Music News and Interviews

CyTunes Grand Opening

You know the story.  Local music die hard, and WXYC alum,  Cy Rawls, was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor in June of 2008.  Unable to pay his mounting medical bills, bands and friends from all over North Carolina, Virginia, and the US pitched in to throw some of the most amazing concerts, film viewings, and even bake sales, with all benefits attributed to a fund which paid for Cy’s medical bills.  Unfortunately, at just the age of 33, on October 3, 2008, Cy passed away at Duke Medical Center.

Thankfully, it did not end there.  Enter CyTunes, a nonprofit music download site that “features exclusive music from artists who have contributed tracks (both live and in-studio) to help raise money for cancer research in memory of Cy Rawls."  There are 44 bands and artists in all (as of today) which include:

All Night
Cantwell, Gomez, and Jordan
Chew Toy
Cy Rawl’s Sweet Militia
Dirty Little Heaters
Double Negative
Evil Weiner
Flute Flies
Geezer Lake
Hammer No More The Fingers
I Was Totally Destroying It
Joby’s Opinion
Johnson, Eubank, Morrow, Pence
Lesbian Afternoon
Magic Babies
Mercury Birds
North Elementary
Ryan Pound
Red Collar
Shake Some Action
Sorry About Dresden
Tractor Hips
Wes Phillips
Josh Zaslow

ALL PROCEEDS from CyTunes go to Tisch Brain Tumor Center, where Cy was a patient.  Please support this amazing organization, the bands that contribute to it, and the memory of Cy Rawls.

For more information, feel free to read these excellent articles by the Independent Weekly, and this write-up by Pitchfork.