EP REVIEW: Donna Blue – Inbetween EP
BEST TRACKS: Desert Lake, Inbetween, Billy
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Danique van Kesteren and Bart van Dalen are a dutch couple that make up Donna Blue. So far, the band has only released singles and one EP, but even having just tasted a little bit of the music they are capable of producing, I can tell that Donna Blue is onto something and that we can expect a lot more in the coming days. The duo has latched onto a dying genre but they honor it exceptionally well. Listening to this EP, you will be transported to another time and world. You’ll go back to a hot, windy summer night in the desert, with tumbleweeds blowing and rattlesnakes shaking.
The Inbetween EP is best described as dark and sultry desert rock. Desert rock is one of my favorite genres but new albums in this genre are hard to find, as they are few and far between. Sometimes you just have to be lucky enough to stumble upon one, like how I was with this EP, and how you are as a result of reading this review. Desert rock is a smoother, slower, more lonesome-sounding version of Spaghetti Western soundtracks like The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. This EP is trance-like and bordering psychedelic.
The first track, Desert Lake, opens with the trill of a guitar and a signature rattlesnake shake. When Kesteren’s somber voice comes in, saying “Something in the wind today reminds me of the night you ran away,” I feel elevated to a different realm. Then a whistle comes in, and I feel like I’m being witness to a Clint Eastwood showdown. The third track, Inbetween, is a dark and mysterious sleeping spell. Just when it almost lulls you softly into a trance, the song flourishes up like a bonfire from the ashes, and jolts you back awake.
Recommended If you like The Handsome Family, or Gene Clark.