Because of WKNC broadcasting NC State Baseball once more this Spring, last Friday was the last live airing of the Local Beat for an entire month. Nevertheless, it was a good one with three hours of some solid local music interviews.
Traffic on I-40 was terrible as Chapel Hill group Feeding the Fire got caught up and came in 25 minutes late. However, when they finally did arrive we had a lot to talk about since they are releasing their first full length album since becoming a band back in 2003, titled DisInfoNation. We talked about the writing and recording of the album, as well as the operation of their own record label, Own Life Records, and the album artwork of DisInfoNation. The album release party is this Thursday evening at the Local 506 with fellow locals Big Fat Gap and the Rocket Surgeons. Check out the interview below:
Feeding the Fire Live on the Local Beat 2/26/10

At 6 p.m. Wendy Spitzer came in to promote her debut full length album from Felix Obelix, A Tick of the Clock, A Beat in the Chest, which was released at the Nightlight in Chapel Hill Saturday night. The concert featured The Strugglers and a really interesting writing activity in which you write a letter to yourself eight months from now. That led to interesting conversation about her past projects that include a Time Capsule as well as a “Biggest Regret/ Best Decision” project from last year. Wendy and I also mused on her unique singing style as well as the very different musical instruments in her band. Take a listen:
Felix Obelix on the Local Beat 2/26/10
The Kickin Grass Band joined me for the last hour of the show to promote some of their upcoming shows and play some live tunes. Our conversation ranged anywhere from organic farming, to Lynda’s songwriting, and back to eating cats. It was definitely an interesting hour. All songs they played live are available for free download on the Local Beat ReverbNation page and you can listen to them in the music player to the right. Below is the entire interview and some videos from the KGB in studio:
Kickin Grass Band Live on the Local Beat 2/26/10
Local Beat w/ Adam Kincaid: Kickin Grass Band “Lay Him in the Ground (Live)” from Wolf TV on Vimeo.
As I mentioned, this is possibly the last live Local Beat for the next month. However, be on the lookout for more Local Beat Mini Exclusives!