This year’s Phuzz Phest in Winston-Salem is obviously exploding at the seams with high tier artists of all kind, but they didn’t stop there.
Phuzz has decided to follow suit after some other festivals from North Carolina and elsewhere by including some great programming during the daytime that runs a cool-weird gamut.
Similar to Hopscotch in years past, this year’s Phest will include an alley cat style bike race.

For those unfamiliar with this kind of bike race here’s what wikipedia has to say.
From personal experience at the Hepcat and others around Raleigh I can say it is of the utmost of all fun. Little to no experience is necessary to participate and even succeed in these camaraderie building events. This race in particular looks cheap and inviting. Plus– there’s prizes, what else matters? The race will begin at Krankies Coffee on Saturday at noon.
Speaking of coffee, also in conjunction with the musical festivities this coming weekend is a “Coffee Conference” on Sunday also held at Krankie’s beginning at noon and all I have to say is–

free espresso shots until four! If you’re trying to get hyped for the evens later in the night, that’s what you’ll need. There will also be tables from coffee roasters and brewers from Carrborro, Raleigh, and Athens, GA as well as a keynote speaker and a live broadcast from KNC! Come stop by! We’ll be jittery.