Concert Preview Local Music

Local Beer Local Band Night: Thursday, July 29 (PLUS INTERVIEW!)

Local Beer Local Band Night is brought to you by WKNC and Tir Na nOg Irish Pub in downtown Raleigh. Each Thursday we have live local bands to entertain your ears, and the pub has local beers on tap to entertain your taste buds. These shows are always FREE and always 21 and up.This week we have The Moaners and The Spring Collection…

The Moaners

From Chapel Hill, these two talented ladies make up The Moaners. The Washington Post described their music as post-riot girl indie-rock blues band. This band will be loud and Melissa will be wearing sunglasses on stage. But honestly, any band who plays the saw is just fine with me.

The Spring Collection

The Spring Collection is a newly formed band made up of members from other local bands such as Bright Young Things and Hearts and Daggers. What does this group sound like? Well they like to say it is “60’s Garage and Mod with a late 70’s post-punk snarl…”

Should be an amazing show!  I will see you there!

And don’t forget… also on Thursday, July 29 I will be interviewing both of these bands on the air at 7 p.m.! So tune in for that!!



Concert Preview Local Music

LBLB Night! July 22nd!

This week we have three awesome acts playing at Tir Na nOg: Jenna Smith, Kid Future and Midtown Dickens! Thursday nights at Tir Na nOg are always partnered with WKNC, is FREE FREE FREE and of course, 21 and up.

Jenna Smith:

This gorgeous singer and songwriter will be playing solo on her acoustic guitar.   This woman will give you goosebumps all over!  Her voice is so beautiful and soothing;  not surprising since she does music therapy.   Get here early to make sure you don’t miss this, otherwise all of your buddies who did show up early will tell you over and over again how awesome it was and you will beat yourself up for being late all night and won’t be able to enjoy the other acts.   Seriously.

Kid Future:

If you missed their act at Slim’s last Thursday (perhaps because you were at LBLB!) then no worries!  Here they are this Thursday for free at the one and only Tir Na nOg.  Chris Parker of Independent Weekly calls their jams, “burbling indie synth pop… reminiscent of ‘80s acts like New Order but more sedate and dreamy.”  YES!

Midtown Dickens:

From Durham, this band delivers folk-y bluegrass.  Try your best to learn all the words.  My favorite thing to do when listening to MD is to sing along.  The song I started with?, “Airplane.”   Writer for the Independent Weekly, Brian Howe, said, “This band’s long let itself f**k up. Now they’ve learned to allow others to f**k up, too. They don’t gloss over failings and disappointments. They let them be and sing them into songs. You can sing them, too.”  See you on Thursday, friends!

Concert Preview Local Music

Love Language at the Cradle tonight

The Love Language’s much anticipated Merge release Libraries dropped recently into the hands of a salivating clientele, and tonight we have the privilege of celebrating the occasion.  I could waste my time (and yours) by giving a most likely inadequate review here, laden with underwhelming vocabulary and confusing or inappropriate allusions, but I know better.  I shall leave that task to the better equipped–those who do the album the service it deserves.

So rather than try to steer your take on the album, I’ll just give you some simple procedural advice: consider purchasing a ticket for the show tonight. Openers Shit Horse and Light Pines dictate attention, regardless of the situation. (But is there a better situation than this? An almost certainly sold-out Cat’s Cradle, bursting at the seams for one of the Triangle’s most lauded outfits in recent memory? I lean toward no.)

Tonight promises to entertain, to satisfy, and to satiate. (Ok, so you did end up getting some underwhelming vocabulary.) Doors are at 8 and the show starts at 9.

(If my camera charges, I’ll be sure to put up some pics.)

Concert Preview Local Music

Last night’s LBLB photos, and July 8…in your face!

Last night’s Local Beer Local Band photos, taken by WKNC photographer Katie Hill

A tin djinn

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.

Static Minds

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.

WKNC and Tir Na Nog are proud to present KOOLEY HIGH and KING MEZ at Local Beer Local Band Night on July 8!


Kooley High has always been a favorite for the Triangle’s music-going crowd.  They blew up the courtyard with their high-energy performance behind Talley Student Center for one of our Friday’s on the Lawn series last fall. Our best turnout for the whole FOTL music series.
“Kooley High combines traditional hip-hop and R&B with a modern freestyle that traverses effortlessly between not only genres, but also generations. The result is a three-dimensional concoction that envelops listeners in a sound that is as smooth as The Fugees and Common, as passionate as Mary J. Blige, and as intelligent as Hieroglyphics.” —URB Magazine


King Mez and Commissioner Gordon make up the next big BIG name in underground Hip-Hop.  You might as well see them now before the tickets to their shows cost you half your paycheck.

Eric Tullis, writer for the Independent, describes King Mez’s performance as “the veteran work ethic of an old soul with youthful enthusiasm. He bounces around as if permanently affixed to a pogo stick, cheering on Commissioner Gordon as he works in some of his new beats from his drum machine.”

The show is FREE, ages 21+. Starts at 10 p.m. Tir Na Nog has a wide selection of local brew specials from Big Boss, Aviator, LoneRider, French Broad, Foothills, and more!

Come down to Local Beer Local Band on July 8 to see Raleigh’s—and now Brooklyn’s—premier hip-hop group, KOOLEY HIGH, and the up-and-coming KING MEZ!

Concert Preview

Neko Case headed to NC Museum of Art

It looks like Neko Case will be bringing her brand of country-rock mixed with a mind-blowingly good voice to the Joseph M. Byron, Jr. Theater at the North Carolina Museum of Art later this summer. The show will take place Thursday, August 19 at 8 p.m. with doors at 7 and local orchestral-folk group Lost In The Trees opening. Tickets for the show are available here and you can check out the remaining summer concerts on the Museum’s schedule here.

Concert Preview Local Music

It’s the first of the month, so wake up, cash your checks and get toTir na nOg!

Tir na nOg and WKNC bring you Local Beer Local Band night!!  This week we are featuring Static Minds and A Tin Djinn!  Of course it is free, and of course the local brews are on special.  21+ people!

Static Minds

You know their song “Time Bomb” because you’ve heard it on the awesome local music compilation Hear Here.  Experts have been quoted saying, “Their live performances are an intense blast of sweat, volume, and freedom with lots of songs about high times, bad girls, and living it up no matter what life throws at you.” Nod your head to these guys this week!

A tin dijinn

I have a feeling these guys are hilarious. I’m having a look at their page right now (see link above) and, in short, there is Eliot, “enforcer of paisley;"  Gary, "the young zulu warrior;” and Clay,  the “Japan-crazed boogie tambourine mad man.”  Overall, the band feats delicious glam rock with an indie twist.

Hooray for local music and local beer.  Who wants to hear these bands with a Highland Gaelic pint?  I do!!!

Concert Preview Local Music

Annuals to headline on-campus benefit show

[Wednesday June 23, 6-9pm, Harris Field at NCSU.]

“Rock Can Roll,” the newest installment in the recent campaign of free on-campus concerts , will feature Raleigh’s own Annuals and their Terpsikhore Records comrades, What Laura Says .

Attendees are encouraged to bring in-kind (or cash) donations to benefit the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina.

The show is free and open to the public and will take place here, on Harris Field at NC State (in front of Witherspoon Student Center at the corner of Dan Allen Drive and Cates Avenue).

There will be (a limited supply of) pizza and t-shirt giveaways throughout the show. So come out, bring a blanket,  bring a donation, and enjoy the free awesome live music!

Many thanks to our friends at the Union Activities Board and Student Government for making this concert possible.

Concert Preview Local Music

LBLB!!! June 17th!!

Ok folks, one of this week’s bands is my favorite local live act, hands down.

Get ready for Colossus!!

“Colossus oozes talent like a Viking lets blood on a battlefield”- THE INDEPENDENT

Yeah, it really is something like that.  Colossus is the kind of band I wish I could be.  They are FULL of energy and your face will be melted.  Every time I’ve seen them, I practically throw out my neck from rocking out and have the insatiable urge to smash my beer can.  You cannot miss this!


White Tiger and The Bed of Roses hold their own with rockin’ riffs and lyrics.  Face-melting will begin with them.  This will be my first time seeing these guys, but I’ve already heard from multiple show-goer friends of mine that these guys are wicked awesome.

Remember, Tir na nOg and WKNC’s Local Beer Local Band Night is ALWAYS FREE and 21+.  The show starts at 10pm.  There is a stellar selection of delicious local beers on tap (as always) which will be on special.  So grab a Shotgun Betty, or whatever else pleasures your pallet, and get ready to seriously rock out!

Concert Preview Local Music

Local Beer Local Band—June 10 Edition!

Get ready for it!  This Thursday, like each Thursday, WKNC and Tir na nOg Irish Pub bring you Local Beer Local Band night.  This Thursday we have Goodbye Titan, The White Cascade, and Starmount.  Hold the phone, this will be a good show!

As usual this show is FREE FREE FREE and there is an awesome selection of local beers which are all on special.  So special that this show, as are all LBLB shows, is 21 and up.  Sorry, kiddos.

You can expect some wonderful landscape music from Goodbye Titan.  The Independent would say that this band is good for “fans of Mogwai and Explosions in the Sky.”  If that sounds like you, come on out!  If you wonder what that sounds like, you come on out too!

White Cascade is a trio of Matts—as in everyone is named Matt—and rock out with long, building, amazing tracks.

Starmount, as our DJ Caid put it, is “somewhere between country, ambient, experimental rock, and elevator music.”  All of these bands are mostly instrumental and tickle  your ears slowly and then build to strong  endings that leave with your eardrums completely rocked.

Don’t forget the local beers on tap.  Big Boss’s new brew Diablo was recently added to the Local Beer list!  Yum yum!  This will be  a very enjoyable show of homegrown bands and homegrown beers, so bring your friends!  WKNC will be there!

Coming soon!!!

> 6/17- Colossus, White Tiger, The Bed of Roses
> 6/24- Embarrassing Fruits, Whatever Brains, Yardwork

Concert Preview Local Music

Local Beer Local Band for June 3

WKNC and Tir Na Nog Irish Pub kick June off right with a triple billed Local Beer Local Band – Tomahawks, Monologue Bombs and Filthybird. Even if you haven’t caught a show by Chapel Hill’s the Tomahawks yet, you’ve heard from them. Two of the band’s members – Nick Jaeger and Jeff Crawford – are part of Max Indian, who headlined the first night of WKNC’s Double Barrel Benefit 7 and played one of our 2009-2010 Fridays on the Lawn shows. Cameron Lee and Matt Damron of Bright Young Things (also of FOTL fame) make up two more of the Tomahawks. Fifth member Charles Cleaver has worked with Luego and a few other local bands. Feel free to comment below with other band connections – the point is, these guys are some of the superstars of the North Carolina indie scene.

The Monologue Bombs call Raleigh home. Led by pianist/singer Scott Phillips, the solo act turned into a full band in November.  Filthybird represents Greensboro with what “the Folks from the Pinhook” call “kind of a cosmic americana western eastern totem spirit animal.” What more can you ask for in a FREE local music showcase? Local Beer Local Band kicks off around 10 p.m. each Thursday at Tir Na Nog Irish Pub, with draft specials on North Carolina beer (may I recommend the Shotgun Betty?).

On Deck:

6/10- Goodbye Titan, The White Cascade, Starmount
6/17- Colossus, White Tiger, The Bed of Roses
6/24- Embarrassing Fruits, Whatever Brains