Day One is DONE. The WKNC team had you covered djing live downtown, capturing photos and videos, and I’m continuing the coverage for you here. To recap the night, H.C. McEntire and Real Estate kicked off the night prior to the crazy show that The Flaming Lips put on for us with tons, I mean TONS of confetti in City Plaza. I’m talking I was pulling confetti out of my being until I got home and showered. This morning I still woke up with confetti in my apartment; I think it’s going to follow me for a while.
The fans went wild last night; someone tried to steal my shoe (off of my foot) since it had gotten attached to a prop that had been thrown into the crowd, I had gotten a piece of my ear plug lodged so deeply into my ear canal authorities couldn’t assist me, and someone outside of King’s was trying to show me some “VERY legal marijuana” of which I politely declined. What a crowd!
After TFL I hopped over to King’s and caught Erica Eso from Brooklyn, made my way to The Basement to chill in the nice air conditioned space and snap a few shots of Skeletonwitch before catching some of Sleep. After that I trekked back to King’s/Neptunes and caught Kilbourne’s set and a smidge of HOLYCHILD before crawling back to my apartment for some good Zzz’s.
Real Estate

The Flaming Lips

Skeleton Witch
