Ithaca, NY based funk-jazz collective, Big Mean Sound Machine, will be playing Shakori Hills 2015 and bringing with it their collection of booty shakin’ dance grooves and jazz based funk. Big Mean Sound Machine is taking a days break after their recent tour for the album CONTRABAND to attend the festival. This group pulls together an incredible collection of multi-national languages and musical conceptions to bring the listener an unforgettable musical journey. Compared to BMSM’s previous albums, Contraband brings to light a whole new level of psychedelic funk and advanced showmanship. In their vastly matured new sound, BMSM is making waves, so be sure not to miss them at the Shakori Hills Cabaret Tent on Thursday, April 16, 2015 from 11:30pm to 1:00am and Carson’s Grove on Friday, April 17, 2015 from 9:30pm-10:30pm.
– Soulwood