Removal of Content

WKNC 88.1 FM HD-1/HD-2 adopts the content removal policy of our sister publication Technician.

As a policy, content will not be removed from the WKNC website. When requests to remove content are made they will be referred to the general manager to make a final decision. Extenuating circumstances in which a general manager may consider removing content include, but are not limited to: when a person’s safety could be negatively impacted by their explicit or implied identification in an article or photo, such as witness protection, undercover law enforcement or interpersonal violence situations, or if the basic premise of an article is both false and damaging. The general manager will not remove accurate content simply because someone deems it damaging to their reputation and job prospects. If content is removed, the article asset should not be deleted, but have the body copy removed and replaced with a brief explanation, as to preserve the original URL.