Oak City Move 1
Introducing a new podcast from WKNC highlighting people doing positive things in Raleigh. In this episode, Phian talked to Carolina Conexiones and NC State’s Cypher, and covered IntraHealth’s 2016 Switchpoint.
News and features on a variety of topics
Oak City Move 1
Introducing a new podcast from WKNC highlighting people doing positive things in Raleigh. In this episode, Phian talked to Carolina Conexiones and NC State’s Cypher, and covered IntraHealth’s 2016 Switchpoint.
Listen to this important conversation about the recent incidents on NC State University’s campus in the wake of the 2016 election. Nubian Message Editor in Chief Stephanie Tate offers us some advice on how to have the difficult conversations that are necessary in our current political climate.
“You start by having conversations that propel us forward.”
LW7 Halloween Hike on Hillsborough Street
What are your plans for Halloween? Will you be getting spooky? To maximize safety, and spookiness, listen to this informative podcast all about Halloween. Attorney Michael Avery offers his information on how to stay safe while having fun during the Halloween Hike on Hillsborough Street.
Gen Ed 3: Racism and Microaggressions at NC State
“Don’t call yourself an inclusive campus when you have students of color telling you ‘I don’t feel safe on this campus.’ To love NC State requires that you want NC State to do better as a university.”
Listen to an important episode of Gen Ed, featuring Stephanie Tate, Editor In Chief of Nubian Message, and Charles Morse, underground hip hop music director at WKNC. Brought to you by the podcast department of 88.1 WKNC FM HD-1 Raleigh.
Gen Ed 2: Intersectionality at NC State
Listen to this informative podcast about intersectionality and microaggressions, explained to us by the very wise assistant director of the NC State GLBT Center, Preston Keith.
Happy Diversity Education Week 2016 to North Carolina State University. Make sure you take advantage of this week and help educate yourself outside of the classroom. 🙂 For more information, check out the calendar of events.
Gen Ed 1: NC State Transportation Episode
Are you a new student at North Carolina State University? Looking for all the ~*~inside info~*~ on life here in the Triangle?
Listen to this informational podcast on parking and transportation at NC State, as well as what it’s like to be a DJ for WKNC!
On Oct. 9, 1966, WKNC switched
from an AM to FM radio station. Fifty years later, the station had upgraded to
an HD radio signal.
“We chose October 9 to flip the switch because it’s symbolic as our
50th anniversary as an FM station,” Jamie Lynn Gilbert, associate
director of NC State Student Media said. “We’ve grown enormously in the past
fifty years and chose that date to highlight the transformation of the station
from a carrier current station built in someone’s dorm in Watauga Hall to a
25,000 Watt operation which, in terms of wattage and coverage pattern is one of
the top ten largest student-run radio stations in the nation.”
Will Patnaud, chief engineer at Capitol
Broadcasting in Raleigh, performed the operations necessary for WKNC to
broadcast in HD. The station can now be picked up on HD radios, which means the
sound quality will improve as well. WKNC’s broadcasting will now sound like “CD
quality,” instead of “radio quality” to listeners with HD radios.
“The benefits of broadcasting in
HD are the overall sound quality improvement and the fact that we will eventually
be able to multi-cast,” Emily Ehling, general manager of WKNC said. “Only about
a dozen or so college radio stations broadcast in HD, which makes us even
cooler since we’re ahead of the curve!”
WKNC began the process of
upgrading to HD in 2008, but the project was stalled due to budget constraints.
When the need for a new transmitter became evident, Gilbert knew it was time to
upgrade to HD radio
Listeners will still be able to
hear WKNC 88.1 on their FM radios and will eventually be able to hear WKNC’s
HD-2 sub-channel on HD radios and online.
WKNC 88.1 FM HD-1 is 25,000-watt
student-run non-commercial radio from North Carolina State University featuring
indie rock, electronic, metal and underground hip-hop. WKNC’s programming also
includes podcasts and a public affairs program, “Eye on the Triangle.”
LW5 Landlord and Tenant Rights
Do you worry about the day when you’ll move out of university housing and have to rent your own home by yourself?? Do you even know what a sublease is??
The newest episode of Legal Werk is all about landlord and tenant rights, common problems experienced when renting an apartment, and information on the different types of leases.
Listen to this informative podcast all about common housing issues, and landlord/tenant rights!
Did you know that 1 in 5 women will be stalked annually?
For more information on personal protective orders (also known as restraining orders) listen to this informative podcast with an interview by attorney Michael Avery, and a special anonymous guest.
Interested in protesting? Click HERE for the Raleigh code of ordinance regarding picketing and protesting, as mentioned in episode 2 of Legal Werk.