Miss May I was the first band that got me into heavier music in general. When I first heard Miss May I, I was with my cousin and he was playing Relentless Chaos and 14-year-old me loved what I was hearing. It was the perfect blend of harmony and heaviness.
Miss May I was the first band that I went and saw alone. Back in 2015, I went to Warped Tour in Charlotte just to see them! I got to meet the band at Warped Tour and they are the most genuine guys I have ever met. They were so nice and down to earth and I really enjoyed talking to them. At Warped Tour, I was in the front for their set and I was singing the words back to them; their singer, Levi Benton, pointed at me and when he ran into the crowd during Hey Mister, he was right in front of me. What a great first show (alone) experience.
From there, I have seen Miss May I two other times: at the Filmore in Charlotte, when they went on tour with Thy Art Is Murder, In Hearts Wake, and Parkway Drive. I also saw them in Greensboro on their headlining tour with Upon A Burning Body, Kublai Khan, and Currents. I met the band again at that show and they were just as nice as the first time I met them. They put hearts around their signatures when they signed my ticket at Warped Tour and on my poster when I saw them in Greensboro. I love them.
The band formed in 2007 and are from Troy, Ohio. They signed with Rise Records in 2008, released their debut album, Apologies Are for the Weak while the band was still in high school. Their song, Forgive and Forget, is featured in Saw VI and Apologies are for the Weak is featured in the video game Saints Row: The Third.
The band has kept the same lineup since its formation. Their bassist, Ryna Neff, left the band in 2007 but rejoined in 2009 and has stayed ever since! Since then, Miss May I has released 5 other albums: Monument (2010), At Heart (2012), Rise of the Lion (2014), Deathless (2015), and Shadows Inside (2017). The band left Rise Records in 2016 and signed with SharpTone Records.
In other news regarding the band, their singer, Levi and his wife JoJo, just had their first child! JoJo gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and named her Jax. I am so happy for the both of them and can’t wait to see where this path of their life leads them! Relationship goals af.

Favorite songs: Forgive and Forget, Hero With No Name, Turn Back The Time, The Artificial, and Swallow Your Teeth.
What are some of your favorite Miss May I songs?
Stay Metal,