Nathan Forbes, WKNC Correspondent
source: Sunshine Face’s Facebook
This Friday, outside of Witherspoon Student Center, WKNC will be holding one of several of its long-running musical events, Fridays on the Lawn. Sunshine Faces from Chapel Hill and Mineral Girls from Charlotte will be playing; both bands are riding off the release of albums this year.
Sunshine Faces just recently released “Peaked,” their sophomore album, recorded completely in a dorm room. Their music has been described as lo-fi, but it is by no means thin-sounding. Their songs are expansive, swelling and even ethereal-sounding. At times, their music is reminiscent of The Cure, like on the song “Kissing Every Day,” a quick-tempo track with twangy guitar sounds and glistening synthesizers. At other times they sound like a shoegaze or twee pop band. Honestly though, they are not an easy band to pinpoint as they don’t tend to just one sound throughout an album. Some other tracks I’d recommend checking out from the band are “Of Asheville,” as well as the fan favorite, “Teenage Prayer.”
Mineral Girls released the totally solid album, “Cozy Body,” this spring. The lo-fi emo group has plenty of catchy melodies and harmonized guitars to spare. Brett Green’s distorted and distant vocals give their music a signature sound too. Some songs I’d recommend from these guys are “Was the Worst Thing That Ever Happened to Me” and “Nvr Ur Gf.”
With the forecast predicting warm weather and only a slight chance of rain, coming out to Witherspoon this Friday afternoon is a good bet for a great time. Lighten your mood after a long week, and chill out to some good tunes. If you possess even a slight fondness for reverby guitar music, you definitely don’t want to miss out on this one. Music starts at five. Come hang!
source: The Mineral Girls Facebook