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Category: Non-Music News
News and features on a variety of topics
Hey Everyone,
I know that I’m a bit behind in the Podcasts currently, but no worries, we will be completely up to date tonight. All of our great shows in past few weeks will be accessible through iTunes within 12 hours.
Thanks for bearing with me,
Deondre’ Jones
Public Affairs Assistant Director
EDIT: Might take a little bit longer, technical difficulties.
Last week our contributor Jay Tomblin interviewed a representative of the Young Americans for Liberty, a Libertarian group here at NC State. What you didn’t know was that Jay also interviewed some college Democrats and Republicans. Here to shed some light on the perspective of the two main parties is Taylor McLamb of the college Republicans, and Rashad Hamilton of the college Democrats.
Andrew profiles the last of the Third Party Candidates running for President.
Deondre’ Jones spoke with a member of the anti-drug group Narcanon, an international organization that operates in over forty countries, educating people about the dangers of drugs.
Tonight marks only the second time in this campaign season that the sitting president will face off against his Republican rival. There’s been much anticipation over the upcoming debate, being held at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York. The talking heads and the blogosphere have been abuzz since the strong performance Mitt Romney gave at the first debate on October 3rd. Romney received much praise for his performance, while Obama was criticized as having been lackluster, even apathetic toward a seemingly critical moment in the presidential campaign.
For Romney, the first debate was a crucial “make or break” moment for his presidential ambitions. For weeks beforehand (and especially after the Republican National Convention in early September) Romney struggled with one problem after another. The 47% comment; being outshined by a chair at the RNC; the criticism he received after the Libyan ambassador’s death. The Republican contender struggled to maintain his position in the polls, lagging behind Obama in many critical swing states; Conservative pundits felt almost dejected. Many were hoping for some miracle before Election Day.
Obama, meanwhile, continued to do well in the polls not so much because of his actions, but almost seemingly in spite of them. Romney was Obama’s biggest help in the national polls; he, too gave a lackluster performance at his own convention, having been largely outshined by Bill Clinton the previous evening. And yet he held a comfortable lead in the electorate, so there was no need to worry, right?
Then came October 3rd. The biggest reaction many people seemed to have toward that debate was surprise at how strongly Mitt Romney debated. It wasn’t so much that the President debated poorly; it was simply that it was obvious his contender was much more prepared and eager than the sitting President. But this little detail has made all the difference. In the two weeks since the debate, Mitt Romney has surged, breathing new life into his once dejected supporters. Obama supporters, meanwhile, are wondering just how this could have happened with only one debate. The vice-presidential debate has been largely declared a tie, and has made seemingly little difference.
There are two more debates before the election; two more chances for Mr. Romney to continue his momentum and two more chances for Mr. Obama to turn around a campaign that has begun to lost some of its momentum. If there is one thing political observers and voters alike have learned, it is that as far as the voters are concerned, the race is far from over.
-Jake Langlois
On this week’s Eye on Triangle, we bring you stories from across NC State, as our contributor Jay speaks with students from the Democratic and Republican Parties. In addition, Lucia returns with another Eye on the Arts. Deondre’ spoke with a representative of one of the largest anti-drug organizations in the world. In addition, Gene has some new wacky science facts for us! Tune in at 7, it’s going to be a great show!
Insect Minute – Medical Insects
Our resident entomology expert Heather Campbell brings us another Insect Minute. This week’s topic: medical insects.
If you would like to find out more about medical insects visit the museum’s website at where you also find information about our museum and read our blog where we talk about interesting stuff going on in the world of entomology.
Young Americans for Liberty is a student organization here on campus that represents those of the Libertarian persuasion. A representative of the organization was gracious enough to sit down with Jay recently, to discuss some of what Young Americans for Liberty are all about.
Andrew profiles the Green Party candidate, Jill Stein.
Jasmine went to a seminar all about… well, let’s say one of the more intimate aspects of someone’s life, something that affects or will affect each and every one of us at some point in our lives.
Jam-packed Eye on the Triangle!
Hey Everyone,
Our show if filled to the brim with content for you all. Of course, we are bringing updates on the election, with an interview with Young Americans for Liberty. Third Party Candidates have increasing importance in this year’s election, so we’ve got more coverage on them as well. Also, we have a story dealing with women’s Orgasms and a bit of Weird Science. All that, plus Eye on the Arts and Holidays of the Week. It’s gonna be a great show tonight.
EOT104 Early Voting 10/2/12
Anyone who receives the campus crime alert emails is no doubt used to seeing the emails in their inbox. However, in the past several weeks, the emails have detailed more serious crimes than our campus is used to. Deondre’ has more.
Tomorrow marks the first of three presidential debates between contenders Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. With just over a month to go, the candidates are in the home stretch to make themselves heard. Here’s Jake with what we can expect over the next month in terms of early voting and the presidential election.
Barack Obama versus Mitt Romney… in our polarized two party system, third party candidates are rarely get the attention that they might deserve. Andrew thought it might be interested to take focus on these overlooked candidates, in the first of a multi part series exploring the third party candidates running in this election.
Eye on Triangle Tonight!
Hey Everyone,
So tonight, we’ve got cool stories for everyone to enjoy. Campus Crime has been recurring lately, so we’ve got some tips on how to stay safe. Next, a story on the upcoming Presidential Debate, and a very interesting piece on Third Party Candidates. As usual, we are also bringing Soundbytes from the Pack, Holidays of the Week and Community Calender.