A lot has happened since our last Eye on the Triangle episode, and as promised, we have some updates!
The Board of Trustees – yup, you guessed it – approved the recommendations of the University’s Tuition and Fees Conference Committee, also approving the new student centers fee, not to exceed $290 of that lone fee for the next 25 to 30 years (read about the fee here, and you can also check out Technician and the campaign for more info). The Rally Against Talley protesters didn’t show, but instead sent a statement, which was probably a little less effective. I interviewed Student Body President and Board of Trustees member Jim Ceresnak after the Thursday meeting, and we updated WKNC listeners at 7 p.m. that night about the results. The only change from the initial recommendations was the Athletics fee increase changed from $9 to $8.50, with the education and technology fee going from an $8 increase to an $8.50 increase, a decision members voted for at the prodding of Ceresnak and Student Senate President Kelli Rogers. Next up: Board of Governors in January.
The final Fridays on the Lawn – on-campus concert series – of the semester, featuring Kooley High and the Beast, was a success, despite the sudden change of location due to some leaks in the Talley Student Center, which caused the Wolves’ Den, the original location of the event, to be closed off from use unexpectedly.
And if you followed the live Twitter updates @WKNC881, you know the Technician– Daily Tarheel football game definitely stayed in line with N.C. State and UNC’s football history, at least for the past three years. Technician beat the DTH in flag football 40-0, followed by the – albeit less of a margin – Wolfpack victory of 28-27 versus the Tarheels.
Our fabulous newscasters have once again brought you the news of the week. Below are the articles used in this week’s newscast:
UN rebuke ‘forced’ new Iran plans
Swiss voters back ban on minarets
UAE stocks plunge as government refuses to back Dubai World’s debt
Obama issues order for more troops in Afghanistan
Senate debate on health care bill opens with heated rhetoric
Stocks close higher, extend month’s big gains
Raleigh mayor has grand plans
Ex-N.C. State chancellor not headed to New Mexico
Reptile rules, texting ban in 50-plus new N.C. laws
Sprint launches 4G in Triangle
After the last football game of the season, a win against the Tarheels (and my last game as a student …well, hopefully), Coop, Derek and Tyler Everett had a some positives to talk about. They also gave listeners an update on the basketball season and expectations.
This week’s VIP was an extended Hear This segment, with some clips from readings and music from Windhover, N.C. State’s literary magazine’s, Open Mic Night. You can hear the following clips, with intros from the Windhover editor, Helen Dear.
Kelly Reid- first section of “Charlie”
Amanda Garner- “The Sight of the Sea”
Kevin Ghiold- “The Living Dead”
William Tolbert
Celeste Doaks- “House in Vegas” and “A Harley Dream”
Christopher Rinehart- songs performed with the hammered dulcimer
Jason Hunnicutt- “Music Box” song
The Gonzo Symphonic- section of “A suite, but it’s all just one big song”
Lisa Simorelli- “Empty Calories” and “He writes, I Write”
Mike Alston talked to some of the actors of the the Burning Coal Theatre about their latest production and even had them perform a small part for EOT listeners.
From Burning Coal’s mission statement: We emphasize works that are felt and experienced viscerally, unlike more traditional, linear plays where audiences are most often asked to observe without participating. Using the best local, national and international artists available, we produce explosive re-examinations of overlooked classics, modern and contemporary plays that address issues and themes poignant in our community.
And don’t forget to check out this online exclusive (we ran out of time somehow!) Wolfpacker of the Week. Jacob Downey sat down with Alyssa Hopkins, a graduate student. Hopkins used to play ultimate frisbee for NCSU and talks about that as well her research work in Antarctica. Check it out!
Thanks for listening to another episode of EOT! If you have suggestions for topics, ideas, an opinion about anything we’ve run (or haven’t and should!) or even just a news tip, send it to us at publicaffairs@wknc.org. And don’t forget to check out our last episode of the semester before our short hiatus during winter break, with some news review from 2009!
Listen to episode 14.