I know, this is not a metal show. BUT I brought metal to the Post Malone show. My best friend loves Post Malone and so her and I had a girl’s night out and went to the show! This tour was supporting Post Malone’s new album, Beerbongs & Bentleys, which is really good. It is one of my favorite non-metal albums of the year. He brought 21 Savage with him to open up for him because their song, Rockstar, is really popular (trust me, you have heard it at one point or another).
For those of you who are not as familiar with Post Malone, he is a 22 year old singer/rapper from Texas. He hit the spotlight with his song White Iverson and he then went on tour to open up for Justin Bieber. He then dropped his first record, Stoney, in 2016 and realeased his second album, Beerbongs & Bentleys, in April of 2018. Some of his most popular songs are: Déjà vu, I Fall Apart, Congratulations, Better Now, Rockstar, and Psycho.
Post Malone is also a metalhead!!! He used to be in a metalcore band when he was in high school, and there are videos of him with some metal bands! There is a video of Post Malone with Knocked Loose singer, Bryan Garris jamming out on a tour bus. He also has big fans within the metal community such as: Levi Benton from Miss May I, Chris Fronzak from Attila, Myke Terry from Volumes, and Seth Blake from Wage War (Seth is such a big fan, he dressed up as Post Malone for Halloween).

I enjoy Post Malone’s music, and I support fellow metalheads, so I was super excited to hang out with my best friend and see Posty! But we all know that I will bring The Saw’s Butcher Shop to any show that I go to. You see, your Master Butcher has different types of aprons that I wear to shows. I have one specifically for rap shows. But the story about my different aprons is for another time. With that being said, I looked the part as a heavy metal kid. No, I didn’t wear an extremely offensive band shirt or corpse paint (even though that would’ve been really funny), I wore the attire that is in every metalhead’s closet (besides band shirts), leather. And let me tell you, I stuck out like a sore thumb.

My best friend and I
Literally every girl there looked the same. All of them wore high waisted shorts, a tank top, and black converses (you can see two pairs of black converses in the picture above). So, it’s easy to say that I was really easy to spot.
And oh my god, there were so many teenagers there!!! Like they all looked like they were sophomores/juniors in high school and they were all in huge groups of people. I swear, I would turn around and there would be a group of like 15 girls screaming and jumping on each other when they would see one another. C’mon now… I know y’all saw each other literally 3 hours ago at school. I could easily spot the older people (and by older, I mean people in their twenty’s and in college) because there would be a group of two or three people glaring at the group of 15 girls (me and my friend are included in this older group).
A DJ came on first and got the crowd hyped up! He kinda made me mad because he wouldn’t play full songs and would cut the song off RIGHT WHEN THE GOOD PART WAS ABOUT TO COME ON! It’s like he was personally trolling us. During the DJ, some guy threw a full beer can in the air and homeboy beside me caught it, drank it, and then threw the empty can in the air. We all started hollering, “WOOOOO!!!!!” and hyping him up during this. It is safe to say that nothing beats crazy rednecks no matter what the setting is.
21 Savage was next and of course, it started pouring down rain. But that didn’t stop us from jamming out!! We were all dancing in the rain, getting soaked but it just made the night more fun! My friend and I made some friends and we were dancing with them and rapping along with 21. He commented on how many people were in the lawn (aka us) and said we were crazy. For this show, I didn’t try to get close seats to the stage (because those are $$$$) and lawn is wayyyy more fun! There is no point in getting close while in lawn so, we were just having a blast singing and dancing in the back! 21 Savage played some of his most well-known songs such as Bank Account, Mad High, Dip Dip, and Bartier Cardi.

21 Savage
And now, what we have all been waiting for: POST MALONE!!! While we were waiting for Posty, people were literally crowd surfing in the lawn. I would see all these people going up and since this isn’t a show that would usually have crowd surfers (like a metal show), the majority of the people were dropped. I have no idea where the crowd surfers thought they were going because you literally can’t go anywhere in the lawn section, but hey, A+ for effort! This one girl was in a lawn chair, and crowd surfed while sitting in the lawn chair. That girl is my spirit animal.
Post Malone opened up with Too Young and everyone was vibing with the music, jumping around, and singing every word. On his records, Post Malone’s songs are really chill, but live, they still had the chill aspect but were more hyped so people could sing and dance. He also played some of my favorite songs such as Better Now, Candy Paint, No Option, Stay, and Go Flex. When he sang I Fall Apart, everyone was singing along with him way louder than any other song. He dedicated that song to “the bitch that broke his heart” and we all started chanting “F*** that bitch.” He ended the show by playing one of his most well-known songs: Congratulations. I swear no one was still during this show. Post Malone also commented on how many people were in the lawn and said we were some crazy mother*******.

Post Malone
The Post Malone show was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed myself! It was way different than a metal show, but it was a great experience! If you are thinking about listening to Post Malone, DO IT!! He has some really great music! I hate that someone broke his heart, but damn, some great music came out of it. I would also suggest watching videos of him, he is a real funny guy.
Overall, the show was a success and I wouldn’t mind seeing Post Malone again!
Stay Metal,