Double Barrel Benefit (2004-present)

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“We don’t do the drives that you hear on NPR, where you tell people to call in for two days. Our way of doing that is asking for money but giving people great nights of music in return.”

Program Director Michael D’Argenio, as published in the Feb. 12, 2014 IndyWeek

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  • Double Barrel Benefit poster designed by Vince Carmody
    Double Barrel Benefit poster designed by Vince Carmody

Double Barrel Benefit is WKNC’s signature event. Since Double Barrel Benefit’s humble beginnings in 2004, the annual two-night concert event has presented numerous incredible North Carolina acts, including The Mountain Goats, Future Islands, Spider Bags, Annuals and Megafaun. With the generosity of the bands who donated their time and talent, the venues who hosted us, the staff who planned it all, the sponsors who donated money and goods/services, and of course all who attended, WKNC has raised $90,000 in the event’s first 17 years.

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# DateLocationNight 1 perfomersNight 2 performers
Double Barrel BenefitJan. 16-17, 2004Kings BarcadeProof, The Greatest Hits, The Cartridge Family, The Pink Slips, SchoonerThe Kickass, The Dynamite Brothers, Strange, Shadow of a Great Name, Sedona
Double Barrel Benefit 2Jan. 14-15, 2005Kings BarcadeKapow! Music, TV Knife, We vs The Shark, El Boa, All AstronautsAmerican Aquarium, Monsonia, The Prayers & Tears of Arthur Digby Sellers, The Talk, The Fashion Brigade
Double Barrel Benefit 3Feb. 3-4, 2006Kings BarcadeThe Capulets, DeYarmond Edison, TV Knife, The Dynamite BrothersA Rooster for the Masses, Cinemechanica, We vs The Shark, The Trousers
Double Barrel Benefit 4Feb. 2-3, 2007Kings BarcadeThe Mountain Goats, The Old Ceremony, The Prayers & Tears of Arthur Digby Sellers, MegafaunFuture Islands, TigerBearWolf, Annuals, The Nein
Double Barrel Benefit 5Feb. 1-2, 2008The Pour HouseAnnuals, The Never, The Future Kings of Nowhere, North ElementaryRed Collar, Fin Fang Foom, Sorry About Dresden, Tooth
Double Barrel Benefit 6Feb. 6-7, 2009The Pour HouseBowerbirds, Schooner, Lost in the Trees, Lonnie WalkerPolvo, Birds of Avalon, Violet Vector & the Lovely Lovelies, I Was Totally Destroying It
Double Barrel Benefit 7Feb. 5-6, 2010The Pour HouseMax Indian, Bellafea, Veelee, The Light PinesRoman Candle, Spider Bags, Midtown Dickens, The Tender Fruit
Double Barrel Benefit 8Feb. 4-5, 2011Kings BarcadeThe Old Ceremony, Bright Young Things, Luego, Cassis OrangeHammer No More The Fingers, Yardwork, King Mez, HaLo, Kid Future
Double Barrel Benefit 9Feb. 3-4, 2012The Pour HouseThe Future Kings of Nowhere, Birds and Arrows, Organos, MAKEThe Kingsbury Manx, Gross Ghost, Naked Gods, Heads on Sticks
Double Barrel Benefit 10Feb. 1-2, 2013The Pour HouseJ Kutchma and the Five Fifths, Lilac Shadows, Jenny Besetzt, The LollipopsSpider Bags, Wesley Wolfe, Some Army, Oulipo
Double Barrel Benefit 11Feb. 7 & 14, 2014Cat’s Cradle & Lincoln TheatreThe Love Language, Hammer No More The Fingers, T0W3RS, GHOSTT BLLONDEMount Moriah, Bombadil, Loamlands, Daniel Bachman
Double Barrel Benefit 12Feb. 7 & 14, 2015Lincoln Theatre & Cat’s CradleSpider Bags, Lonnie Walker, Mac McCaughan, No LoveEternal Summers, Elvis Depressedly, Museum Mouth, Body Games
Double Barrel Benefit 13Feb. 13 & 20, 2016Kings & Cat’s CradleDes Ark, Schooner, Museum Mouth, Naked NapsDeniro Farrar, Professor Toon, SkyBlew, Earthly
Double Barrel Benefit 14Feb. 24-25, 2017KingsDJ Paypal, Ace Henderson, ZenSoFly, Sand PactSarah Shook & The Disarmers, See Gulls, Astro Cowboy, Infinity Crush
Double Barrel Benefit 15Feb. 2-3, 2018KingsWell$, Diaspoura, Jooselord Magnus, RGBThe Future Kings of Nowhere, Pie Face Girls, The Muslims, Drugcharge
Double Barrel Benefit 16Feb. 1-2, 2019KingsKate Rhudy, Max Gowan, Real Dad, Das DripYoung Bull, M8alla, GRRL, Moon Racer
Double Barrel Benefit 17Feb. 7-8, 2020KingsPat Junior, DOTWAV Media, King Gino, Vacant CompanyTruth Club, Junior Astronomers, Black Surfer, De()t
Double Barrel Benefit 18March 11-12, 2022The Pour HouseBlack Haüs, BANGZZ, Basura, Sweet homéElijah Rosario, NunAfterHours, Kenny Wavinson, Permanent
Double Barrel Benefit 19Feb. 3-4, 2023KingsJuxton Roy, Fading Signal, Austin Royale, ChainletterPictures of Vernon, KHx05, Teens in Trouble, MEGABITCH
Double Barrel Beneift 20Feb. 16-17, 2024KingsSaphron, Jasmyn Milan, Jiu-Jitsu, PersimmonJooselord, Sayurblaires, Rachel Hirsh, mxllghxst
Double Barrel Benefit 21Feb. 14-15, 2025KingsBoy Named Sue, applefield, Stan Y Dengy, VividerMy Sister Maura, Carpenter / Cohen, Sk the Novelist, .memoria