
Special Recognition Local Lunch, May 18

It is with a heavy heart that I relinquish my title as general manager of  WKNC on May 20. My tenure as general manager would not have been made possible without the advice, positive reinforcement, and generosity of my fellow staff members, advisors, and the community at large.  I am certain that DJ Ones, the next general manager at WKNC, will continue to make WKNC the best radio station in the world.

I want to take the last local lunch shift of my time here at WKNC to thank all of the amazing local bands who have helped me and WKNC out throughout this past year.

These are the bands that played shows like Double Barrel Benefit and related Day Party, Fridays on the Lawn, small concerts that may or may not have been successful, and the birthday party. These amazing members of our community donated their time and their talent to WKNC and deserve to be recognized.

This local music scene and related community has made my job worthwhile. There will be airbreaks full of reminiscing, shout outs, and gratitude.

Tune in for the grateful local lunch, Friday May 18 starting early at 11:30 a.m. and going until 1 p.m.



Mickey Mouse-Joy Division shirt is great and risky at the same time

Joy Division‘s Unknown Pleasures has one of the most iconic album covers of all time, and throughout the years individuals of all merchandising types have been able to capitalize on Peter Saville’s design. However, with the release of the new Mickey Mouse shirt that takes inspiration from the iconic album cover, one can’t help but ask, “Why?”

Firstly, it’s easy to see why this is such a great idea. Working on the pure novelty of it, music nerds of all shapes and sizes might be brought into the idea of having the altered album cover on their chest. It’s subtle enough to show Mickey’s legendary profile yet still have the essence of that original cover. Combine the love of Joy Division with Mickey Mouse and it’s easy to see why one could fall for this in a heartbeat.

Indeed it might be the sheer impulse buy that Disney is seeking, however, from looking at such a limited market, production could be seen as incredibly confusing. The market necessary for Disney to see this as a worthwhile investment is incredibly limited. Your average Joe won’t be shelling out the money for such a silly purchase. This is also going on the assumption that people who like Joy Division are Disney shoppers or would be willing to pay for some Disney-based product. Personally I couldn’t see the two matching up in perfect harmony. That’s not to say it won’t work, but the odds that this thing is successful seems incredibly low. Like most things, it will be the dollar vote of the consumer that decides the ultimate failure or success of this perplexing item.


DJs compete in Dodgeball Tournament, score: 88.1 to 0

Six WKNC DJs put the books down for a few hours Tuesday afternoon to hit the courts in this year’s Exam Jam Dodgeball Tournament, held at Carmichael Gym on NC State University’s campus. Sarahnade, Mollypop, The Chanellor, AudioRush, Muta, and DJ Megashark prepped by dancing to Zumba, playing video games with ROTC, getting massages from Campus Rec’s specialists, and practicing bravery in the wrecking-ball bounce house.

WKNC was the second team to play, matched against a fast-pitching team of NCSU students. The heart-wrenching match went on for a significant amount of time – both teams dodged, dipped, ducked, dove and dodged with grace. This included WKNC DJs jumping over balls as they sped towards them and retrieving the opponent’s missed throws in the blink of an eye. The last two standing were AudioRush and Megashark, being cheered on by the rest of the team. Unfortunately, despite their valiant efforts, they too were taken down after a few minutes.


Double Barrel Benefit 9 Poster Design Contest

Double Barrel Benefit, WKNC’s two-night benefit concert, is just around the corner. In order spice things up, we are taking after POSTERscotch and holding a poster design contest!

Artists can submit their work by Dec. 31 to be publicly voted on. The top five submissions will be printed and sold at the event. The winning artists will receive a pair of tickets to DBB9, a DBB9 t-shirt, a copy of their work, and their work will be featured on the WKNC homepage for two weeks.


  • No fee to enter
  • Must contain the WKNC Logo
  • 300 dpi, CMYK in high-res pdf or jpeg format
  • Suggested Dimensions: 11×14 or 11×17
  • Must be original work, and no more than two entries per person
  • Submit your work to gm(at) by Dec. 31 at midnight with the subject line “DBB9 Poster Competition”
  • Designs will be voted on publicly at from Jan. 5-13

Good luck!

Exclusive: interviews Whitney Houston at the 2011 Teen Summit

On Saturday, Oct. 8, I had the pleasure of attending the 2011 Teen Summit in Shelby, N.C. The Teen Summit is an annual event founded by Pat Houston with the purpose of helping “rebuild, restore and repair” the youth. I attended the powerful and much needed summit last year, but this year there was a special guest, the iconic and legendary Whitney Houston.

I had the opportunity to interview Houston briefly regarding her parenting style and the importance of being and having a mentor. I work in radio and was prepared to record the audio, but Houston and her team were uneasy about it and understandably so. Instead, I suggested doing it old-school with a paper and pen and all systems were a go.


The interview:

On how proud she is of sister-in-law Pat Houston for the wonderful work she is doing for the teens:

“My brother was smart for choosing her. I know her as a woman of God, a mother, sister, a wife.” Whitney also went on to explain how she had an instant connection with Pat and expressed how much she loves her and supports her in all of her endeavors.

On encouraging the youth if they go astray:

“I believe that young people will make mistakes and when they do, don’t turn them away. We don’t want them to go to others because you don’t know what they might get from someone else.”

On proactively parenting:

“Keep an open eye. Let them know they can always come home. Keep telling them about the dangers. Love can cover a multitude of sins.”

When asked about those who may not have anyone to look up to:

“The FATHER I know didn’t leave me and will send you a mentor.”

She also went on to say that you are never too old to have a mentor and that if you need one, God will send one in your direction. She also elaborated that Kim Burrell was a God-sent mentor to her.

I told Houston that I see certain traits in Bobbi Kris that I also see in her including her zest for life, no nonsense attitude and spiritual nature. She smiled in agreement and insisted that she made sure to instill in her daughter “compassion, church, faith and hope.”

Houston also discussed adopting a son, Nicholas, over five years ago and the struggles of single parenthood. She also stressed the importance of parents being parents to their kids and not just their friend. She believes that you must set firm boundaries and enforce them.

That was all the time that we had. It was short and sweet, but I do not think this is the last I have seen of Houston. We will meet again. What a privilege to have met and interviewed someone I hold in such high regard. It was one of the crowning achievements in my life.

Interview wrap up and overall thoughts of Whitney Houston:

I have to say that Houston was very gracious, polite, humble and down to earth. She didn’t need a big fuss to be made about her. Her demeanor was quiet and unassuming, but her presence was strongly felt. She is very beautiful and her spirit is uplifting to be around. Anyone who is a fan of Whitney Houston knows that she is not a fan of interviews, but for her to say to me, “I don’t want to disappoint you,” while figuring out another way to conduct the interview instead of rejecting me altogether was very thoughtful.

– Other Whitney tidbits–

    • I told her that her fans are loyal and love and pray for her. I also told her to never feel like people don’t care; she then looked at me, smiled and said, “Oh, I don’t feel that way at all, I know.”
    • She is working on Sparkle, a movie loosely based on the story of the Supremes. She left the set in Detroit to come and had to return later that day.

Watch the video of Pat and Whitney Houston presenting Kim Burrell with the Ambassadors Award for her continued work with the Teen Summit.

Special thanks to Nippy Inc., Lynne, Ulysses and Pat Houston

Check back for Part Two of the Teen Summit wrap up, which will summarize the event as a whole and also feature an exclusive interview with Quinton Aaron of The Blind Side.


Trick or Treat!

WKNC has a Paranormal Activity 3 “Survival Kit” up for grabs (treat) but you have to do a little something (trick).

The survival kit includes a cauldron, batter-operated candle, Frightmare CD, bloody Mary mix, picture frame, and ouija board – a pretty awesome way to kick off your Halloween-inspired festivities after getting inspired by Paranormal Activity3.

But how do you enter?

Be on the lookout on our Facebook page – we’re having a costume contest! When we ask for it, post on our Facebook wall your best “literal band name” costume.  Here are some examples of what we’re looking for:

Then on Thursday, October 27 the picture with the most “likes” at 3pm will win! The two runners-up will win a Paranormal Activity 3 hat and movie poster.

Good luck and have fun!



The 45th Birthday Celebration of The Revolution

From the genesis of N.C. State’s radio in 1922 to the first broadcast on WKNC 88.1 FM with a 10-watt transmitter to current day 25,000-watt WKNC, Raleigh has been privileged to have a radio station dedicated to providing an alternative to mainstream radio. Oct. 9 marked 45 years of WKNC and to celebrate we are giving you, fellow listeners, the chance to come out and party hardy with a FREE show on Friday, Oct. 14.

Kings Barcade and Diggup Tapes will host the big event where Stu McLamb from The Love Language, Lonnie Walker, Juan Huevos, and Hidden Cat will fill your sound holes with pleasing and body moving vibes. Stu McLamb will be opening with a solo cover song performance and YOU can help choose the songs. Check out the Facebook Event and leave suggestions in the comment portion.

The early bird gets the worm at this event as WKNC will be giving away party favors to the first 20 guests! The cake is also not a lie at this birthday bash as it will be ready and waiting for your consumption as well as screen printed T-shirts for purchase.

All the cool kids are going to this happenin’ soiree, so be cool and come celebrate WKNC’s 45th birthday!


Chainsaw Rock Presents: The DeathPod

What happens when you mix the wide-ranging audience of podcast with the insanely powerful, heavy, and brutal forces of Metal? Well, the Mistress of Destruction and I have our own ideas about the chaos and anarchy that could ensue! Just remember, it is up to those who subject themselves to the ridiculously awesome DeathPod to misbehave themselves. At least, that is what our undead legal department in tattered suits advised us to disclaim.

Originally, the Mistress of Destruction came forward with the idea to promote a Chainsaw podcast that contained many regional bands that were either unsigned or belonged to smaller labels. The goal of the DeathPod is to bring forth metal music that absolutely destroys the local scenes, in addition to allowing listeners to headbang on the job, in the middle of class, or while rocking children to sleep.

With that goal in mind the Mistress and I set off, and after many grueling, gory, and archaic nights our first DeathPod was weaponized and ready to be unleashed upon the masses.

We proudly present:
from Raleigh, N.C.
Coils Of The Serpent from Boone, N.C.
Escher from Raleigh/Durham, N.C.
Akris from the Washington D.C. area.
Lions Of Tsavo from Austin, Texas.
Bridesmaid from Columbus, Ohio.

So why wait? Go ahead and listen to the DeathPod.

If you are a fan of a band or are a member of a band that wants to get involved, then please post on the Facebook page or get in contact with the Cannibal at

DeathPod episode 1


WKNC DJs Air their Greivances in Music

Late last week I sent an email out to the WKNC staff to ask them to tell me what their grievances in music are. It’s not quite Festivus yet, but as the school year starts and stress starts to build up, I thought now would be an appropriate time. I left things pretty open. The idea was simple. All they needed to do was send me any pet peeve they had in the music world. From fans, to artists, and everything in between, I received a little bit of everything. Out of all the emails that I have sent to our good-looking staff, this one warranted the greatest response. Below are the musical pet peeves in order that I received them.

Do you have a musical pet peeve? Air your grievances in the comment section below.

La Barba Rossa: Down with the hippie twirl!

DJ Stutterz: People who squeeze in front of you at a show like they are moving and then stand two feet in front of you the whole show. Also people who obnoxiously yell cover song titles in hopes of them being played. People at electronic shows who are more concerned with their glowsticks, glowing/flashing light things, fairy wings then they are with the actual music. I understand that it’s fun to dress up and all but I hate it when there is more focus on the guy twirling a glowstick ball then there is the actual music.

R. Cory Smith: I cannot stand sirens in music. Like that sh*t at the beginning of Drake and Lil Wayne songs. God, that’s awful.

Kyle “El Generalissimo” Robb: When people use “techno” as a blanket term for all electronic music. That 8 foot tall guy at every show who always seems to stake out a spot directly in front of you. You can try leaning to one side, but his subconscious ESP will tell him he needs to lean the same direction.

The Cosmic Cowboy: My pet peeve: the genre of music dubstep.

Mason: Anybody who craps on music on the simple merit that it’s “too mainstream.” At WKNC, we play different music because it’s an opportunity we have as a non-commercial station. We don’t have to worry about corporate giants standing over our shoulders wagging money in our faces. It’s not like all main-stream music is horrible… only some of it is. Music snobbery drives me insane. Just because music doesn’t fit our particular daytime format doesn’t mean that a person who listens to it is an idiot. PS, I freaking love Beyoncé’s new album, Brittney’s ‘new’ album, and Kanye West. I’ve also recently begun to enjoy (I’m behind the times) TLC and Mariah Carey. There is nothing wrong with me. I just appreciate good classics and respect pop hooks from heaven.

Cannibal Cory: I hate it when I listen to a death metal song and can’t eat people at the same time.

Dr. J: My musical pet peeve would be people who, in my opinion, think it’s cool to think Johnny Cash is cool. What do they know about Johnny Cash? I’ve listened to Johnny Cash my entire life. Name me six Johnny Cash songs, poser.

.jose jose.: I hate it when people talk sh*t about an artist during the show and then go tell them how much they loved it afterwards.

Cioffi: Scorpions.

One Cool Dude: When people say, “I listen to everything but rap and country.”

DJ Shorty Fernarnar: Anytime you go to a concert for your favorite band, and the person sitting next to you doesn’t even listen to the band, they’re just going to go. So, they act obnoxious and disrespectful while you’re trying to listen to your favorite tunes.

Emmaroo: Not to bash on musicians, but could they please stop creating epic buildups that make me want to pee my pants with anticipation and then present a mediocre “hook” of no musical merit. Or who have such a great start to end with an inconsequential chorus. Just to throw some bands under the bus: Foals, After Glow and one Andrew Bird Song the name of which escapes me right now. I think it’s from Andrew Bird and the Mysterious Production of Eggs? I can’t remember but it pisses me off. Also when people ask if I’ve heard of a fairly mainstream band and when I say no instead of going “oh it’s awesome! you should listen, you’ll enjoy it” they make a face and utter something along the lines of “where have you been?” or “are you kidding me how have you not heard them?!”.  If you’re that surprised I haven’t heard of the band then just assume I have and don’t ask.

Mollypop: Off beat clapping. Like, I understand you’re excited. I understand you’re drunk. But there is NO NEED to clap when 1) the band hasn’t encouraged the clapping and 2) when you’re off-beat. F**kers.

DJ Saber: Tweeted this as it happened today in class because it really irks me when people blast their music through their headphones IN A DEAD SILENT AREA. Of course I love music, but not when it’s squeezed out of someone else’s ear bud. The result is comparable to screaming child who won’t calm their sh*t. It’s a terrible noise. It’s completely unnecessary to turn your music up on full blast in a quiet place.

Shorty Shorts: Long car rides, like a hour or more, of someone’s musical taste imposed on me (if I don’t like it, of course).  I love the music I listen to, but I like to be conscious enough not to make others listen to it if they don’t want to.  Sure, taste in music is subjective. I get that, and I don’t care what you listen to, but if you make me listen to it… for an extended amount of time… I’ll hate you.

The Voice of Reason: If I go to a show, I dread seeing folks stand about like the sedated undead. It happens so often as to not be a pet peeve anymore, but it’s disheartening to bop around while folks shuffle their feet like having fun is a felony.

Psychonaut: Bands who save their best songs for the encore. Not that I don’t enjoy hearing those songs, but because it invalidates the whole idea of the encore. An encore is supposed to be for a band that does a great job and entertains the crowd enough that they want more and more. Instead, they’ve become a farce where it’s essentially the band just taking a break and enjoying a forced round of applause and cheering from the crowd.

DJ Bunch: People who keep moshing during a slow breakdown. Give it a rest for 30 seconds, douche! Also, fat people who try to crowd surf (particularly when the crowd has a disproportionate amount of rail-thin teenagers).

Filthy Rich: Ke$ha. In addition to Ke$ha, another one of my pet peeves is when I’m at a show and people in the crowd start shooting video with their phones. Not only are they waving their arms an inch away from my head and obstructing the view of the stage, they’re not really focusing on the show if they’re concentrating on making a shitty video. Then, that shitty video will end up on YouTube as a noisy blur that doesn’t do the band justice. (Unless, of course, it’s Ke$ha.)

DJ Bullcity: Dubstep fanboys that spend twice as much time analyzing dubstep, where it came from, and what qualifies as dubstep, then actually listening to it.

DJ LiViD: When people whistle to a song.

DJ Dylan-ger: When you specifically make a party playlist of seven hours of music to play off your iPod speakers, and then someone comes along and changes it to Lil Wayne, or any other music you could hear at ANY party but your own. And when you try to change it back: “No one knows your music!” Shut up and enjoy my jams I handpicked just for you.

DJ Elly May: I hate when I tell someone specifically that I love a song on the radio in the car and turn it up and then they proceed to talk over it. Helloooo! Shut up!

Captain SKAmerica: Just because you prefer a band’s older material, you are automatically referred to as a hipster. Also that one girl at every punk and ska show that stands at the front in the mosh pit and gets mad when people run into her. If you’re in the pit, you’re gonna get hit. Get it through your head.

Adam Kincaid: Bands, especially local bands, who think they are “too popular” for our station. F**k you. If we can have half of the national touring acts we do come in for interviews you can drag your ass five minutes down the road for a chat once a year. Especially if you owe your local popularity to WKNC’s programming. Our LOCAL listeners want to hear from their favorite popular LOCAL acts because they feel a sense of ownership and pride in making your music as well known as it is. I also can’t believe no one has mentioned people talking during shows. Shut the hell up about your ex-boyfriends cousins best friend who glared at you at a coffee shop 2 weeks ago and remember she was the one who was wearing that super expensive shirt like she was hot shit and like, OMG, that mole on her arm is sooooooo gross. I’m trying to enjoy myself without hearing your coffee talk. If you have to scream over a concert to have a conversation you are in the wrong place.

Chocolate Rice: iTunes.

DJ C.E.O: When people decide that they want to sing along with me! I quickly tell them that this is not a duet. When people are skimming through their iPod looking for a song and skips all the good songs! Just pause it until you’re ready to play something instead of teasing me! When people (mainly my mom) play the same song over, and over, and over again. When I go see an artist live and they let the audience sing a full song. Especially if it’s one of my favorites. When I go to a show and the sound system is POOR. When I go to a party and the DJ takes me on an emotional roller coaster by playing really fast songs followed by really slow ones. Like WTH?

Sarahnade: The chord progression GCD in recorded music. When someone wants to show me a song then talks over it. Quiet music when loud music is equally/more appropriate people at a show who are are completely stoic.

It: I really dislike it when I’m driving in the car and someone can’t just listen to one song all the way though and changes it right when I’m getting into it. Also, people who try to talk to me during concerts; I can’t hear you, I didn’t come to the venue to hear you and unless something crazy is going on you are just hurting my ears by yelling in them.

Chuck: My biggest musical pet peeve is people talking at quiet shows. Story time: July 22, 2009. XX Merge at Cat’s Cradle. The Magnetic Fields begin their (wonderful) set. Live, the band tends to go all acoustic, so it’s pretty quiet. The bands starts, yet above the music everyone can hear lots of loud chatter at the bar in the back. The entire crowd then shushes them and the venue becomes completely silent, allowing for the music to be the only thing anyone heard. It was great.

DJ Ones: My biggest pet peeve comes from my time in the music director world. It irks me so much when someone sends an album to the station that is in terrible packaging. Instead of a proper CD case with clear listings of the track, artist, and album name, they send you this thin slit that hugs the CD. When that thing goes into our library it disappears beside properly packaged CDs. The labels and artists that get the most spins are usually those with the best packaging.


WKNC Interviews Dom

This past Monday, the members of Dom loaded into our studio and borrowed some acoustic guitars from WKNC DJs. What followed was an interesting interview that comes at the head of the band’s upcoming Family of Love EP, out August 9th on Astralwerks. Check out some of the interview below to hear the band’s take on playing the Sydney Opera House with Cate Blanchett, chilling with Gucci Mane, and what’s next for the indie rockers.

Dom Interview:

Dom Interview