Weekly Charts

Chainsaw Charts 11/5/24

Chainsaw Charts

1ORANSSI PAZUZUMuuntautujaNuclear Blast
2BLACK CURSEBurning in Celestial PoisonSepulchral Voice
3GIGANAnomalous Abstractigate InfinitessimusWillowtip
4SIDEREANSpilling the Astral ChaliceEdged Circle
5SHENKMidnight Journey of the Beast [EP]Self-Released
6CONCRETE WINDSConcrete WindsSepulchral Voice
7HYPDERDONTIAHarvest of MalevolenceDark Descent
8MAYHEMICTobaSepulcharal Voice
9SPECTRAL WOUNDSongs Of Blood And MireProfound Lore
10COFFIN CURSEThe Continuous NothingMemento Mori

Chainsaw Adds

1SKULLOVICHThe Age of SteelSelf-Released
2ORANSSI PAZUZUMuuntautujaNuclear Blast
3TENUEArcos, B​ó​vedas, P​ó​rticosZegema Beach
4BLACK CURSEBurning in Celestial PoisonSepulchral Voice
5GIGANAnomalous Abstractigate InfinitessimusWillowtip
6GAEREAComaSeason of Mist
Weekly Charts

Afterhours Charts 11/5/24

Afterhours Charts

1MACHINE GIRLMG UltraFuture Classic
2TURQUOISEDEATHKaleidoscopeDismiss Yourself
3SOPHIAAAAHJKL;8901Breakcore BurnoutSelf-Released
4TRUCHAcae cristalSelf-Released
5VITESSE XThis Infinitemusic-website
6BYE2My Wife Is Drink PaintKitty On Fire
7KELLY LEE OWENSDreamstateDirty Hit/dh2
10AZZECCA“Who’s That Girl?” [Single]DGTL

Afterhours Adds

1MACHINE GIRLMG UltraFuture Classic
2TRUCHAcae cristalSelf-Released
3SOPHIAAAAHJKL;8901Breakcore BurnoutSelf-Released
4KELLY LEE OWENSDreamstateDirty Hit/dh2
Weekly Charts

Underground Charts 11/5/24

Underground Charts

1THEE SACRED SOULSGot A Story To TellDaptone
2OBONGJAYAR“Just My Luck” b/w “Tomorrow Man” [Single]September
3YUKIMI“Break Me Down” [Single]Ninja Tune
47XVETHEGENIUSDeath Of DeuceDrumwork
5WILL WILDFIRE“Rolling The Stone” [Single]Self-Released
6DJ MOVESBass, Breaks, & VHS TapesTiger Blood
7VERSIONZORAK“Spear” [Single]Self-Released
8BATHEInside Voice(s): Side A [EP]MNRK
10PLANET GIZAThe Sky Is Recording Me: 100 Years Later (Vol. 1)Quiet Note
Classic Album Review

Soundbites: “Hide In Plain Sight” – Jim James

Hide In Plain Sight,” off of Jim James’ 2016 album “Eternally Even,” is a spiritual pondering.

For those who are unfamiliar, Jim James is one of the members of the rock band My Morning Jacket, and “Eternally Even” was his second solo release. The entire album is a work of art (I also really love “Same Old Lie,” which sounds wide-eyed like a revelation), so I recommend listening to it in full. My heart has however been taken captive by one track in particular.

Synths brazen and verses bearing profound truths in relatively uncomplicated language. The output is abstract, but the feeling is whole. It’s a floccose sound, like a semi-bitter mug of green tea; it is warm and leaves a certain crackle in the throat.

“Hide in Plain Sight” starts off as noise. We hear a bassline and it’s as definite as a heartbeat; the guitar kicks in and it’s blown out, wailing, alluring. And then Jim’s voice, smokey bourbon perfection, singing to us notes on absolutes (”Life’s eternal struggle / It’s just a dream / I hate to burst your bubble / Times change, entire lives reduced to rubble.”) and the contradiction of hoping like a human does (”But then what if the world became sweet again? / Hand in hand, everybody all the best of friends / Golden ends, could we handle it?”)

It’s a song for the end of the day, when change has become blasé; you’re tired, and you’re tired of being tired. Perhaps my favorite line in the whole song reflects that sentiment: “Life goes on with or without you.” It’s polysemous, which is what I love about it so much. It could be defeat, but it could also be sourcing solace in the surrender.

The best way to describe it might be as a soundtrack to an hour of recuperation, perfect for picking up the pieces.

love & disco,

dirty chai

Weekly Charts

Jazz Charts 11/5/24

Jazz Charts

1RYAN KEBERLE AND CATHARSISMusic Is ConnectionAlternate Side
2JULIAN LAGESpeak To MeBlue Note
3FIEVEL IS GLAUQUERong WeicknesFat Possum
4BUFFALO MONROEMeets Willie WaldmanMetacognitive
5BILL FRISELLOrchestrasBlue Note
6CHRISTIAN MCBRIDE AND EDGAR MEYERBut Who’s Gonna Play The Melody?Mack Avenue
8BOBBY SELVAGGIO 11Stories, Dreams, Inspirations: For My BoyHidden Cinema
10SARAH HANAHANAmong GiantsBlue Engine
Weekly Charts

Top Charts 11/5/24

Top Charts

1SPRINTSLetter To SelfCity Slang
2TANUKICHANCircles [EP]Carpark
3COCTEAU TWINSMilk & Kisses (2024 Remaster)4AD
5GINGER ROOTSHINBANGUMIGhostly International/Secretly Group
7CAKES DA KILLABlack SheepYoung Art
10FLY ANAKINSkinemaxxxLex
11HANA VURomanticismGhostly International/Secretly Group
12JODY CARROLLMountainSelf-Released
13JOY DIVISION“Shadowplay” [Single]Vintage Jupebox
15KYLE MARTUCCILate Night ThaiTooch
16MEI SEMONESKabutomushi [EP]Bayonet
17OFFICE DOGSpielNew West/Flying Nun
18POTATOHEAD PEOPLEEat Your Heart OutBastard Jazz
19POWERWASHEREveryone LaughsStrange View
20RITCHIETriple Digits [112]AWAL
21SASAMI“Honeycrash” [Single]Domino
23SEAFOOD SAMStanding On Giant Shouldersdrink sum wtr
25SIOUXSIE AND THE BANSHEESJuju (Remastered)Polydor
26SOCCER MOMMYEvergreenLoma Vista/Concord
27SPIRA MEExisting & Lingeringexisting
28YUNGATITAShoelace & A KnotSelf-Released
29YVES TUMORPraise A Lord Who Chews But Which Does Not ConsumeWarp
30BAUHAUSIn the Flat Field4AD

Top Adds

1RAIN ON FRIDAYSDeath To AffectionSelf-Released
2FASHION CLUBA Love You Cannot Shakefelte
3ANYA MARINAAsteroidGood Rope
4TALKING VIOLETEverything At OnceFlying Colours
5SOCCER MOMMYEvergreenLoma Vista/Concord
7MOMMA“Ohio All The Time” [Single]Polyvinyl
8VINILOVERSUSMi Mejor EnemigoSelf-Released
9ALL FEELSThis Place Is A MessageFlower Sounds
10SAM LYNCH“Hurt” [Single]Birthday Cake
Concert Preview

Machine Girl w/ Kill Alters and Snooper set to Rock Lincoln Theatre

It’s a crazy time for chronically online queer youths. Not only is Machine Girl hitting the stage at Raleigh’s Lincoln Theatre Nov 8, but they’ll be accompanied by iconic and much-beloved egg punk outfit Snooper and alt-tronic Kill Alters.

If you’re somehow out of the loop, here’s what you need to know:

Machine Girl

New York-based alternative electronic duo Machine Girl has maintained a chokehold in the breakcore and “internet music” scenes for several years now.

With a distinct brand of punk-infused electronic noise, Machine Girl’s discography flirts with caustic edges and ebullient, danceable beats. Albums like “.​.​.​BECAUSE IM YOUNG ARROGANT AND HATE EVERYTHING YOU STAND FOR” and “WLFGRL+” emphasize the band’s energetic, eclectic sound.

Machine Girl’s newest album, “MG Ultra,” is a much-awaited revisit of the band’s aesthesis, and will likely make up a large chunk of their setlist.

For more info, check out Juno’s write-up.


Winning my heart with their penchant for paper mache, Snooper is delightfully silly.

Hailing from Nashville, these colorful egg-punkers pride themselves on wild, high-energy performances and their iconic insect mascot.

Snooper’s music is like the headrush after downing a drink, mind-melding, sensory and distorted. Music ideal for scuttling around like a bug.

Kill Alters

Crashing electronic band Kill Alters is an experimental, archival project lead by Bonnie Baxter. Dark, obscure and pulsating like a diseased heart, the group’s music is an acquired taste a la Throbbing Gristle and/or Xiu Xiu.

I’m interested in seeing how the group’s work translates into live performance.

Final Thoughts

Though I anticipate the Lincoln Theatre will transform into a veritable onion patch, I’m eager to experience certain death (and dehydration) amid a frenzy of Tripp pants, studded wrist bracelets and dyed hair.

New Album Review

Soundbites: “Electric Honey (Encore)” – Tanerélle

I’m not entirely convinced that Tanerélle isn’t a celestial being from a far-away Afrofuturist utopia. She brings to Earth her intergalactic take on R&B and neo soul in her newest album, “Electric Honey (Encore).”

The album features some beautiful artists like Machinedrum, who specializes in elegant breakbeat and IDM, and Sabrina Claudio, who has got the sense for sensuality on lock. Drawing from both worlds is something Tanerélle does often, so they seem like perfect collaborators for her vision.

I actually first heard Tanerélle on a Machinedrum track two years ago, called “Star,” and was transfixed. Spellbound. Bewitched. Her voice is like a thick silk velvet against the track’s delicate ambience, and there’s no shortage of that feel in “Electric Honey.”

The first track on the album is “For Her (Chemtrails),” featuring Machinedrum and IMANU. The very first synths sound Ark Patrol-adjacent (an IMANU staple), setting the stage for a lighter dance track that burns out like a blown-out birthday candle: we’re left with the kiss of smoke from its wick.

One of my favorite tracks on this album is “Let Me In – Cosmic Orchestra Ver.,” where Tanerélle takes a standard R&B melody and makes a spectacle of it. The strings are utter drama as she begs a lover to let her in: “Under your skin / Yearning for softness / No need for caution / I’ll be your saint.”

The grandiosity continues with the album’s title track, “Electric Honey.” It’s more of an interlude, bridging the gap between the longing of the orchestral version of “Let Me In” and the neo-soul-voltage of “Blink.”

A final favorite of mine from this album is “Overflow.” It starts off more somber than the others and is at points, more IDM than R&B. At others, it’s sacral like a call through a cavern, accompanied by sober clarity in the lyrics:

I close my eyes as I spy for relief

I sneak away in the night while you sleep

I beg the sky for some love and some peace

And a forever, one for you and one for me

But there’s never getting what you want

It’s an all-too-familiar surrender to truth, after trying to deny that something once complete has since succumbed to decay. I think the track does well the weird back-and-forth between the lightness from relief, and the weight of memory in those moments of realization.

Overall, I think “Electric Honey (Encore)” is a sweet little release with some versatility; I could both dance and cry to some of the songs, depending on the day. It’s slightly experimental, but it remains in the realm of easy listening.

I may play something from it on a set soon..

love & disco,

dirty chai

Weekly Charts

Chainsaw Charts 10/28/24

Chainsaw Charts

4THOUUmbilicalSacred Bones
5HYPERDONTIAHarvest of MalevolenceMe Saco un Ojo
6MAYHEMICTobaSepulcharal Voice
7ORANSSI PAZUZUMuuntautujaNuclear Blast
8SPECTRAL WOUNDSongs Of Blood And MireProfound Lore
9SPITEThe Third TempleInvictus
10CANDYIt’s Inside YouRelapse

Weekly Charts

Afterhours Charts 10/28/24

Afterhours Charts

1TURQUOISEDEATHKaleidoscopeDismiss Yourself
2BYE2My Wife Is Drink PaintKitty On Fire
3VITESSE XThis Infinitemusic-website
4VIRGINIE BAstral 2000Bonsound
7AZZECCA“Who’s That Girl?” [Single]DGTL
8NOTION“After The Break” [Single]Self-Released
9DROOKThe Pure Joy Of JumpingSelf-Released
10TP DUTCHKISS“Song For Ugne” [Single]Leaving