Classic Album Review

A Lil’ Love for Broadcast’s “Work and Non Work”

If you’re looking for a compilation of tunes to mix with the rain, then Broadcast’s “Work and Non Work” is the perfect selection for you. Released on June 9, 1997 under Warp Records, this is the first LP Broadcast released in their career.

Broadcast is made up of Trish Keenan, the vocalist, Roj Stevens, the keyboardist, James Cargill, the bassist, Tim Felton, the guitarist and Steve Perkins, the drummer. Keenan passed away in 2011, but Broadcast’s numerous recordings are still being released posthumously. 

To Work or Not to Work

To start out, “The Book Lovers” teleports you into a dusty and musty infinite row of books. Covers and spines all cracked and dry from years without love and attention. Keenan’s wispy vocals fade in and out above the perfect synthesis of strings and keys that escalate into a comforting presence.

As a book lover myself, this track is one of my all time favorites. I love the ethereal and calm presence it exudes into my ears. When the song feels just about over, the beat returns to take us away into the night and ends the song perfectly. 

In “Living Room”, Stevens’ keys mix again with the guitar of Cargill, which creates electric trills of beauty. Before we even approach Keenan’s beautiful vocals in this track, the instrumentals all take over the beginning section.

I find this track to be almost danceable and relaxing enough to be perfect for a rainy evening. 

The last song I want to explore is “We’ve Got Time”. This spacey and timeless track is infused with the essence of a UFO. It flies around and around bringing mystery and sleek beauty to the indietronica genre.

Keenan’s vocals are especially lovely, and make the dreamy tunes spring to life through hope, futurism and wonder. 

Fading out of the Job

This entire compilation is wonderful. The tracks I didn’t mention above deserve the same amount of love. There really isn’t anything on the LP that I won’t be able to enjoy.

For me, Broadcast is a band that constantly blows me away with their techniques and synchronicity with each other. 

I can tell the whole band loved music and exploring the depths of their emotions together, and it is really unfortunate that Keenan has already passed away. I am just happy that we get to explore Broadcast’s music at all.