Oak City Move 30: El Pueblo
Sara and Jenaye sit down with El Pueblo, a group advocating for social justice and the empowerment of the Latinx community.
News and features on a variety of topics
Oak City Move 30: El Pueblo
Sara and Jenaye sit down with El Pueblo, a group advocating for social justice and the empowerment of the Latinx community.
Oak City Move 29: Oaks and Spokes
Sara and Jenaye talk to Oaks and Spokes, an organization that supports the growing cycling community in Raleigh.
Oak City Move 28: Saving Space Showcase
Sara and Jenaye speak to Saving Space Showcase, a music initiative that highlights minority artists and benefits charities. This episode also features an interview with NC State Student Body President Jackie Gonzalez and Vice President Mia Connell.
Oak City Move 27: Muslim Women For
Sara and Jenaye speak to Muslim Women For, a local advocacy group.
Oak City Move 32: Diaspoura
Sara interviews Diaspoura, an incredible artist exploring social issues over soothing experimental instrumentals! Be sure to buy your tickets to Double Barrel Benefit 15 so you can catch Diaspoura live on Night 1: https://wknc.org/dbb15
Pack is Life 17:12/06/17-12/13/17
John and Benjamin wrap up fall sports with their last show of the semester!
Pack is Life 16: 11/29/17-12/06/17
John and Benjamin deliver the latest in Wolfpack and North Carolina sports despite being in the throws of dreaded finals week!
Pack is Life 15: 11/15/17-11/29/17
John and Benjamin recap good ol’ American Thanksgiving football and of course the latest in Wolfpack sports post break!
Pack is Life 14: 11/08/17-11/15/17
John and Benjamin review the latest and greatest in Wolfpack sports and professional basketball before Thanksgiving Break!
Pack is Life 13: 11/01/17-11/08/17
John and Benjamin discuss basketball season, wrestling, and much more!