
New Music of June


Another month of good music releases is over, so it’s time to go back and reflect on some of my favorite tunes from June 2020. There will be a playlist with more songs linked below, but for now I’m going to highlight a few…

  • House by Baba Ali – I’ve talked about this track on the blog before, but given that it’s one of my favorites i’m going to talk about it again. This song highlights the feeling this singer has about how economic struggles can get in the way of a smooth and easy life, making a house not feel like the home it should. The message sticks by me every listen and it’s one I frequently come back to for its funky and unique sound. The track is genre-bending and blends elements of Pop, Funk, Dance and alternative/ indie. It’s one I came to for the sound and stuck by for its lasting impact.

  • Easy by Justin Starling – This song drew me in in the first few seconds and kept me hooked with its ear catching and confidence building chorus. The song is a hip-hop and rap mix that the artist uses to tell their story. The story starts with what it was like growing up for the artist and how they worked their way up to where they are now. The track is inspiring and so is the video that comes with it. The video was shot in Puerto Rico, and the artist got the opportunity after writing, recording and producing the track on his own. That’s definitely not an easy task, but just like he says ‘I know (he) make(s) it look easy’.

  • Sick of Feeling Useless by Neon Dreams – Need another track to boost your confidence and relate to? That’s what I love so much about this song. I’ve talked about it briefly in a post I made about the artist a little while ago, but the track definitely deserves some more recognition. The anthem-like chorus makes the song one that repeats in my mind long after a listen, and knowing just how much it took for the artist to get to this point makes it all the more powerful. ‘Scream out but nobody listens, try hard but it don’t make a difference’, but it makes all the difference to the listeners.

There are more at the link, including ‘Black Dog’ by Arlo Parks that I also recently made a post about. So if you’re looking for more new tunes, check it out here.

Until Next Time,

Let’s Stay Psyched about Music,

DJ Psyched