Movie Review

“The Brutalist” Review: Blueprints for the American Dream

Welcome to America.

In the world of filmgoing, a phrase tinged with nostalgia tends to pop up frequently in conversation: “they don’t make them like they used to”. Like it or not, movies have changed.

Gone are the days where a sentimental, middlebrow-but-still-touchingly-original drama like “Dead Poets Society” could gross over $200 million, as these standalone stories have largely been replaced with multiverses, franchises, spin-offs, etc.

Movie Review

“Anora” Review: The Rise and Fall of a Brooklyn Stripper

When I was a teenager, every year my mom and I would embark on a fun challenge–seeing every Best Picture nominee at the Academy Awards. Although we were not always successful in completing these lists, the films I did get to see opened my eyes to what cinema had to offer.

Up until that point, my favorite movies consisted of whatever Pixar had released, and “Forrest Gump.”

Exposure to works from auteurs like Tarantino or Scorsese really opened my eyes to what movies could offer. 

Since then, I have endeavored to keep this challenge going. My taste in movies has obviously developed since I was a young teen, so I don’t necessarily agree with the Academy’s yearly lineup. Nevertheless, the challenge always leads to me finding new favorites I wouldn’t have otherwise sought out.