What’s going on Butcher Crew? It’s ya girl, your Master Butcher, The Saw and I am back with another fun blog post! Today we are going to learn our ABC’s, but with metal!! I thought it would be fun to see what the first 4 bands that come to mind when thinking on the alphabet. I know my ABCs!!!
A: Alice in Chains, Abbath, Abdominal Putridity, Amon Amarth
B: Behemoth, Beartooth, Boundaries, Bent Life
C: Cannibal Corpse, Cattle Decapitation, Chelsea Grin, Cryptopsy
D: Death, Dying Fetus, Debauchery, Devourment
E: Electric Wizard, Emmure, Emperor, Elysian
F: Fit For An Autopsy, Fit For A King, Fallujah, Facebreaker
G: Godsmack, Ghost, Genocide, Gwar
H: Hollow Point, Hands of God, Hypocrisy, Harms Way
I: I Am, I Declare War, I Prevail, Iced Earth
J: Jungle Rot, Judiciary, Justice For The Damned, Judas Priest
K: Kairos, Kamelot, Kataklysm, King Diamond
L: Laceration, Lamb of God, Led Zeppelin, Left Behind
M: Miss May I, Machine Head, Megadeath, Metallica
N: Necrot, Nile, Napalm Death, Nuclear Assault
O: Obituary, Opeth, Overkill, Omen
P: Parkway Drive, Pantera, Papa Roach, Pathology
Q: Queensway, Quiet Riot, Queen, Queensryche
R: Rage Against The Machine, Radiohead, Ratt, Rammstein
S: Six Feet Under, Slayer, Slipknot, Suffocation
T: Thy Art Is Murder, Testament, Typecaste, Type O Negative
U: Upon A Burning Body, Uriah Heep, Under Oath, UFO
V: Vader, Van Halen, Venom, Violence
W: Whitechapel, Wasp, While She Sleeps, White Zombie
X: Xray, Xenobiotic, X-Caliber, Xecutioner
Y: Y&T, Yngwie Malmsteen, Your God is Dead,
Z: ZZ Top, Zakk Wylde, Zao, Zealotry
Your turn!! What bands did you come up with?
Stay Metal,