performing. I feel more natural on stage then I do offstage most of the time. The most liberating thing about it is it forces you to live completely in the moment – no worrying about the future or regretting the past. Everything that matters is in the note you’re singing right now. 
  4. What does Pride mean to you? How do you embody those meanings in your music? In your everyday life?  I’ve been out and proud for 15 years and still to this day I’ll feel a twinge of fear when singing my original lyrics that are obviously gay. I despise that fear, and I hope that every time I sing one of my songs a little bit of that fear goes away not just for me but for the whole LGBT community. 
  5. What are you most excited about during Hopscotch?  Tough question! There are so many great acts, I’m just happy to be a part of it all and soak it all in. 
  6. For the tenth anniversary of Hopscotch, what would you ten years ago think about you now?  I think she would be thrilled! I’m living my dream of playing music full-time, I have a wonderful girlfriend and an ever expanding circle of multi-talented friends. life is good 🙂
  7. Please list some fun facts about your band!   This particular show will be solo, not sure about fun facts, you might just have to come to show to find out!

You can learn more about Emily Musolino by visiting her Facebook page or Instagram (@theemilymusolino) and, of course, by attending WKNC’s Hopscotch Day Party. It will be held at Legends Club on Saturday, September 7th and begins at noon! 

Literally be there or you will make baby deer cry!

Festival Coverage

WKNC Hopscotch Day Party Artist Feature: Petrov

With Hopscotch right around the corner, and WKNC’s Day Party at Legends following closely in its wake– how better to promote both events than by give y’all a lil’ insight into our Day Party Line-up!

WKNC’s Day Party description is as follows.

This year has been full of milestones, and WKNC aims to celebrate them all. 2019 held Raleigh’s first ever Pride Festival, was the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, and marks ten years of Hopscotch. With this in mind, WKNC’s Hopscotch Day Party aims to promote and celebrate LGBTQ+ affiliated artists from across the state to keep the Pride Party going all year long! Featuring Petrov, Emily Musolino, Juxton Roy, Through the Tallwoods, Black Bouquet, and To Julian, the party will be hosted on Saturday, September 7th at Legends Club. This event is all-ages and supported by the NC State GLBT Center.

This will be a series up until the Day Party, so the questions will be the same, but we can guarantee that every artist will add their own personal flare to each answer.

Petrov, hailing from Charlotte, calls themselves “thicc rocc” which, although a joking title, is rather true. A sensual blend of guitars and smooth vocals overlayed onto a disco-inspired drum line makes it impossible not to dance. Petrov is our headliner for obvious reasons.

  1. Give us a lil rundown of how your band got formed! When/where/how/why!

    Craigslist actually was the original common thread of how we formed. Our guitar players Syd Little and Michael Backlund were in a band in Boone called Borrowed Arts. They both moved back to Charlotte and posted a Craigslist ad about wanting to start a new band. Garrett Herzfeld, the drummer, responded to the ad not even knowing that he had already played shows with them in the past. They all posted another Craigslist ad for a bass player (answered by Matt McConomy, who happened to already be familiar with the dudes as well), and then finally Mary Grace McKusick answered Garrett’s Facebook post about needing a vocalist. She had never been in a band before, but was encouraged by her friend to push through her hesitations worrying Garrett might think of her as not much more than just his good friend’s little sister. But we are so glad she did because she ended up being the perfect fit. And thus Petrov was born.

  2. What can an audience member expect from one of your shows? 

    Audiences watching a Petrov show can expect an excitingly punchy rhythm section, dueling yet complementary guitars, and an aggressively entertaining frontperson passionately belting out her feelings on topics important to her.

  3. Do you see performance as a task or an endeavor? In that vein, what part about performing is most challenging or liberating?

    We see performances as a welcomed endeavor. The feeling between performer and audience is irreplaceable. The biggest challenge is definitely between-song banter.

  4. What does Pride mean to you? How do you embody those meanings in your music? In your everyday life?

    Mary Grace: Pride means to embrace anything and everything about yourself. Our song “By All Means” is about me coming into my queer identity and relationships and moments that have shaped myself into said identity. I show pride in my everyday life by being unapologetic and owning the space I take up.

  5. What are you most excited about during Hopscotch?

    Mary Grace: Acne
    Garrett: Sunwatchers, Boris, Little Brother

  6. For the tenth anniversary of Hopscotch, what would you ten years ago think about you now?

    Hopefully the “us” of ten years ago would feel more approval than disappointment about our current selves.

  7. Please list some fun facts about your band

    The name “Petrov” comes from Stanislav Petrov, a Soviet officer who in 1983 trusted his gut that a nuclear missile alert warning that the United States had launched missiles was a false alarm. His decision to disobey orders by not immediately retaliating went against Soviet protocol, but most likely prevented full-scale nuclear war. So thanks, Stanny.

You can learn more about Petrov by visiting their Facebook page or Instagram (@petrovclt) and, of course, by attending WKNC’s Hopscotch Day Party. It will be held at Legends Club on Saturday, September 7th and begins at noon! 

Dance tonight (on Saturday), revolution tomorrow.

Festival Coverage

WKNC Hopscotch Day Party Artist Feature: To Julian

With Hopscotch right around the corner, and WKNC’s Day Party at Legends following closely in its wake– how better to promote both events than by give y’all a lil’ insight into our Day Party Line-up!

WKNC’s Day Party description is as follows.

This year has been full of milestones, and WKNC aims to celebrate them all. 2019 held Raleigh’s first ever Pride Festival, was the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, and marks ten years of Hopscotch. With this in mind, WKNC’s Hopscotch Day Party aims to promote and celebrate LGBTQ+ affiliated artists from across the state to keep the Pride Party going all year long! Featuring Petrov, Emily Musolino, Juxton Roy, Through the Tallwoods, Black Bouquet, and To Julian, the party will be hosted on Saturday, September 7th at Legends Club. This event is all-ages and supported by the NC State GLBT Center.

This will be a series up until the Day Party, so the questions will be the same, but we can guarantee that every artist will add their own personal flare to each answer.

This is ~officially~ To Julian’s very first interview and WKNC is very excited to have this alumnus, friend, and artist share their insight with us.

Read their answers below 🙂

  1. Give us a lil rundown of how your band got formed! When/where/how/why!  When I was 19, I felt like I was stagnating and living without a passion. I grabbed my friends and went to a pawn shop down the road from the house I was raised in, and bought my first guitar for $70. I never took a lesson, never sat down and learned with anyone; I just labored and labored until I was proficient and stuck my hands in weird places on the guitar. and so came to be ‘to julian’!
  2. What can an audience member expect from one of your shows?confusion? Everyone always comes up to me afterwards and relays the fact that they don’t know whether they should be really happy or really sad. 
  3. Do you see performance as a task or an endeavor? In that vein, what part about performing is most challenging or liberating? In many ways, it’s both. I have horrible performance anxiety to the point where I can’t eat anything the day of a show or else it’ll just come back up the way it came, so managing that has been a challenge. But in the same way, it’s extremely liberating to grapple with that anxiety and win. I’ve trained myself to just think that the stage is my bedroom – now everyone gets to see exactly who I am. 
  4. What does Pride mean to you? How do you embody those meanings in your music? In your everyday life? Pride is nurturing and holding. The queer community has always held me, understood me, taught me, and given me strength in a way that no one else has. It’s allowed me to be exactly who I was meant to be with nothing held back; which is essentially exactly why I make music. I make music because one day, when I have a child, I want them to know that I did it! I figured out the way to feel most like me and now I get to spend the rest of my life flying into myself. I figured out how to hold nothing back and show everyone exactly who I am and be proud of that person too. 
  5. What are you most excited about during Hopscotch?  Honestly, this is the first year I’m not attending the festival as a whole but rather just the day parties, so I’m excited to get some rest for my feet so next year I can walk twice as fast. 
  6. For the tenth anniversary of Hopscotch, what would you ten years ago think about you now?  12 year old Michael was so simple; I listened to Queen, Gorillaz, Deftones, I just learned how to ride a bike (I know I was late!), and I always itched to be different, but didn’t know how to. I’d be so proud of myself. shocked, but proud. 
  7. Please list some fun facts about your band!  ooooh … I already discussed a couple of these but … I’ve only been playing guitar for 3 years! I can do this weird thing where I sit criss-cross on the ground and without using my hands, bring my feet into the lotus position? and then since my legs are essentially knotted and unable to move freely, I walk around on the floor using my arms as legs. Real good party trick! One last one … my sister and I were born exactly 4 years apart on April 8th, which just so happens to be my favorite song by neutral milk hotel, which is also my favorite song on earth. 

You can learn more about To Julian by visiting their Facebook page or Instagram (@2222Julian) and, of course, by attending WKNC’s Hopscotch Day Party. It will be held at Legends Club on Saturday, September 7th and begins at noon! 

Pre-game the show by previewing all of the acts discographies on bandcamp! To Julian’s bandcamp link is as follows.

Just like the show…… listening to their bandcamp is free too.

Festival Coverage

I Just Wanna Dance… AT HOPSCOTCH

Even though Hopscotch is known for having mainly indie-rock artists, there are a few hip hop and electronic acts that should be noted! The following list is for people who love to dance and want to have some fun. 

Injury Reserve, Joey Purp, and Earth Gang @ Lincoln

No Love @ Kings
Channel Tres @ Imurj

Grace Ives @ Imurj
Gudiya, Jasmyn Milan, Zah and Estoc @ Wicked Witch

If you’re interested in hip hop and rap Thursday night at Lincoln is a big night you won’t want to miss and if you’re in love with electronic music you must check out Wicked Witch on Saturday. 

Even if hip hop and electronic music aren’t your thing, it’s definitely worth checking out and could be a nice break from your typical indie-rock shows at Hopscotch.

-DJ Short Strides

Festival Coverage

WKNC Hopscotch Day Party Artist Feature: Juxton Roy

With Hopscotch right around the corner, and WKNC’s Day Party at Legends following closely in its wake– how better to promote both events than by give y’all a lil’ insight into our Day Party Line-up!

WKNC’s Day Party description is as follows.

This year has been full of milestones, and WKNC aims to celebrate them all. 2019 held Raleigh’s first ever Pride Festival, was the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, and marks ten years of Hopscotch. With this in mind, WKNC’s Hopscotch Day Party aims to promote and celebrate LGBTQ+ affiliated artists from across the state to keep the Pride Party going all year long! Featuring Petrov, Emily Musolino, Juxton Roy, Through the Tallwoods, Black Bouquet, and To Julian, the party will be hosted on Saturday, September 7th at Legends Club. This event is all-ages and supported by the NC State GLBT Center.

This will be a series up until the Day Party, so the questions will be the same, but we can guarantee that every artist will add their own personal flare to each answer.

Juxton Roy is a self-described queermo band that has strong ties in the DIY scene of the Triangle, though they may take a more business-oriented route to musical success. Nonetheless, their music is empowered and raw, tugging at your heartstrings in the only way they know how– with honesty.

Read the second artist of this series’ answers– Juxton Roy.

  1. Give us a lil rundown of how your band got formed! When/where/how/why!  Juxton started sometime in 2017, as an idea to start an alt-country band that slowly blossomed into genreless project we are now. It was a slow year of rehearsing and writing the songs that eventually would make up our debut “Why are you so afraid of ___”. We solidified our first lineup in that time and played our first show at Sound Off records in April of that 2018. We picked up our manager, Jonas, during that time as well which led to us being picked up by Emo Raleigh. We then did things backwards by recording our debut immediately after our first show but we’ve hit the ground running ever since.  Playing more and more shows. We’ve been nonstop ever since. 
  2. What can an audience member expect from one of your shows? Our shows are an experience. We aim to create a space of community and catharsis all at once. There’s a lot of energy, a lot of singalongs, and a big sense of unity. The goal is create a safe space for LGBTQIA+ people to feel safe in a scene predominantly led by cis white men. We make at point at every show to always say that with Jux, you are safe, seen, valid and our family. 
  3. Do you see performance as a task or an endeavor? In that vein, what part about performing is most challenging or liberating? That’s an interesting question, I don’t know if I (Jess) would ever see performance as a task. Endeavor doesn’t quite sound right either but it may be closer. We put all of who we are into our live performance. We make a point to never play the same setlist twice. I think all of us are really channeling our varied experiences into the music when we perform it live, and it comes out as this loud, almost worshipful form of honest catharsis. Everything we are as people is laid bare on that stage, so I guess it could be an endeavor cause it can be draining to do that. But it also feels really good to do it, to look an audience in the eye and know you’re going through the same thing. Performance is more validating for us then a task or an endeavor. 
  4. What does Pride mean to you? How do you embody those meanings in your music? In your everyday life? Another great question. Pride to me means visibility. It means being seen and heard, acknowledged and safe. It means not denoting the LGBTQIA+ experience down to one singular narrative. Queer voices are varied and beautiful and rarely listened to, especially in this day and age. It’s amazing that Hopscotch and WKNC are including more queer centered shows and events, it’s something I cherish. Within Juxton, we approach pride within our music and shows. We stay visibly queer not as an act of defiance, but as an invitation for dialogue and the opportunity to create safe spaces for people who may not find that often enough. Our music touches on a lot of issues, be it mental health, gender identity, drug/alcohol abuse, and the ever confusing concept of love. But it always circles back to our overarching message of self love, self acceptance and community. I think that’s important in any scene. Especially for people who go to shows looking for acceptance/answers. There’s to many bands around doing it solely because they want to/are good at it. That’s not good enough anymore, you have to stand for something, in my opinion. 
  5. What are you most excited about during Hopscotch?  I’m still hoping I’ll be able to go to some of the main bill shows but I’m really excited about the Museum Mouth/Kissisippi show. Same goes for the Sarah Shook and the Disarmers set. So many of our friends are playing as well and it’s hard to narrow it down. Stand outs to me would be Through the Tallwoods are playing with us at the WKNC showcase, that band is full of amazing people and they rip. 
  6. For the tenth anniversary of Hopscotch, what would you ten years ago think about you now? I don’t think ten years ago I was aware of the existence of Hopscotch hahaha. I don’t think then I would’ve ever thought I would be entering my second year of playing it so I guess I would be proud of myself. I don’t think anyone in Juxton ever thought we’d be where we are now as fast as we got there, and we’re all really grateful for it. 
  7. Please list some fun facts about your band!  
    • Our guitarist Matt is in approximately 10k bands(Flood District, Fredfin Wallaby) and they all rip. Same goes for our drummer Parker(Hi-Dive).    
    • Our name may or may not be based on a drunken Sean Connery accent.
    • Juxton Roy will have new music out this year, and it sounds sounds absolutely bonkers. We’re really proud of it. 

You can learn more about Juxton Roy by visiting their Facebook page or Instagram (@juxtonroy) and, of course, by attending WKNC’s Hopscotch Day Party. It will be held at Legends Club on Saturday, September 7th and begins at noon! 

How else can I convince you other than saying its Prideful, FREE, and on a WEEKEND? BE THERE!!!!

Festival Coverage

Hopscotch Day Parties: How to Survive and Thrive

Three days of live music can take a lot out of you. This guide will show you how to attend day parties in addition to the festival and still have enough energy to get the most out of your Hopscotch experience.

The full list of Hopscotch day parties can be found here:

Plan for The Festival
Make a schedule of who you want to see at the festival. Take into consideration the genre of music and the location of the venues. Even though all the venues at Hopscotch are close together, it can get exhausting running back and forth every night. You should also take note if someone you want to see live is also playing a day party.

Now Plan for Day Parties
I suggest planning your day parties in accordance to your festival schedule so that you have one high energy time and one low energy time. For example, I plan on seeing all of the high energy hip hop and rap groups at Hopscotch on Friday night so I plan on making my day party schedule for Friday quite relaxed. Hopscotch is a marathon not a sprint! Take it easy and take care of yourself.

Schedule Breaks
Make sure to add breaks to your schedule!! Factor in meals, water breaks, and general rest breaks.

Have Fun
Go to the day parties and have a blast!

My Top Picks for Day Parties:
Imurj: noon – 5 p.m.
GEM Productions Presents: Thursday Shmursday Day Party
The Muslims, Cosmic Punk, The Augurs, Fish Dad
Sponsored by Fiction Kitchen and Raleigh Brewing Company
Cash Donations accepted to benefit GirlsRockNC
Free food from Fiction Kitchen while supplies last
Free samples from Raleigh Brewing Company

Imurj: noon – 5 p.m.
GEM Productions Presents:
M8alla, ZenSoFly, Tanajah, Sonny Miles
Cash Donations collected to benefit Neighbor2Neighbor

Ruby Deluxe: noon – 5 p.m.
To the Front: A Hopscotch Day Party Hosted by The Pinhook and Ruby Deluxe
Vaxxers (12:00), The Muslims (12:45), Cold Cream (1:30), TRIPPLE X SNAXXX (2:15), Bangzz (3:00), Loamlands (3:45), Khxos (4:00)
Tables by and donations accepted for NC Resists and Siembra
Feat DJ’s Gemynii (of The Conjure) and Luxe Posh

Carolina Waves x K97.5 Present:
DJ RNB (12:00), FAMMO (12:45), BRASSIOUS MONK (1:00), DAVAUN (1:20), CHYNA VONNE (1:45), SK THE NOVELIST (2:00), TY HARRIZ (2:25), 3AMSOUND (2:55), KRAWZBONEZ (3:20), LO$T GENERATION (3:55), TANAJAH (4:35)
Hosted by K97.5’s & Red Jones Feat. DJ RNB.
Draft Specials from Raleigh Brewing, Liquor Specials from Don Julio, Free Food from Johnny’s Pizza

Legend’s Nightclub (330 W Hargett St.): noon – 4:30 p.m.
WKNC Day Party
Through the Tallwoods (12:00), Juxton Roy (12:45), To Julian (1:30), Black Bouquet (2:15), Emily Musolino (3:00), Petrov (3:45)
In Partnership with the NC State GLBT Center

Kings: noon – 5 p.m.
AdHoc Presents: “Free for All”- Official Hopscotch Day Party
Indigo De Souza (12:00), Yowler (12:50), Mega Bog (1:40), Truth Club (2:30), Grace Ives (3:20), Faye Webster (4:20)

Non-Music News

John and Benjamin are back with another year of PackisLife and on the first show of the semester they get you caught up on the start of soccer, volleyball, tennis and swimming and diving. They preview the start football season as well discuss early retirement trends in the NFL

Listen to Episode 52 here!

Festival Coverage

WKNC Hopscotch Day Party Artist Feature: Black Bouquet


With Hopscotch right around the corner, and WKNC’s Day Party at Legends following closely in its wake– how better to promote both events than by give y’all a lil’ insight into our Day Party Line-up!

WKNC’s Day Party description is as follows.

This year has been full of milestones, and WKNC aims to celebrate them all. 2019 held Raleigh’s first ever Pride Festival, was the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, and marks ten years of Hopscotch. With this in mind, WKNC’s Hopscotch Day Party aims to promote and celebrate LGBTQ+ affiliated artists from across the state to keep the Pride Party going all year long! Featuring Petrov, Emily Musolino, Juxton Roy, Through the Tallwoods, Black Bouquet, and To Julian, the party will be hosted on Saturday, September 7th at Legends Club. This event is all-ages and supported by the NC State GLBT Center.

First and foremost, though not the opener, is Black Bouquet (and that’s simply because they answered the fastest– we love that).

This will be a series up until the Day Party, so the questions will be the same, but we can guarantee that every artist will add their own personal flare to each answer.

See Black Bouquet’s answers below!

  1. Give us a lil rundown of how your band got formed! When/where/how/why!  Ian and Jake (me) met in high school chorus class, Tristan and Hunter met through a flyer Tristan put up for an Americana band at Wake tech. We all came together through craigslist.
  2. What can an audience member expect from one of your shows? Audience members can expect dramatic flailing, needlesharp guitar work, modulated bass, and dynamic drums. Also probably some flowers and Halloween decorations for flair.
  3. Do you see performance as a task or an endeavor? In that vein, what part about performing is most challenging or liberating? Performances are what we thrive and depend on as a band to know how well we are functioning as a music making unit. All of the work between shows (writing, recording, practicing) is done to make sure the next show will have something new to stand out from the last. It’s also the best opportunity to communicate to an audience where we’re all at artistically, in real time.
  4. What does Pride mean to you? How do you embody those meanings in your music? In your everyday life? Pride to me is about being unapologetically yourself, even when other people or your own brain want to discourage it. We make a point to be unabashed with our music, stage presence, art, and how we dress and present ourselves to the world using the band as a vehicle to do so. I personally just try to carry that same energy the band gives me everywhere I go.
  5. What are you most excited about during Hopscotch?  I’m excited for the streets of Raleigh to be flooded with people who have love and appreciation for art and music! Even if it makes getting to work a pain for a couple days.
  6. For the tenth anniversary of Hopscotch, what would you ten years ago think about you now?  Me 10 years ago would probably look at me now and say “huh. nice hair.”
  7. Please list some fun facts about your band! 
    #1. Some of the employees at the Taco Bell by Ian’s house know us each by name
    #2. I’ve been drawing Petunia (our cat logo) since I came up with it doodling in an Art History lecture in 2015
    #3. Listen to Birdland by Patti Smith
    #4. The first one on one response to our first show ever at Schoolkids Records was “You got bullied a lot in high school, right?”

You can learn more about Black Bouquet by visiting their Facebook page, Bandcamp, or Instagram (@blackbouquetband) and, of course, by attending WKNC’s Hopscotch Day Party. It will be held at Legends Club on Saturday, September 7th and begins at noon! 

Oh…. and it’s free 😉

Weekly Charts

Chainsaw Charts 9/3

Artist Record Label
1 FIT FOR AN AUTOPSY “The Sea of Tragic Beasts” [Single] Nuclear Blast
2 COUNTERPARTS “Wings of Nightmares” [Single] Pure Noise
3 KNOCKED LOOSE A Different Shade Of Blue Pure Noise
4 DEVOURMENT Obscene Majesty Relapse
5 AWAKE FOR DAYS “Break Your Chains” [Single] Self-Released
6 ASCENDING FROM ASHES Glory Darkscale Media
7 OBITUARY “A Dying World” [Single] Relapse
8 SKINLAB “Overcoming” [Single] Art Is War
9 UPON A BURNING BODY Southern Hostility Seek & Strike
10 RITUALIZER “Speed Of Sound” [Single] Self-Released

Weekly Charts

Daytime Charts 9/3

Artist Record Label
1 BODYWASH Comforter Luminelle
2 OH ROSE While My Father Sleeps Park The Van
3 JAY SOM Anak Ko Polyvinyl
4 CEREMONY In The Spirit World Now Relapse
5 PURPLE MOUNTAINS Purple Mountains Drag City
6 METZ Covers [EP] Sub Pop
7 PEAER A Healthy Earth Tiny Engines
8 CHAI Punk Burger
9 LOMELDA M For Empathy DDW
10 NOTS 3 (Three) Goner
11 BLESSED Salt Pirates Blend
12 SHANNON LAY August Sub Pop
13 SHARON VAN ETTEN Remind Me Tomorrow Jagjaguwar
14 CHERRY GLAZERR Stuffed & Ready Secretly Canadian
15 HELADO NEGRO This Is How You Smile RVNG
16 PIP BLOM Boat Heavenly/PIAS
17 PALEHOUND Black Friday Polyvinyl
18 HATCHIE Keepsake Double Double Whammy
19 A BEACON SCHOOL Cola Grind Select/House Arrest
20 FLAT WORMS Into The Iris [EP] GOD?
21 GRINGO STAR Controlled Burn Baby Robot
22 GOTOBEDS, THE Debt Begins At 30 Sub Pop
23 SNAIL MAIL Habit [EP] Matador
24 MARIKA HACKMAN Any Human Friend Sub Pop
25 BLACK BELT EAGLE SCOUT At The Party With My Brown Friends Saddle Creek
26 SLOW PULP Big Day [EP] Self-Released
27 DID YOU DIE Royal Unicorn Blew Rose
28 MUNYA Munya Luminelle
29 STEF CHURA Midnight Saddle Creek
30 CHRISTELLE BOFALE Swim Team [EP] Father/Daughter


1 !!! Wallop Warp
2 ROYAL TRUX Pink Stuff [EP] Fat Possum
3 NIGHT SINS Portrait In Silver Funeral Party
4 BABE RAINBOW, THE Today 30th Century
5 BOY SCOUTS Free Company Anti-
6 OH ROSE While My Father Sleeps Park The Van
7 FRANKIE COSMOS Close It Quietly Sub Pop
8 CEREMONY In The Spirit World Now Relapse
9 JAY SOM Anak Ko Polyvinyl