WKNC’s 20th annual Double Barrel Benefit is Friday, Feb. 16 and Saturday, Feb. 17 at Kings in Raleigh. Night One features music by Saphron, Jasmyn Milan, Jiu-Jitsu and Persimmon. Night Two has performances by Jooselord, Sayurblaires, Rachel Hirsh and mxllghxst. The Double Barrel Benefit fundraiser accounts for five percent of WKNC’s annual income. Doors for each night are at 7:30 p.m. with the first performance at 8 p.m.
Night One – Friday, Feb. 16, 2024, 7:30 p.m. @ Kings

Saphron (headliner)
Saphron is an emo punk band from the wondrous city of Raleigh, NC (we love a good ol’ local band). The members include Zoe Hardee (Composition, Production, Vocals, Guitar, Synthesizer), Ian Waddill (Production, Arrangement, Bass Guitar, Backing Vocals) and Ari Moore (Sound Engineering, Arrangement, Drums, Backing Vocals). All of these credits are for their most recently released album, “Ecce Homo”, which was given unto us on October 14, 2022.
Saphron’s sounds swirl in my head. The moving lyrics and lead vocals of Zoe Hardee jolt me and console me all at once. Little whispers telling me to feel something explode into screaming fits. This band’s unique noises continue to pop in my ears at the most random times of day. Saphron tends to the fields of addicting noise that I can’t quit.
I can’t sum up a band. There’s never any real expectation to, but I feel like it helps people who skim articles or even myself come to a final conclusion about sounds produced in the world. Saphron’s music doesn’t need a summary because it’s here in the world to stay and exist in the moments we want to listen. “Ecce Homo” is a great first full length release for this band (obviously an understatement from my point of view) and as this band continues to age, experience life through music and create more heavenly sounds, I will be here listening to anything they can give us.
Saphron will be headlining WKNC’s Double Barrel Benefit on Friday, February 16th. Be there to support this band but also the other wondrous local musicians offering their talents to our ears.
– Ben Price, WKNC Blog Content Creator
Learn more about Saphron:

Jasmyn Milan
I saw you cosplaying as Him from Power Puff Girls, which you killed by the way. What are some of the other cartoons that you have an affinity for?
Oh definitely “Courage the Cowardly Dog,” “Rocket Power,” “Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends.” Basically, everything on Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network back in the day.
I love the creative direction and visuals of your music videos. It seems like you pull from a lot of influences such as Y2K, anime and hyperpop. How do you choose an aesthetic that fits with the song and your overall persona?
I feel like visuals are the easier part for me because I’m a visual artist too. When I picture something visually, it helps me musically more so than anything. I feel like it also gives me a way to round out my ideas as an artist, musician and fashion designer. I do a lot of different stuff. So I feel like I’m kind of worried, “Oh, I’m supposed to like Tumbleweed into this world.” I feel like at some point, when I get my catalog (like more, more in my catalog), it will make sense cohesively. People will be like, “This is what she’s going for” and “This sonically matches with the visuals”. At some point, it’s all going to kind of just mesh together.
So I am definitely looking forward to seeing you at Double Barrel. What about WKNC made you want to work with us?
Well, I always get support from the radio station. And I think it’s dope. I see all the different artists locally that are uplifted by the radio station and promoted even on Twitter. I like that our people are being posted. And I think that’s super important to be a part of a community that uplifts you and your stuff is being heard. People continuously championing and helping promote this stuff really does go a long way.
So I saw that you DJ’d for Austin Royale’s release party. What do you think makes a good DJ set? How did you go about matching the vibe of the event?
I wanted a DJ for the show I was doing and at the time, I couldn’t afford it. And I’m like, I can make some playlists? You can do that. Yeah, exactly. You know, you can do this. And it started there. I started with just like making a playlist. Then I downloaded Virtual DJ and it kind of just progressed from there. And I feel like all my sets are different just depending on the show. I get asked to do such a wide range of stuff. So it might be a show like Austin, or like hyper pop. So it just depends on the energy of the show. And also kind of like mixing components from previous sets.
– Kevelle Wilson, WKNC Interview Content Creator
Learn more about Jasmyn Milan:

How did you guys first get introduced to the hardcore scene?
We all got introduced differently to hardcore.
- Anthony (guitar): I was listening to ska, folk, emo, pop-punk, and indie before Riley got me to start going to shows and I got into the punk bands in the city like Plan B, C.I.APE, and Mutant Strain. From there I began to listen to more heavy music and found hardcore. When I met Christian, he brought me to see Pieced Up and Two-Piece (two Florida beatdown bands), which became my first full-on hardcore experience. We started the band because that hardcore experience wasn’t very prevalent to younger people in Charlotte. I never turned back.
- Garret (bass): Riley started taking me to shows at the Milestone Club in Charlotte.
- Christian (vocals): I’ve been going to punk shows in Charlotte since I was in high school and always wanted to see hardcore shows, so I guess I’ve never been a part of the scene until now because it hasn’t existed around me before.
- Riley (guitar): My brother was in the scene as a kid, and got me into a lot of heavy music and old-school local bands. I wasn’t sure where to start looking since the main venue he used to go to was Tremont which closed down, so I asked my math teacher (Shaun of Dear Kavalier) for a few venues and just started showing up to random heavy shows at the Milestone.
- Josh (drums): Went to a house show with Riley, it was ConSec, C.I.APE, some random kinda not great punk band and Adam Cope.
Your tagline is ‘Charlotte hardcore against fascism.’ Do you think hardcore is inherently anti-fascist? How do you feel your music contributes to the fight for the destruction of capitalism/feat of revolution?
I think that it isn’t inherent enough that it needs to be stated. This band and our music want to preach of the injustice that the disenfranchised face. It is more inherent than ever that our government is not here to protect or serve us, and we try to project that anger through our music.
What’s upcoming for Jiu-Jistu? New music on the horizon?
We recently began recording our first EP. We are aiming to emulate the heavier hardcore bands that inspired us, like Eyez Wide Shut, Pain of Truth and Magnitude. Our friends in Seneca Burns are acting as our recording and mixing engineers.
What was each member’s favorite band in 8th grade?
- Anthony: My Chemical Romance
- Garret: Metallica
- Christian: Black Sabbath, but mostly listened to electronic and drum and bass
- Riley: My Chemical Romance
- Josh: Avenged Sevenfold
What is each member listening to right now?
- Anthony: the new Eyez Wide Shut EP, The Mountain Goats and the podcast “Hardlore: Stories from Tour.”
- Garret: Have Mercy and Line Of Scrimmage
- Christian: I’ve been really into Ballista, Pig Destroyer, and DRAIN a lot in terms of hard music recently, but also a lot of rap from artists like Little Simz, Megan Thee Stallion, and MF DOOM. Also some pop music, that song in Saltburn is by far my favorite song right now (“Murder On The Dancefloor” by Sophie Ellis-Bextor).
- Riley: I listen to a lot of hardcore, Jesus Piece, Mortality Rate, Kharma, etc. Lots of Midwest emo and a little rap.
- Josh: My on repeat from Spotify right now is Owl City, Kenya Grace, No Cure, Snails House, Southpaw, MitiS and Foghorn.
What is each member’s favorite video game of all time?
- Anthony: “Minecraft”
- Garret: “The Last of Us Pt. 2”
- Christian: “Bloodborne”
- Riley: “Mario Kart”
- Josh: “Minecraft” and “The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess”
What’s your favorite venue you’ve played in North Carolina?
I would say our favorite venue is the Milestone Club here in Charlotte. That’s where we were going before we started as a band, and it is essentially our home base as a band. This is where we feel most comfortable, and that’s where we’ve watched our audience grow and watched ourselves grow as a band.
What is Jiu-Jitsu’s favorite band?
We couldn’t choose just one. Our top 3 in no particular order are Warning Order, Southpaw and DRAIN.
– Isabella Mason, WKNC Daytime Rock Music Director
Learn more about Jiu-Jitsu:

Who are Persimmon?
For the past two-and-a-half years, Persimmon has been a driving force in Raleigh’s blossoming post-hardcore scene. Providing an ambient, reverb-drenched take on the classic genre, Persimmon is dead-set on moving forward by breaking the rules – and they don’t give a f–k what you think about it. When asked, their greatest musical aspiration was to headline at Kings and make music that makes you chew on gravel.
No, Really, Who are They?
- Kai – Drums
- Sol – Bass
- Tommy – Guitar
- Taylor – Vocals
So, What Do They Listen To?
In alphabetical order… Basement, Belmont, City of Caterpillar, Daitro, Earth, Elizabeth Colour Wheel, Foxing, The Hotelier, Movements, TiaCorine, Truth Club, Zao and Zulu
– Jaden Abrams, WKNC Chainsaw Music Director
Learn more about Persimmon:
Night Two – Saturday, Feb. 17, 2024, 7:30 p.m. @ Kings

Jooselord (headliner)
You had a previous interview with WKNC in 2021. What has changed since then, personal life or music career?
Life is ever-evolving. So I would say since 2021, wow. Oh man, how long has it been? Well, you know, since then, I’ve gotten a lot of attention. As far as industry-wise, I have traveled much more of the United States performing. This includes Denver and the energy is amazing over there. It’s been an immense time of growth for me in my career.
So you call your fans pirates along with having pirate flags and skulls and bones at your shows. What about the pirate aesthetic that fits with your music and message?
You know, we’re not perfect. Not good guys or bad guys. And the rules of the land are unfair. And that’s why I say, we are pirates. Our rules are the rules, because I feel like following the “rules of our establishment” that we’re currently under doesn’t always benefit the people that it’s supposed to protect. And then, in that case, we are pirates. Our ideal is we are people, we go protecting each other. We are people and we’re gonna take care of each other. And that’s what needs to happen.
At your shows, you make sure to include everyone. Whatever their race is, whatever their sexuality is. Which I really appreciate because sometimes hip-hop can sometimes kind of feel alienating to certain people. Why do you make it a point to include everyone?
It’s for everybody that’s why, you know. I consider my shows an aggressive place, but I look around and see who’s finally getting to be aggressive. Yes, this is a place for you. This is why we are pirates, because we take care of anybody who feels like they haven’t been taken care of. One thing you’re gonna have is a safe space. And I can guarantee you that. It’s not a thing that I do on purpose. I just stand up for people who need to be stood up for.
So I am definitely looking forward to seeing you at Double Barrel. What about WKNC made you want to work with us?
It’s because WKNC plays me so much. If I go outside, it’d be times when I’m with my family, and I have to stop to sign autographs. It’d be times when I’m at a bar and a group of people walk in. I can’t really eat because of how many people I am engaging with. You know what I mean? And that comes from when I had 15 plays, but WKNC was playing me. And y’all care about what the music is about, like, even you. I get these interviews where so many people are like,” Oh, you lit Oh, you turnt up.” But you’re like, “Hey, that’s cool, you are lit, but like, what substance does your music have?” Yeah. I like that. WKNC has always cared about substance So yeah, now you’re the homies, that’s the easiest way to put it.
– Kevelle Wilson, WKNC Interview Content Creator
Learn more about Jooselord:

What is — or who is — sayurblaires? What statement would you give to best describe yourself and what you do?
Sayurblaires (as in say your prayers but my name is Blaire) was a solo project for the first year of the band. Once it became a band I quickly became unsure of what exactly it was so we decided it’s best to part ways with the name and come up with something more fitting for such a group project as we write new songs. But for a long time, it was a solo vessel, and I wrote all the music which I’m glad to not be doing ENTIRELY anymore, although I still write all our demos/lyrics.
Why did you start making music?
As just general emotional expression I suppose, I’ve never been able to play any instruments very well until the last year or so, so I produced and wrote music in DAW since I was around 13 years old to now.
When you make music, what goes through your head? What does your process look like?
I usually go into making music with an idea in mind or at least an angle/melody to approach from. I have thousands of notes and voice memos written down to alleviate the process when it comes to actually doing the thing, so I feel very at ease yet excited when working! Then once I get my baseline idea down at this point I’ll send it to the band and see what they are able to come up with revolving around the concepts!
What kind of things inspire/motivate you with your work?
General life, I suppose? I allow my music to kinda represent how I’m doing emotionally at all times and it’s what I think about most of the day. I also write about very personal things and use music as a diary even if I don’t release everything.
Where do you see this project going?
This is the second to last sayurblaires show ever. This project is dead. We are forming a new band under the name Motocrossed and will be recording our debut album “Motocrossed” and hopefully releasing our first single “Motocrossed” very soon. Our goal is to become rock ‘n roll legends and play MSG with Justin Bieber.
– J Hoerdemann, WKNC Blog Content Creator
Learn more about Sayurblaires:

Rachel Hirsh
Chapel Hill-based singer-songwriter. Still totally destroying it. – Jamie Lynn Gilbert, WKNC Adviser
Learn more about Rachel Hirsh:

NC electronic. – Jamie Lynn Gilbert, WKNC Adviser
Learn more about mxllghxst:
WKNC would like to thank our Double Barrel Benefit sponsors who donated cash, goods and services. We are truly fortunate to have received such a great response from our community. We couldn’t have done this without them. For sponsorship information, contact our Media Sales office.