
Week_THREE – About How I almost drowned and other Traveling Stories

Heya peeps! 🙂 

It’s Beccy, your one and only source into the exciting world of American College Life 😉 

In this fourth episode, I’m gonna give you some exclusive tips and recommendations about traveling North Carolina’s Outer Banks including Google Maps Links (see below). Enjoy 🙂 

Day 1 

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4 

And as always, feel free to DM me on Instagram on beccy_schdn or beccyontour_ for more traveling tips 🙂 


Week_TWO – About Packapalooza & Pros- & Cons of American College Life

Heya peeps! 🙂

It’s Beccy, your one and only source into the exciting world of American College life 😉 

In this third episode, I’m gonna be introducing you to “Packapalooza” – one of the biggest events here at NC-State. 

I’ll look deeper into some of the similarities & differences between Austrian & American universities. 

And of course I have two story-times in store for you – a pretty scary one and a funny one – but both taught me a lesson!

Feel free to DM me on Instagram, either on beccyontour_ or on beccy_schdn. 


David Cook

In this episode of Off the Record, Kevelle is interviewing David Cook. He is a rock singer/song-writer who is scheduled to perform at Packapalooza this year. He has recently released a new single titled TABOS. Kevelle ask him about his extensive music career, his new music and the changing music landscape.


Renee from LFG Fest

valkerie sits down with Renee, the mastermind behind LFG Fest, to discuss the ethos of the festival and how it can help connect the area with other DIY scenes


Week_ONE – About Orientation Week, Campus, Classes & More

Heya peeps! 🙂 

It’s Beccy, your one and only source into the exciting world of American College Life 😉

Get ready to learn about my first week at NC State, stay tuned to hear more about my classes, NC State Campus and its (amazing!!) facilities and as always be prepared for story-times & funny lines (and yes, I know that rhymes ;)) 

Feel free to DM me on Instagram, either on @beccyontour_ or on @beccy_schdn. 


Intro – Preparing for a Semester Abroad in the United States

Heya peeps! 🙂 

It’s Beccy, your one and only source into the exciting world of American College Life 😉 

In this first episode, I will introduce myself, the university I’ll be attending, North Carolina State University (NC State) and I’ll help you out with some tips and tricks on how to prepare for a semester at a university in the United States. 

Feel free to DM me on Instagram if you have any questions on @beccy_schdn or @beccyontour_


EOT 382- Raleigh United Mutual Aid Hub

Eye on the Triangle is joined by Esor from Raleigh United Mutual Aid Hub (RUMAH) to discuss their organization’s mission and new location in downtown Raleigh! Check out their linktree here.  Later, Ennis discusses various other NC happenings. 


On We’re Not Really Strangers

What’s been your happiest memory this past year? Listen to OnBlack as we discuss the lies behind truths, the titles we would give this chapter in our lives, a stranger/insignificant comment that changed our lives, and our rise to evil!



In this episode Off the Record, Kevelle is interviewing Waldemar. They are an indie band from Eau Claire Wisconsin which have been featured on CBS Saturday Morning. Waldemar has recently released their first album, Ruthless. Kevelle ask them about this new album, Gabe’s perspective on mental health within their music and within the greater music. Check them out by clicking this link.


The Shoaldiggers

In this episode of Off the Record, Kevelle is interviewing The Shoaldiggers. They are a swamp grass band with a one of a kind sound. They are a local 9-piece-band, which includes a musical saw, that plays all around the Triangle area. Kevelle ask them about their new album, and how they turn their explosive energy into great music. Check them out here, click this link.