Concert Preview Local Music

5/14 Local Beer Local Band Night – Sorry About Dresden, Dirty LittleHeaters, and Le Weekend

Old school local rockers Sorry About Dresden will be headlining our weekly event Local Beer Local Band Night at Tir Na Nog, thursday at 10!  Playing alongside are the Dirty Litte Heaters and Le Weekend.   It’s FREEEEE to get in and Tir Na Nog has some mouthwatering local brews on tap.  Come out and support your community!

Check out this video of Sorry About Dresden playing live for the DotMatrix Project in Greensboro!

And here’s a video of the Dirty Little Heaters playing live back in ‘06. This girl know how to rock!!!

Concert Preview

Artsplosure this weekend

Artsplosure, the Raleigh arts festival, celebrates thirty years this Saturday and Sunday with a little help from 88.1. WKNC is the media sponsor of the North Carolina Stage, which will feature music by Annuals’ alter-ego Sunfold and Mel Minton & the Wicked Mojos, winner of Artsplosure’s Be That Band contest.  Mel and his band will be opening for Saturday’s festival headliner Buckwheat Zydeco. Big Bad Vodoo Daddy will close things out on Sunday. WKNC favorites Lonnie Walker will also grace the main stage for a Saturday 6 p.m. performance.

The complete schedule, along with everything else Artsplosure has to offer, is at

Concert Preview Local Music

5/7 Local Beer Local Band Night – Embarrassing Fruits with Prabir andthe Substitutes

Embarrassing Fruits and Prabir and The Substitutes will be rocking out at WKNC’s and Tir Na Nog’s Local Beer Local Band Night this Thursday night (5/7).  It is FREEEEEE to get in, and Tir Na Nog has local brew specials.  Mmm I can’t wait for some Aviator in my belly! Tir Na Nog is located at 218 S. Blount Street in Downtown Raleigh!

Come out and support your community!

Concert Preview Local Music

4/23 Local Beer Local Band Night – The Proclivities and Becca Stevens

The Proclivities and Becca Stevens will be playing at our weekly event, Local Beer Local Band Night, at Tir Na Nog this Thursday 4/23.  It’s free to get in and Tir Na Nog has local brew specials. Come out and support your community!  See ya there!

Also, the Proclivities will be in the WKNC studio on Thursday for the 5 o’clock shadow!  DJ Spaceman Spiff and DJ May Day will be talking to the band and showcasing some of their tunes!  Tune in at 5pm.

Concert Preview

Earth Day Concert This Friday (Students Only!)

As finals rapidly approach, and “Dead Week” proves to be much more lively with work, students are in need of some R&R before hitting the books. Luckily, Earth Day seems to offer some salvation. Starting at 6pm on this Friday (April 24th), Annuals, Lonnie Walker, and Cougar Magnum will be rocking Lee Field (located behind Sullivan and Lee residence halls) to raise awareness for Earth Day.

Doors open at 5 p.m. and the show is scheduled to last until 11 p.m. This event is only open to N.C. State students and their guests (one guest per student and guests must have a valid student ID). While you wait for the show to start, be sure to check out the WKNC table which will be showcasing awesome merch such as Double Barrel Benefit 6 shirts, WKNC logoed shirts, koozies, and buttons.

For more information about Earth Day, check out the Web site. Also be sure to stop by the Energy Fair which will take place on NC State’s Brickyard- Wednesday April 22nd. More than 60 vendors will be taking part in NC State’s 2009 Earth Day which will feature the EcoCAR Challenge and the FREEDM Center’s hybrid car.

Concert Preview Local Music

4/16 Local Beer Local Band Night – The Magic Babies and The Huguenots

The Magic Babies and The Huguenots will be playing at WKNC’s and Tir Na Nog’s Local Beer Local Band Night this Thursday night at Tir Na Nog.  It’s free!  See you there!

Concert Preview Local Music

4/9 LOCAL BEER LOCAL BAND – The Magpies and On Photon

On Photon and The Magpies will be playing at Local Beer Local Band Night at Tir Na Nog this Thursday, April 9.   For those that don’t know, Local Beer Local Band Night is WKNC’s and Tir Na Nog’s weekly event showcasing the best local bands with local beer specials!  So come out and support your community!!  You can write off the money you spend on beer on your taxes!  Oh yeah, it’s FREE to get in!

Tune in on Wednesday at 1pm as DJ Chuck will be interviewing On Photon!

Concert Preview Local Music

4/2 Local Beer Local Band – North Elementary and I Was Totally Destroying It

I Was Totally Destroying It and North Elementary will be rocking out at Local Beer Local Band Night this Thursday, April 2nd!  HELL YEA!

In case you don’t know, Local Beer Local Band is WKNC weekly event, every Thursday night 10pm, at Tir Na Nog, 218 South Blount Street in Raleigh.

Oh yeah, and did I mention that it’s FREE? Delicious local brew and the best local bands. What could be better to do on a Thursday night!?

See you out there!

Concert Preview Local Music

3/19 Local Beer Local Band – Luego with Jeff Crawford

Local indie rock band Luego and folk rock singer-songwriter Jeff Crawford will be playing at Local Beer Local Band this Thursday, March 19. For those who don’t know, Local Beer Local Band is WKNC’s and Tir Na Nog’s weekly fun night. Each Thursday night, at 10pm, we showcase great local bands and drink the best local brews. Mmm.. my mouth is salivating just thinking about some Foothills Rainbow Trout right now!! Tir Na Nog is located at 218 South Blount St., and it’s FREEEEEE to get in!

Definitely one of the bests things to do in Raleigh on a Thursday night, especially since it’s free.

Check out the ReverbNation player below for some Luego tracks!


Concert Preview

Munni Begum in Concert

A concert of renowned ghazal vocalist Munni Begum will be held on Friday February 13th 2009 at 8:00 PM at the FedEx Global Education Center at UNC Chapel Hill.  For more information, contact Manzoor Cheema at (919)-412-7008.  This concert is co-sponsored by Geet Bazaar and WKNC-Raleigh.