This is my favorite time of year. The weather is crisp, the smell of Christmas trees fills the air, and everyone exposes themselves on Instagram with their Spotify Wrapped.
You can tell a lot about a person by their Top 5 artists and songs (a lot more of my friends listen to Taylor Swift than I originally thought, no shame though). I know some are indifferent about the whole idea of it, but I could look at people’s Spotify Wrapped for hours. It’s so interesting to see what kind of music people are into! Whether it’s totally predictable or completely unexpected, I love to watch how people’s personalities match up with their music preferences.
Interested in getting a look at a WKNC DJ’s Spotify Wrapped? Well, look no further! Here’s what I’ve been listening to on repeat in 2020:
Top Genres:

I felt that my top genres were totally accurate, yet slightly surprising. I’ll be honest, I didn’t know that “Psychedelic Hip Hop” was even a genre in the first place. Despite this, I think that anyone who listens to my show would agree that these 5 genres are the basis of my sets every week!
Top Artists:

I can honestly not believe how predictable (and slightly embarrassing) this is. I knew that Zeppelin would, and probably forever will, be my #1. I was hoping that Greta Van Fleet wouldn’t make an appearance, but this summer I listened to “From the Fires” way too many times.
Top Songs:

Drum roll, please! My top songs are such an accurate reflection of my mindset all 2020: Too much Zeppelin, wishing I was at a surf concert, and crying to “Just Like a Baby.”
Thanks for indulging me, as always. Haven’t seen your Spotify Wrapped yet? Want to expose yourself on social media? Click here to see yours!
– DJ Butter